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... LA TV INOELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-TnURSDAY. Mr. Basil isentagise was this morning cailed to take his satt wtthln the Da'r, as one, ?? reutisel. IS'XIAP'A55 C t1AN11191155t\ IN' u CAARSl~RS. Mr. TsistFca, us thet sou] or the petltiontie, continued his argument in this case, and rarsile ded at great length that Mr. Chambers had inot acrgitisced in tie ?? Ini such at manner us to estop his ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COI'RTI.-iT'i'sn yr. Mr. K'.tcnii moved upon notice for an injunction, to wehil hie understood no objection at present would be marde. A1 lady of property hadl thought proper to settle upon ?? intuilt children ot a reapectable professional gentlenran it unim of £E53 000 stock. Out of delicacy at second professional g('ileL- man Was employed for thle purposc ...


... LAW NOJCo'. S. ;-Ts 4y,. VICi;.CiSA lt.OR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Ellis r Ellis, to be spoke ?? Bentley. petition hbyorder- Price v Kenser, ?? Marsdeii, In re Fox, ditto-dii llt0li v Johnson, fu'rther directions by ?? A tie- ;a - ttd__ ~hartonl v l)urhnin, furthler dlirectionZ liv otel-.Wfrhled vcdreig- toA, demuarrer by ?? Bead part ?? J yoere ?? v Talbot, fok-ther ?? v ...


... CE-NTRAL CRIMINALCOURT. .I Naomi Poore, aged 65, was indicted for having maliciously and feloniously used a certain instrument, with intent to procure the miscarriage of Mary Ann Preedy.-A second and third count charged her with administering certain mixtures and medicines for the same ?? Ann Preedy, aged 17, was called and examined by Mr Talbot. She stated that she lived with her parents at ...


... LA JV INTEL LIG IgX( E. r VlIC it-HANCELIL t;S (COVIZT _T lL iri.NAtIII ?? 51X lt.! IS Ills Ho~ratcr griantel atl injunotri r .. ?? ,leiil(daat froun pulblid ing tigithogrihlii Iri: I her sonr, and Lady Goiwer arid hi- ihlsdiz , Mlr. K};N rrilc liT i 6)r :)1 ?? . ; . ., feridrans, mrigaogeos If llliriih Sps,, property inoie lot, (sI idrlirsed tsrtI i , .s . i alleged swolrl be urore prejdirifi ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF PROFLIGACY.- A curinus exposure has taken place this week of a systematic attempt to obtain victims for seduction, by means of advertising for accomplished females to superintend the education of young ladies. Mr Davies; the keeper of a twopencny post-office in Maddox street, has published a statement in the daily prints, from which the following facts are taken :-On ...


... pQlIFE INrlLLGKKAPE. nan GUIDDHALL. fv Thomas Mfablay, William Slough, and Robert Hind, thelie stewards of the P~aragon Friendly Society, held at the Coach- of maker's Arms, Noble-street, attended before Sir Peter Laurie Slop and Mr. Aldermon Lainson, to sni~wer the complaint of on George Wood, a member of tile said society, for unjustly ex- boa cluding him from the benefits thereof. the Mr.H ...


... CBNTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT. (Before Mr. Justice PAtss and Mr. Baron Gursrsy.] Yesterday Jarnes Nanning, 28, was indicted for feloniously uttering a forged order for the delivery of goods, well know- ing the same to be forged, with intent to defraud Messrs. Bedwell and Co. It appeared that on the evening of the 20th of May the prisoner went to the shop of the prosecutors, who are whole- ...


... MANSION HOUSE. On Saturday a young man, namied Octaisi~S SzaitA, was brought before Alderman Lanmson, in the custody of Daniel Forrester, the officer, charged with having conmmitted an extensive forgery upon the bankink-house of Messirs, Stone, Mlartin, and Stone..-The evidence proved the charge fully. The'sunm was 4001. In consequence of some important. matters being romised to be brought ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. HOUSE OF LORDS: APPEALS.-M0NDAY. Their Lordships sat at ten o'clock to hear Sir W. Follett In reply, on the case of Swan, Cnrruthers, Peel, and Martin, against the Go- vernor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (wehich was argued at some length on Wednesday last). Sir W. Follett, on the part of the appellants, revieed the arguments adduced on the last occusion by the ...


... POLICE INT'ELLIG!ENCE. I BOW-STREET. ALLFer House S1FNT..Tiihfl Arlndel and Benjumin Swao, the latter a horse-dealer residing in the neithbourhood of Spitalfields, and the former a * coper in Smithfield-mar. oet, Were vesterdlay placed at the bar before Mr. -lails, charged on suspicion of feloniously receiving a horse, the property of Mr. 11enry Strange, a horse-jobber at Houmnslow, shich had ...


... LA I' INTELLIGENCJE. COURT OF CHlANCETZY.VONIDAY'. In [Bofore the Lords Commissioners, SirIC' pfeeve SirL. SsssD- be VVELI , and AMr. Justice BfOSA'.QUkT.j e 1:NrARTE CHiM LIPS IN Pr5 CIIAV'E7115 bin The whole of the Commissioners of the G3reat Sea! sat this I nising, ?? ls~oonent, for the PUrpose Of finally ler diecidin th ogcnse qeto fte lidity of the ComInnSsio oftsktpc SUdin the year 1825 ...