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... THIS bill, in its operation through the country, being now the most interesting and important amongst all the questions of a revolutionary and ruinous character which are agitating this country, we think the present a fit opportunity to make an' extract from a work on this subject, now in the press, and which will be ready for pub- lication by the 1. of July. This extract is I of matter ...


... POLICE' INTELLIGENCE. MANSION-HOUSE. ForoEnv.-On Saturday a young meagre-looking pock- marked man, named Ortarias Smith, wvas brought before Alderman Lainson (who sat for the Lord Mayor), in tih custody of Daniel Forrester, the officer, charged with having committed alt extensive forgery upon the banking house of Alessrs. Stone, Martin, and Stone. Mr. Bush, the solicitor to thle Committee of ...


... POLICE IN'JELL1GEA'CE. eatorde MANSlON-liOl S] Y'esterday 0 jOj'tflO5 .s10iitl, the persoll who was chnrged with havinc committed a forgery upon the houe of _Mlesrs. Stone, 31atin, anl Stone, fir 4'400, i.waS ?? before ISi- Chiapinan Mtarlersli, wiet sat for the LorrlI Mayor, ani coaninitted for trial to) NewgO te. Ile diii not lipp's ir to h, alt all noved by the (tilager or diigrace. It ...


... CE N TRAL CTII-L RSAVI I~efore Mr. Baro-n BoLLA' and Mrt. Justice Coteatire.] It P?,qce! ClaAk, 66, was indicted for a rape upon Murs, Pat- I ten, aged only eight years. tI omsino 'Ihe eviden'ce of the child went to Prove th )fhti~~lofae the more seriouls offece, -and was in sone degree corroloae by thle testimony o f her mother. didwhex in(te i~rJ esi, asurgeon, was then cledt woeaitntti ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF PROFLIGACY.- A curinus exposure has taken place this week of a systematic attempt to obtain victims for seduction, by means of advertising for accomplished females to superintend the education of young ladies. Mr Davies; the keeper of a twopencny post-office in Maddox street, has published a statement in the daily prints, from which the following facts are taken :-On ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-MoNDAy. [Before the Lords Commissioners Sir C. C. Prieya and Sir J. Bl. J]SoA,lQVWO.] AVDRrWS V. WYATTOtO. Dir. Androws repeated, for the fourth time, his motion to be dis- chargoed from an order of attachbtont, by whiich he woo committed to the Fleet Prison for noo-payment Of costs of the dissuisnol Of hi, bill. The grounds ?? hlo motion were variosts irreu Isrle in tuie ?? ...


... LAW ?? DAY. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S.INN. SItllngs at te. Griffith v Jay, to be spoke ?? v ]Imse, ?? Fox, by ?? v West, three petitlons, by ?? v Velteh, cause and petitinn4'by ?? v Holland, cause, by or ?? v Taylor-The Same v D'Egville, exceptions, further directions, and petition, by ?? urnt v Jensopp, part ?? v Barshaw, ?? sv ?? Same v TheSame-ltobertsv Wrighit-Porter v ?? v ...


... LAW ITO2YCES.-This DAY. ROLLS' COURT. CHANCERY-LANE. Sittings at ten. Limne v lavnharn. part h ead-WOikCC vTillot, partl beard. ?? Mcmsto er will also take ~0eon t canes and petitiott; after which, Lrahamc v Strosicnorec ?? V Chariton, ?? s Camnpbell, ?? v Stenid, ditto-HeslopV v ll'kham, ditto- Hail v Rickdet, ditto° C'OURiT OF KING'S BENCILI Sittings at hblf-past nine. liDlDLESX SPrCIAL ...


... MARLBORO U Gi- STREb I'T. FXTRAonDlNAR CiA RnFti or As AULT-Sir Robert Gill ,om, onl Saturday before IMr. Dyer in the character of corplainant itr. : clarre of assault aganist Air. Harbhutle, stay-maker, Ilarliiigron- Arcade. Au the same wsarrant otte of the beadles appointtedi to prescre decency andi good order in the Arcade wa, Included ; liii, Ott ing t't some presumed mistake, he did not ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCEB COURT OF' KING'S BENCW'-AVtlV)DNjDA TIIE KiNln 1. - Itt(t-itIy. lr.AVIAAreT.EV moved that the rule in this cese shol5 d be enlarged. This was arule for a crnilmial information against the proprietor St The Fenlmouth Poerkot, for an alleged libel Upon a mugltnrite of Pell ryn for lls ctnduict during the relent eleclioll for that borough Ilhe lesneiel Coiniut foliflude Is' ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tiiis Dai . ROLLS' COURT. After short Carises-Remraining petitione. COURT OF KINGi'S PENCH. Sit at te'mrminister at hotlf-pat nine. CoN11rxi Juraixs.-Phillips v Seybold-The ling, Eia mlitim if-, -Whatley v Pepper and ?? v Perry-Bodleld anl no other v Pasniore, a ?? King v Faroter-Svvhrinitri, Druke-Bowyer v Wakefield-Leils v Aldridge-llead v t gil COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Sit at ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH._SATtURDAY. There were no sittings in this court, the records in the cases appointed for trial having bceit withdrawn. COURT OF COMMON PIEA5.-S&TURDAY. [Sittings at Nisi Priu9, before Sir NT YDOA., Chief Justice, and a Special Jury.] pesesrLt, II. WOODDOURNE. This swas an action brought by the plaintiff against the defendants for the recovery of a sum of £50, the ...