... MENCII OF MAGISrRAIES. T7uURSrA.Y, APnRL 9.-Present- Sir I). ScoTT, Bart.,. Captain FuLLEa, R.N., and W. SEYIOtUs, Esq. William Mifer, charged about two years since by Mr' Schofield, Beer-house keeper, with having (in company with two other men, viho were then imprisoned for offence,) committed a violent assault in hiS house, was this day brought up on a warrant. l%1r. Schofield having ...


... Thursday, March 12.-Present-Sir D. ScOTT, Bart., and WV. SBYNItlUit, Fsq. Frederick Denman and Thomas Pairsons were charged with having a quantity of turnip greens in their possession, under sus- picious circumstances. Cousens, the police-officer, deposed that on Tuesday morning last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, lie sawv the prisoners in Trafalgar. street, with the greens in two sacks (whi ch the ...


... YORKSHIRE SUIMMER ASSIZES NISI PRIUS COURT, THURSD)AY, JULY 23. HIARG11AYE it. tiILNES..-NIir. CnESSIVELLs and Mrl.13ArNESe ap.- Pearred for the plaintiff~; and MTr. AL ErX AN Den, Mr. iI II LV. I!D, and Mr. II-iaLi. for the L defendant. Mrl. Bl AINES opened the plleadings, wvhiclr set forth that the defendlarrt, being the teniant of the plaintiff, ale takeen away fr-om the garden a great ...


... -UILLL t - W Ittllt -iJL l.Utw--us* UL ?? clty. fnllrn.wnr ri ir, tlurla- rttpu'R uwinc, c On the followin- dav the Quarter Sessions for tlhc ?? Were holden l)cforC William Henry Ashurst, aq. Ch6air- man, tle Right Hon. the Rarl of Jcrsey, the Right HEon. Lord Chlrchill, Lord Norreys, tle llon- and Rmeo F. BIrtie, the lon. F. G. Spenccr, Joscph 'Warner Henley, Esq the Vice Chancellor of the ...


... WAKEFI1lELD WEl T-lRIDING 't o0! T£0S9 Sessios commenced o01 lednesday, beomre tie Re. TAr tor 1 tirroDNs, of ilorsforth tall, Clhirmana, rod ?? frPewic:- ,tn oeich of \lajitrLoire :-.Ireph Scott, E-q. of Bassworth ; Wir. BIarntow, E.q. of 'akoefleird Johna Egrenorn, ErE. of 'aic~fieldS Jr;':ll IL:tl e. Iot i E-. of Toor Iltror T. Davison Blarnd, EI;q. of l~i pax: V. L. Y. scotr. 'nt of ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF MURDER, BY POIS;ON. | OlICToJ Assiwn 7h'm ?? of Mary ?? Ann l .nda A1, fio thc Wilful Jifrderr ( Clarf ?? on tlie 26t1, of October, ,Iii3, 'Y .ldininisiertluiflp Poison.- i i The trial of this person, for the awful crime 'inputed to in her, tomiened at nine o'clock ol Friday morning, th before Sir C. \, cthertLl, Recorder of Bristol. Counsel ho i1r the Crown, Mlessrs. ...

ROLLS' COURT, Thursday, Jan. 29

... ROLLS' COURT, Thursday, Jan. 29, TEISVELYAtI V CHAIITEit. Mr Pemberton, in opening this case, stated that the bill was ?? partly for the purpose of baving certain documents and title.deeds delivered up by the defendant, but chiefly for the purpose of setting aside a purchase obtained by the father of the defendant, who was the steward oftthe late Sir John Tre- velyan, on the ground of fraud. ...


... MIDLAND CIRCU1T, WARWICK, MARCH 28. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Chief Justtice Til.iAL and a Comnmon tory.] ELECTION ASSAULT. DAVIS V. BADGl.t. 'This was an action brouight to recover dainages for an assault. The defendant pleaded that he was not guilty. Mr. BALGUY and Mr. WHITE conducted the case for the plaintiii'; and Mr. Serjeant GOULsI§uN and Mr. Hutm- Fnt:Y appeared on behalf of the ...


... ?? ? ? I I e 4 . . ..&O - Dii ' ?? ' I VICE.CiHANCELLORISO COURITWESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Davls'v Gregory; ?? Bales; ditto-PeIrcC Teed, ?? v Mloody; ditto-jopes v Pear-e ?? v, Joh;- son; ?? v Diirtin; ?? iEeilwards; ?? v Fletcher; c4emurrer-PhiPPS v Willianis, exceptlo;;& -Carr v Townshend-MLvre v ?? v Freeman; further ?? v snriflertonf ?? v Crnwley-Paine v Falidor - further ?? C ke ?? ...


... :-LAW NOPIClS-Ti1s DAY. COUnRT OF HANIPtt'TCY, BASINGIIALL-STREET. Before.Mr. CommimSloner VVllIi.lAlA .-3ohin Thompson, late of West Harrdi gmatreat, booikbinder, at ten; ?? - John ia Pope, of Woodthireet, (he10apeide, carpet warehouse. alan, at tiaeen; ?? ip h, of Houadid-9itch, and Wl cl.street, Qripplegate, carrier alad leathr osellerat twelve; adjoilrned exvanination. Before. 1r. ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-MONDAY. Samuel Bumfred Homer, described as an attorney, was opposed on his application to be discharged by Mr. Wakelcy ( ho was specially retained), on the part of Messrs. Robertson, wine merchants, of Villiers-street, Strand. Ie was supported by Mr. Cooke (with whom was Mr. Woodroffe). The aggregate amount of debts owing by the insol. vent was stated at 69,9551,, of ...


... IM ANS IOUN.HOU IE. The ?? of ,Bishops~alo i' arisi (Complained against a milaiary pelntioner etid his is fe, who are, together with tfieir two children, dcl)Penslnt, upon paroichial bounty. The descriptios given of thle hu,,band andi wife caused no small dle'grep (if tllrinitv. 'Vhe penlaotivr bad for -some time been vinder obligatlolts to the 1 arish, 'and althoughi brought up to the trade ...