... icerY, vare. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-TuECSDAY. St. Mrl BA51iL MONTAG~U took Isis seat within the bar, having dird. been recently appointed a King's Counsel. ship ALUK'.TWAl. M~r. KNIsrm'r, with Air. Roy., moved for an attachment dly 6agains the defendant for not putting in his answer. Tihe de- fendan.t vias resident in Scotland. Under Lord Plunoket's 17 I Act he0 had bheen served with a ...

Derbyshire Midsummer Sessions

... I Xevtboire gffbouintuteS~aion I tlY These Sessions commenced yesterday (Tuesday,) when ire the usual proceedings connected with the county expenditure I - &C. was gone through before PHILIP GELL, Esq. Ulhairman, I by and a Bench of Magistrates. al The first business entered upon was a motion in reference 'sto the County Rate, brought forwards by E. S. CH1ANDOSr of POLE, Esq.-Mr. Pole said, it ...


... POLICE INIELLIGEN'CE. G U ILD HALI., Ycsterday a, lerse aopplieil to be it stir to sat affidavit as age of his child, hi order to its tieing adfitted to the M1 Taillors' School. Mr. Aliermo,, C(ePt oI, refused to admirister the on though the vlielsof the School requ~ired this proof b 71ptianl e provintg little, a seine chiliren are tlristened sshen ?? e wel and others whel Three years ohl;, ...


... LA ' .INTELLIGENCE. VlCE.(CHlANCELLOR'S COURT.-WVEDNESDAY. cou POLBIEROU MINES. c SETiASE'tti ?? (ARINE. v The Vicr-CiiANcEI.1 o11 this morning granted an injo Xl tion to restrain teefdatodhs agents from interfering I with these mines, and the moneys in the handsoat'the kanikeri, sor Messrs. Wlilliams, lDeacon, and Co. ;and to restrain the de- tl fendant from hindering the present Directory. ...


... W. JrR-AaY aind Others, V. Mrs E. S. DALLAS Or Salursox, -This, case CAMC On for trial yesterday before Lord r Moncreiff and a Jury, ulpon the folawing issues e ' It bsiug admitted, that, on the 9th day of January a ISM4, an issue came on for trial before the Lord Jet;icL Clerk and a Jury, in which the present pursuers were pur- suers, and the, present defenders and others were de- ienders: t ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TB18 DA). VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Clarke v. Clerke by order--'rhornlon v. Harris; ?? v 5Itwynisn; ?? v. Ferris ?? v. Taylor; par! Ileard-Broeklehurst v. Jessopp, ?? bome v. Bartham, plea- Pearue r. Hewrett; ?? v. Mlannling: ?? v. 3lana. l'ith the remaining;5 causes. &c. from yesterday. ROLLS' COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. Sittings at ten. Willianms v. Wace: part ?? v. ...


... HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIAnY. On Monday Willia, Macpilivrray pleaded Guilty of forgery, and was sentenced to be transported for life. CASE or MURDER. The continued diet was then called against Robert Reid, tailor at Pathibead, accused of the murder of Elizabeth Arnott or Reid, his wife. The indictment set forth that he ' did on the l9th or 20th of September 1834, wick. edly and feloniously attack ...


... TILE OPPOSITION TO THlE POOR LA 11' AMENDMENT A C7T Soine days ago a man nameld M'illiam Salter applicl fir relief to Mr. Saunders, the reliesinir officer for the pa- rishi of Bucklersburv, in the Bradford Union, near Read- ing. The applicallt istattei that hle was seviety years of rage ; that lie hadl a 1 im and one childI dependent on hin? foi sippuort; that lie was ill and unable to work, ...


... TRIAL OF Al. DE LA RONCIERE. The facts which gave rise to this celebrated trial have been for some time known through the act of accusation, and have excited such interest in the Parisian world as to absorb every cther topic. Al. De la Eonciore, the accused, is the youngest son of the Count Clement De la Ronciere, and nephew of Count Clementde Ris Peer of France. I'he family of General Morel, ...


... BEVELEY BOROUGH SESSIONS. The S1ssions for the Town and Liberties of Beverley were held On Monday, at the Guild Hall, Beverley. In the course of the Sessions the following Magis- trates were on the Bei ;- Jorn Vincent Thompson, Esq. Recorder, J. B. Arden, Esq. Deputy Mayor, (in the absence of the Rev. W. R. Gilby, Mayor,) John Myers, J. B. Bainton, Cornelius Coliett, and John Williams. Esqrs. ...

Published: Friday 03 July 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2754 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... IWU SESSiONS. t The Midliummer Quarter 8sesions, for the town and X county of the town of Kingslon-ipon-Hjil, comrmeuced yesterday at the Guild-Hall. Richard Charles Hildyard, Esq. sat, in the absence of Mr. Cresswell, ard took the oatbs on his appoint- ment as Deputy Recorder. In tile course of the Sessions we observed the follow. Ig Magistrates present on the benrh :-Edw. Gibson, Esq. Mayor; ...

Published: Friday 03 July 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 795 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... EAST-flIDING QUARTER SESSIONS. ale] MONDAY, JUNE 29th. t in The General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for thb els, East-Riding of the County of York, commenced thi Sn Iday at the East-Riding Sessions-House. The magistrates kerl transacted private business in their own room till one lers o 'clock. There were no appeals. all: TUESDAY. The court was opened this morning at nine o'clock. D During ...

Published: Friday 03 July 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3685 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment