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South West, England


Exeter, Devon, England

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... CASTLE o ?? F-IDA. Eofir .7. S. Pitimin, and J. Carshliet, Thqra., futicew. Win, Sattovictya, a oy of lid years old, son of a retailer of fruit, rt.idiinf At Went .'lvii', lde,, waon ltirtoed wirh robhltlig thle garden of Ayr. Simout 1ot, ;IIt fn, ?? tilar parh ?? Friday lti'l10th innt.;., o AItr. TI 1. llrok~l4, tetdiog for W.r llre. A bail (cnatre it. this CaSe Wiri, Its;c Ar.71tirriao, ...


... .DEVQ-N ASS IZ ES. Wr,1)iqESDAY._jMr. ]taon, Gurney having flutished, ?? prius, ?? to try prisoiters5 ?? t r. bus kbura desired to ra hi Lrdhip's attention to an afifdavit; he hfeld,.- from George Avery, 25, who can read, which italed that lie htad I.Ily boon conmmitted for trial ont the preceding Monuday, charged with Ihaving, onl tile nighit of the 4th of April, 1834, near a cottage, in ...


... CASTLE or EXETER.-FIUDAY. .'EaoriiJ. Caralrike ETq., Chanirmano H. L.. Toll, J. Milferd, A. tawsy, ' . J.. S.iTitm u, J. H. Ley, Esqr., nad [tev. H. Stratiriwaes, Jiiti icesi. Riding- and Driving without Reins.-Notwitllstanding the rtany fiocas inipovedi ZhI4 practile 19 nill cositiniued, ned on tihl day NVtlmn :( nrqnt,1 a, ,'geoiler ito thie *erviee of Mtr. William Case, tif Uploii ?? ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGENCE;M C RniM Cob: '-Attbt' Shrewbbbry A'ssizes; a mereer and drdp ?? dti'rh'ed'- WI ' 'ecrdeovered' a verdict wiih r£500. ?? 'agti'asit ~Dr: iebster; a physician, both partids residiho at'SlfreWsui; fo't: the seduction oftplaintiff's wife by ?? hliad 'availed himself of' his' privilege as the inedibal'attelidant'of 6V'e' ?? effect the ruin of his victim. It ;iearAd that' stich ...

COURT OF KING'S BENCH, November 17th

... 'cOUwr OF KING'S BENCH, November 17tN. ?? V GREENHIiLL. Mr. Scrgeant Wilde applied at the rising of the Court for a rmle to show cause why au order of Mr. Justice Patteson, made in 'lis case, -should not bo set aside; and why Mrs. Greenhill shoid.ldnt6i be allowed to come Il to show cause against a rilc for an attaclhmcnlt which had been obtained against her. This rule for an attachnjent had ...


... CONSISTORY QIOURT.- FItD.Y. TRSVANNION P. TarvAN:ioN.-Tlis was a question oni tile admission of an allegation responsive to a libel ?? in by Mir. John Charles B. Trevannion, charging adultery agaitist Cha rlotte rrevanaion, his wife; and praying a separation. The allegatioll on thie part of Alrs. Trevannion denied the charge, and set forth acts of adultery as committed by the husband, in ...


... J LAW 3 INTELLIGENCE. KING's BEETC7H;MONo'AY:.fThe K~ing ?? the Chatrch. wriardens of 5Stoh'e.L'aierel;2 TbO ;Solicitor' C~eherfll ap~plied f'ir a mdndladius;'to be dirdcted' t'o fe'defeadanits'calliilgoni. thita to' shaw cadtied why tlhey shkotid'uiot ffnis tbe'parsonfof! thatpltace witlit'd-t' a I b1Joks,:fdtbbthire' . df'liirthi, htipbirm's g' andbinas;u'rdet tbd provisiwis of the.i' ?? ...


... D)EV'ON 4 D EI 'L.X 'FER AS:3iZ 23. SnritAY S~ tamid.v' tact. S iin'iel TreOiiitvk K~ke.Yiaii, Eqqr., ?? Nt t i Lto' i.ttentleni by a larace boiiy it )'CO'imiiy atlI Ii 'taii~tsii* Wivi t-niik thiis mnetod of fo imth trei earn tate o f rhe'. Ml~ern Crci' t e 'ar. B-i tfiro Gtmei y san Mr. Juistiice 2lr itt, h1,at Iaitria', nut' 'ilte-id1 th, 7ite ,beLut 6 ., Clocka oc.A iii tile, Ir.,r to ari ...


... DEN ON ASSIZES. ICsoatinuael frona stir ?? C R WNV.\ 1 A n. WEDNESDAY_.AS~ 'pairt ot' onr itnpressioii only ]Inst week Contained a list of the Griiied J ut-v, we ro-itoct It- Mr. Baron Gurtrey.took li's seat ait ilie Crown Bii r, when ,53 Magistrates answered to their, itotos. aiontog whom wvere thle Right H9on. Lord P6ltimore, Lord Viscount B3orniigdon, and thle llight Hin. alld Rev. Lord ...


... CORN~WALrL LAMIA ASIES At the Assizes for this ~ counity, the follotviug prliouneras were plareil at the bar:- LA It. Nicholls, 541, charged wvith stealng a mare, the property- of Jhn Cock. T1he animatl in question weea is, custody ot Stephien lleaiallirk, pouindlkeeper at St. A ustle, and meeting tfi~ pri noier At a pubh ia.lic-ha se, lie tol d ?? of I he ci re unstaflnt e,* Whetn th~e ...


... COURT OF COMMON. PLEAS,-Jus4E25. CRIM. CON.-BxrtCse. Nz~ALE.-Th~is waenstohletai brought t6 by tie phialrtiff, the Her. Mr. Birch,'Rector ot Hackney, ricer Lfindrir. argainstithe defendiirttthe Rev. blr.~ Neale, for crontainl eoivrili'a~ition with ?? wile. Fro n ai early hour the Corart was crowded ito excess, and the rase excited thep greastest inte rest. Mr. Thesisiger, Is staring theecnfe ...


... - z . . . - ?? f Confsuesd from ouer dh Page.) SATIURDAY.-This morning Air. Baron Gurney again entered the Court at 9 o'clock, when WiIliain Jones was placed at the bar, anid Mr. Gully, the Governor of the Exeter City Gaol, identifying him as a matt who bad been convicted (as stated in yesterday's report,) and transported 7 s,-the Jiudge sentenced him to be transported for life. Tbe prisoner ...