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... LAW NOTICES.-TniS DAY. ROLLS' COURT, CElANCERY-LANE. Sittlsl¶a at tel. Loure Y Dlachin-Jepison v- irennand; ?? v Mitchlell-O'Neili r Iv ?? v Dtay-Bakevell v Charitoin- Dighiton v Esvart-Revell v Ruce-Corry v Crosby-WfitiamsvWure -Lestoutrgeon v .Iartin-Leach v Linars-Hemitng v Overton. COURT OF COMi710N PLEAS. Sittinp ait half past nine. MIDDLESEX SiSEciAL JUtRts.-Pirnell V Woodburn-RQbins' v ...


... LAW NOTICES.-I'Plis ?? COURT OF CfHAN(Eity, M ESTMINSTEt. ?? at ?? the L Cint M'sC ?? °ttOead-d v teaie, mootiilo for jud1lelilent ?? v Hienn: or 4AtO-0 1reNn N o i, cupic i elititll, by ord ctli re hlutcher, 2 dint - iortiinerv 1Vtst by ?? v Atrolbus, cause, by order. M1tOt bv date, 1835.-Feb. 2i, tiilurnl v Lyster, part he: eb. 2, Perils Ferris; Feb. 21, Ditto v Foley; Maccttl ac. '101 v ...


... LAW INTEL LIGENCB. ROLLS' COURT.-FntAYv. f lis Honour the Master of the Rolls to-day proceeded with his cause petition paper. c T1IELLV'SON ?? WOODFORD. Mr. PESiBsnTON appeared for the petitioner in this case, s Lord Rvendleshain, who prayed that he might be at liberty to pay into Court the sunm of £5,500, the amount of certain rents with which he was charged under en Act of Parliament. By an ...


... XURDE It OF THE REV. MR. DAwsole.-A dreadful occurrence took place about five o'clock on yesterday evening (June 2d), at Ballinacraig, within about nine miles to the west of the city. The Rev. Mr. Dawson, brother-in-law of Mountiford Westropp, Esq., of Melon, has been for some time previous endeavouring to get up possession of their holdings from several of his tenants in that neighbonrhood, ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHlANCERY.-SATRD'nAY. [Before the Loids Commnissioners Sir C. ?? l'crc'i and Sir I1. S. BtSANQt'tT.j This ivtis an application oan the partroflMrs. Nhilhelt Isl tatli' off hi', file at hill tiled Isy Air. Bnckhardt against the executosrs of ilt,. tire Captain Nisbett. Mr. Itachhardt clainled to lie a crediitor lpon 11,. testator's estate. Tule Allister rejected his ...


... SHERIF'FS COURT:-rHtURSDAY. B13efore J1. l3ue iikisz, Esq., Senior Under Sheriff.] i ODINC, AND IITiOAMI)liOOD 1. CCRITIUiDE. Thir was all action brought to recover the sum of £16 odd, for goods vold and delivered. 'I ne plaintifis ale the eminent ale brewers, and the defend- ant a formier. In 183t3 the ale and some beer were supplied to the defendant: the ale charged at 489. and the beer at ...


... I LLaW NOT1C.ES.-TflS DAl'. COURT OF CRAINCERY, ESTMI't l3~fore the L~ Sittings at Barrington it re Barrington, part eard-- ar v ilshr dt tor- der--(reene v Tiowle, appeal- i itsire, dit- Bowen v Marris, ditto and ?? v % Morrssonl dttO mtd petition. ROLLS' COURT, AV'i.MTll' )STER. Sittings at tetl. Brucev (ltirltooa, ?? v Iolliltot- gers' Cotttpanv-- -Maund v Turner--Attoriey-(Jeneral v ...


... LA I EL ICGEN'CE. I COURT OF KINfl'S BENCHI.-SAT1RDaAY. r Sittings before LOLA Dj1NMAN and a Comninon Jltry.] 'Mr. Pr.Arr (With whom was M1r. NVIGlHTMiAN) statedi that this was art action of trovcr brought to recovur a N\ewfound- ,and dog, which wlaq P toreat favoutite of thle plaintiff, and which was lost itt. thle following uainner: -ii the month of April then plaintiff, who was~ a ...


... ?? ?? I COU RT OIF CHAM ANERY..-SAT.'vu AY. Th'l 12 efore thle MASTiA1i of the lto],,S~ aol Mr JuSt ito BOSAN. 1ong zto III]r, sittitig as ?? tointrissiotirrs.] hoorr E:\ yPAIIfI: litxiiN. 00 Ir Nir. \X'atcIr;I tippliid it tder tit! :,JcIutd 4thI of Wi]liarn Th21 ?? fora iotrider directing, the re-paoofltit Ouit ?? tile bru~1t Suitors' Fuldol f a anal of, Severno poeaiiit atid a fractionl, ...


... POLICE IMlELLIGENCE. MANSION-HOUSE. Teun CENTRAL. CRtIVIVAL Cour.T-On Saturday tihe Lord Mayor said that complaints had been made to him relative to the manner ill which the New Criminal Courts' Bill was carried into effect, niod he thought he cold not select a more appropriate place than the Jlstice-room to attewer the objections In, the public being so deeply concerned in the question. The ...


... LA JV INTEL LIG IgX( E. r VlIC it-HANCELIL t;S (COVIZT _T lL iri.NAtIII ?? 51X lt.! IS Ills Ho~ratcr griantel atl injunotri r .. ?? ,leiil(daat froun pulblid ing tigithogrihlii Iri: I her sonr, and Lady Goiwer arid hi- ihlsdiz , Mlr. K};N rrilc liT i 6)r :)1 ?? . ; . ., feridrans, mrigaogeos If llliriih Sps,, property inoie lot, (sI idrlirsed tsrtI i , .s . i alleged swolrl be urore prejdirifi ...


... REFLECTIONS ON THE CASE OF T. WILLIANS, NOW UNDER SENTENE O -EA'ted THomsS WILLIAMS Was to have been exeCULV, on Tuesday last at the Debtor's Door in Nev rgate, t the violation of a liule girl, eight years of age'of 0h name of Margaret Pugh, in the ?? at Lisson Grove, about a month ago. die and thc recent Old Bailey Sessions, and foundb. ?? would have been hung on Tuesday ?? o'clock, had it ...