... CRIMINAL LA Tr. In the course of the last session of Parliament, Lord Brorrtana presented the report of the Coaltrrissiorners ap- pointed to examine into the Criminal Law, and to that io. port was appended a code upon tlre single subject cf theft. His Lordship ?? a sort of promise io introduce ?? code to the legislative consideration of the House in ti(! course of the next session. We hope ...

Heaumaris Quarter Sessions, Jan. 6, 1835

... Seaumaris quarter _essios, Ganu. 6, 1835. 'Tiese Sessions were opened with thle usoal formnalites by Jolts\V WiLLA.11os, Esq. Clailil nino thle Rev. lilessi's. If JOlNE l od 1). G-. WV ILL5IAMS jury :-Rlltliill lioherlii,fleii'Y firretoo, Grithdil Jones, .Jllies Rolhlw'ts. Uwen Jones, Wililillin Jones, John Jones, Lewis H h(Clies, Henry Evans, John Lloyd, Owen Richards, John Jones. John ...


... CASTLE or EXETER.-FIUDAY. .'EaoriiJ. Caralrike ETq., Chanirmano H. L.. Toll, J. Milferd, A. tawsy, ' . J.. S.iTitm u, J. H. Ley, Esqr., nad [tev. H. Stratiriwaes, Jiiti icesi. Riding- and Driving without Reins.-Notwitllstanding the rtany fiocas inipovedi ZhI4 practile 19 nill cositiniued, ned on tihl day NVtlmn :( nrqnt,1 a, ,'geoiler ito thie *erviee of Mtr. William Case, tif Uploii ?? ...


... LA4W NOTICES.-Tils DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Graves v Hicks, appeal, part ?? v Palmer, rehearing- Aogell v Westcombe, appeal-RavenshaV v Hollier, ?? v Graham, ditto. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER, Sittings at ten. Pittv Bonner, fifth ?? v Taylor, by ?? v Hudson, cause, by ?? v Ward, ?? v Roberts, petition, by ?? v Spronle-Dittoy Price, two pleas- Hatfield v ...


... -On Monday morning the Don coach left the Tontine, Sheffield, at its usual time (five o'clock), and although the horses proceeded at full speed, yet a thief, with extraordinary dexterity, contrived to attach himself to the hinder part of the coach, when he managed to unlock the door of-the boot, and abstract therefrom five parcels. The robbery was not discovered ?? the coach reached Rotherham, ...


... MUIRCMT COURT O0 JUSTICIARY. OLASGOW, JANUARtY 7. Tre Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened here yes. terdav forenoon by the Rliteh Hon. the Lord Justice- Clerk and Lord Gillies. Cosuno lones, Esq. officiated as Depute-Advocate. Jaivpsr Sceoullc,- and Georqe Jenkins, old offenders, pleaded Guilty of six deferent ncts of theft, by tmeans of housebreaking. Sentenced each to seven years' ...


... QUEEN-SQUARE. Catvir.'ry ro ANIMAlS-.Juames Kirby,', a dlraynman in tlhe ?? of A1Iessrs. Joseph CarteC Wood, Hsq., and Co., porter and ale brewers, Artillery-place, Strutton- ground, e'cstmiriil ster, was charged ivith cruelly beating a fine tlray-liorse, the property of his eolple) Lrs, hir. Frederiek Wood stated, that oss Satiurday eight last, aoutst seven o'clock, he heiard one of the ...


... On Noonday a case-came to be tried before the City SeniRh;ett Court, which bas excited considerable inte. eest. t ttequires no comment. The eresiding Jsticese Were Balije Donaldson and Mr Smellie. Mr JAR Macphorsop, journeyman baeer, pur- sued Mr Robertson, baker, Lawn market, for the sun o f LI ls.Ad. --beingwages for two %weeks, and board wages for one oelc.eelm having, contrary to the rules ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-FsuDAY. WHVrrrAleE. V. LEACH. This was an appeal from the Court below, against a decision on exceptions taken to the Master's report. The question arose out of the construction to be put on the will of a lady named Slade, who had devised certain free- hold avd copyhold lands, situate at Bampton Abbots, in the county of Oxford, to Richard Whittaker, for life, and then to his ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET. SrNGUL..A CAs..-A VOLung- man of very repulsive ap- pear-abe, having lis hair fastened in a knot, with a comb in the same manner as a woiman's, wet yestortloy brought before Mr. Conant on the followiag charge:- The previous afternoon he had been seen to decoy a lit- tle child into a house in Church. street, in which he occu- pied a garret, and information of the ...


... -1f-ANlT- EPIPH 2ANY SESSIONS. s trc Tfie Epphann Sessions for this County corn- are muenced atte atle of Winchester, onl Tuesday IIast, Ba ,and adjturned from thence to thle Grand Jury Room.- an, In consequence of' the absence of 11. Pollen, Esq. the tot du ties of Chairman were Pterfbrmed by Sir Thomas M11r Biaring, Bait.-The fifllowving Magistrates wvere also present ?? Sloane Stanley, Esqj ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENTC.E. MANSION-HOUSE. WOI.ESALtE COI.NING.-On Saturday, Samntel Shannon, a butcher, wvhto resides at No. 33 IPetticoat-lane, was brought before the LolD MAYOR under the following cir- cumstanees': Mr. Wityear, the superintendent of Police in the City of London, stated that hc had received information that a good deal of counterfeit coin was secreted in Petticoat.lame. lie in ...