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... icerY, vare. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-TuECSDAY. St. Mrl BA51iL MONTAG~U took Isis seat within the bar, having dird. been recently appointed a King's Counsel. ship ALUK'.TWAl. M~r. KNIsrm'r, with Air. Roy., moved for an attachment dly 6agains the defendant for not putting in his answer. Tihe de- fendan.t vias resident in Scotland. Under Lord Plunoket's 17 I Act he0 had bheen served with a ...


... LA ' .INTELLIGENCE. VlCE.(CHlANCELLOR'S COURT.-WVEDNESDAY. cou POLBIEROU MINES. c SETiASE'tti ?? (ARINE. v The Vicr-CiiANcEI.1 o11 this morning granted an injo Xl tion to restrain teefdatodhs agents from interfering I with these mines, and the moneys in the handsoat'the kanikeri, sor Messrs. Wlilliams, lDeacon, and Co. ;and to restrain the de- tl fendant from hindering the present Directory. ...


... POLICE INTEfLLI CENCE. AI ARLBO RO UG IIST IkE ET. ASAUett'LIT IAlIAiRDINARN.s Oil Saturday two persons,, tiamed Jainies Tke ter and R~obert .5ieet, fin thte ?? at' A1r. Little, a. ?? wine-mnerchant fin Princes-str'eet, Leicester-sqliari, ?? brought before M\r. Contint, charged by an individual named 'Thormas D owden, the husband. of a milnet and tiress-maker, No. 17, A Iheuarle-,treet, Picca- ...


... LAW INTELLIGNATCE. HOUSE OF LORDS-MNIONDAY. [Appeals before Lords BIROUGHIAMM iNnl0, and TINTURDENJ SIR WILLIAM hAILLIFI ASN DIIIEJIS V. TIHE EDINBURGi011 ii. iAS (COMPANY. This was the rehearing of a case of appeal from the Scot- tish Courts of Session that was argued a few weeks ago before their Lordships, bien anl arrangement was agreed on, which not proving katisfactory to the parties, an ...


... I 11 . . .. MARLBOROUGH STREET. The magistrates of this office were on Tuesday occupied in investigating the circumstances of a mysterious and most extensive robbery of jewellery, to the axmournt of 5000L., from the house of the Earl of Mexborough, Doverestreet, Piccadilly, and the property of that nobleman's lady. The nvestigation was strictly private, as it was feared that the purposes ...


... ACCIDENT TO LORD SUFFIELD.-On Tiesdavafternoon, as his lordship was riding down Constitution Hill, St James's Park, on his way to the House of Lords, his lordship's horse stumbled and fell, threw his lordship, and rolled over him. His lordship was picked up senseless, and bv the kindness of some ladies who were passing and benevolently gave up the use of' their carriage, was immediately ...


... MIDI)LESEX SESSJ ONS.-Tia Li SDvA. IThe Court sat at ten o clock, attil tr-il o eteapiCJ durinig thle ei lot'I part of tile day in hearing appeal east,. (;AM1ING-HO[0 SES. .1k Tholiti;,0ei anti (h'hat/i L ottdifet togi her wtillh others of ?? ititac' of' trae, II ioi ?? zlan Bryitqit, %%ho ?? not inl CUostod wsetrc ?? fot' icrping ?? c~iining-ltitue 1It No. ti0, Quiadrant, RlegeitA--ri it. ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TB18 DA). VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Clarke v. Clerke by order--'rhornlon v. Harris; ?? v 5Itwynisn; ?? v. Ferris ?? v. Taylor; par! Ileard-Broeklehurst v. Jessopp, ?? bome v. Bartham, plea- Pearue r. Hewrett; ?? v. Mlannling: ?? v. 3lana. l'ith the remaining;5 causes. &c. from yesterday. ROLLS' COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. Sittings at ten. Willianms v. Wace: part ?? v. ...


... LAMENTABLE S UICIDE OF CO UNT OBERG.| It is onr painful duty to record the death of (Count Obe rg Equerry to It e King oft I allover, who toermintentoI his existence on \eeilnessday mliortiing lby 5sthbliing ilf ith a ldaggor Frot circunistancees which liuve coite to ?? knowledge it uppearm that the dceceised lleft his lodgiigs in St. .ames's- street, oil Wednesday moroing at an early hour, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TmJs DAr. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. In re Pownarli, petitol^, by ?? General v Levrin, by ?? v Campbell, cause, by order-w\a;nea v Woodward, ?? v Aillnsoon, cause, by order- Hirn v Roberts, by ?? v Curd, ?? v Ja opp, part heard- Pearse T Hewitt, ?? v Northwood- s v Ditto- ?? P1let-Burt v Iogram further ?? v Lovell, exceptlons, two ets-hakea, Yates, ...


... iGUILDHALL. Henry Jackson, a private in the second battalion of the Fusilier Guards, was charged yesterday with committing an assault, and with attempting to draw his bayonet. Cullenler, the tonstahle who had charge of the piison- er, said the; vomiplhinant had neglected to 1tonll. Mlark Read, a constable, sahi he v as going ?? the Alinories about twelve o'clock on Sunday night, and hearing a ...


... POLICE INTELIJ GEACE. MANSION-HOUSE. A drunken hairdresser, named Watrrpool, was charged 1v vwith having paid a visit to ai tradesman without being wel- , come, and with having broken a window because he was j% not hospitably treated. X T'Ihe complainant, it appeared, resided in thu house in n which the defendant had formerly acted as principal assistant n to the former master, but there ...