... IIVSOLV W1I i D3TOnSB COURT. (1n XVtlle.Sd4Ly hlnt, Courts liur the Relet' of' Is-olvent i)vlisnn; (ortilld(j it, thel ?? tj of'i ?? and Newcastlu were hi lld I h Tllallla Hartoll o oweil, 1'Sl , Co rnlnissiollur, nhen thle foliiloving prisolcts received jufgillent: N ract i t I t.AO 0. ;,-A ?? '1'titThl'hll, of tedpath, tlear flltnulistle; John Carr, oft Loinoing Hoiusc, tlar Ilexhim,, finer; ...


... LA4W NOTICES.-Tils DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Graves v Hicks, appeal, part ?? v Palmer, rehearing- Aogell v Westcombe, appeal-RavenshaV v Hollier, ?? v Graham, ditto. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER, Sittings at ten. Pittv Bonner, fifth ?? v Taylor, by ?? v Hudson, cause, by ?? v Ward, ?? v Roberts, petition, by ?? v Spronle-Dittoy Price, two pleas- Hatfield v ...


... SHERIFFS' CO UT.-WrIDNESDAY. [Before Air. Sergeant ARABIN.] IURINElt V. GMEMDLEY. In this case, which excited considerable interest, the plaintiifl, a lad 19 years of age, sought the sum of 71 17s. fron his employer, an attorney, as a recompense, at the rate of 7s. EL Week, for his services. aMr. MANSELL stated that the plaintirt was con Odentially employed by the defendant, as appeared from ...


... QUEEN-SQI' ARE. On Thursday evening, Ar. W5illiamn Heywood. a re 6pectable corn-chandler residing in King-street, Ham. mersmith, appeared to answerthe complaint of Mr. John l'ayne, a neighbour, for maliciously shootingat his pigeons and killing two of them. It appeared from the esidence that a Mr. King, another neighbour, had long viewed with envy the pigeons of Mr. Payne, in consequence of ...


... LAW NOTICES.-T.u's DAr. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-lNN. Sittingsat ttenf. In re Dyneley, lunatic petition by ?? Chambers, In the natter of Chamber-, bankrupt petition' part ?? v t1kelts, motion for ?? v Walton, motion for judgment. CounRT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half.pnit nine, ?? Comi j~mta.RItlitchlcock v Seguerrs-Moore V Hart-Scrivenler v VorleY and another I-wnororevbSobirohe ...


... C ORO.NER:,' INQl SI-I' S. STIEAM-Botlf Arrtm:ts-\ titit r (l Yesterday evening al inqtcst %,as held, by adjournment, at theo Town of Ranesgate publiv-dolle, \\ Vpping Old Stairs, before ilr. Baker, (coronel, on the bod y of LuLar olesserer, a German tailor, aged *24 years, who was drowned by the swell of tile steamers, uopsettie g a boat in which lie was comling to London from Git r'l titll, ...


... ACTS OF T'HJE SESSION-No. II. IMPRESSIEN'T-MERCHANT SEAMEN. ch Ths. impressment of seamen is so revolting to all the 11 et ~ig of our nature, that every man of any I be- he 'v 'tern. 'le onina qrillstiorr ts isih respect to iihich ttrre rat canl be any diffieulty is, whsether, irs any ernergirscy de. lie ?? a sudden rind immense supyof scamr)e, threy ge ran be obtairred without having ...


... EXTRAORDINVARY MIIURDER IN PARIS. -4-- COti (OF ASSIZIES. The most ?? trial that faill occnpied this t 40 art 5ince th at of La Iionciire, commence aI %esterday, ?? of. tracted a vnmt eoncourse of personv to the Atldielle!C-ball, ald llanly reolli nod withiout, disaippointed at not beiiag abilc to oilt ala admisiiioti. 'I'ble prikoners arraigned v ero Lacenai re, Aviil, and Firantoois; the ...


... LAIF IINT'ELLIGENCE. -4 C'OURT OP CHlANCERY.-.S'TUR DA~Y. FBefore thco Lords ('otnnis~iorc'r5, Sit .r 1 and Sir Sir L Sit int i t t '0 sitting ofthle ('ourt, oka i porlultity to advvit Ito a quecstion erel itti ag to plersonii Confi ned in tile Fleet Illison for ('oliteilpt, which vsa~ nentioned to hiet IT]th I'l lceC-(hilitci'loil'F; ('OlirL sit ?? it. Ott thatt oieia',lst it qeetinca to have ...


... POLI CE] INTELLI GEA'CE. B3OW-STR ErT. (IpN ?? ( ,I'iS its FAi -I VVF IEact ?? Ifs oidingI an Id'lt I% ictit oft ]Ii(ti tpianleC, sitis yesterday brought sip Ii, fur Mr .7lr kit l, cliarged wsitli obtaining '200 quills troitt Ah v. ?? Tkny a tioill-itercharit, of N o.5, Shoe-lane, It ;I p~mlw tti' t it ?? prisioner neet to t le shop of the prose. to Icv -igit I y All. Ijixiuti, of tl~e firm of ...


... EXTRAORDLIVARY MURDER ON TILE HJIGH! SEAS. Irillom s'ii iI.5tOlt, STASNDAIII.] We Iloie been it ioured bv .Messrs. Illet o it and Co., of Liverpool, vitih thle folio partieulars of a murider Comnmittedl om Ioard omle of their ships while pjursuing ier votage C oftilh coast of Java:- c. tilie uj(iersiacild i;1ster, ofliCers, and Crew of thc b1aqitie liossendale, do declire, that on Monday, ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the intended dispatch of business. The Court paper Pontained no fewer than fourteen notices of motions, and twelve notices of reports; T( and it Is to be regretted that not the slightest advance was made in the business of the Corporation, owing to an Lt W EXTRAORDINARY SCENE OF CONFUSION, tol The LORD MAYOR, after the minutes of the last TI Court had been read ...