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... POLIC9. MARLDOno~loH~s~rREET.-Robert Smith and W~illiam- Davis, a couple of boys, 'in full professional costume of thc order Chummy, were brought before Alr. d Conant, charged with the Isigls crime and misdiemean- our of having a ttempted to carry off a portion of the 1' .e contents of Lord Derby's dlust-hole, the property of o ; thle dust contractor of that district. n 1 Please your ...


... (20U1), . jilt I~n derly gC'Iiiula'nai, siolttnnc-d Ml1 LsIfiI fofd01th Ic lot e ;Ii I ~I~o II I ?? I re for :i Sovereil''i ci i. e ilt ti1 viie it IC ald nto titi unite vi illi-ti', andI~J W to ti i ?? ttctni Iii'al*i. auik', V C alkd 1 illo ithi Iii.'tuIith'iiei five solerivgir'rt Fot' fear tof atuvidcii , I titj t wa 1l~ked atety wilth tue onotey, and itJ it~'~I of Home I put tile itoacy ...


... I COUXI' OF KING'S BENCII, SATUnDAY,JAN. 30.I TH rTHE KING V. ROBETSiis A rule bad been obtained on a former day calling i'upon William Roberts to show cause wvhy anl infor- it, motion in the nature of a quo was ronto should not be Ely filed against him calling upon him to show by what cliI authority hie claimed to be mayor of the horough of is Carnarvon. as Thie Attorney-General had to show ...

Carnarnon Quarter Sessions

... , Parnarnon Quarter Sessions. i §I l i as -1 s|.- . X O Thursday last the Easter General Session of the Y .'iaeae+or the county of Carnarion, was hulden in the .: coiurpt-~U , :Carnarvon, before Col. Sir L. P. Jones D a- ?? iy Phi 0. H. ?? chairman, Lord Ne *orough, R twar NaniaeyI, R. Gatnons, ]sq.. F. Walker Jones, in 1sq Rev. Jon Kyflin, Rev. Griffith Owen, and the I Jnve loho Jones. I- Iho ...


... COURX OF KING'S BENCH-MONDAY. ITBlE AIPPLEBY HALL AFFASIR.rl The K~ing v. the Proprieorsts of the Satirist News. se ic Paper.-'lle Attorney General was instructedto move, M Ison tie part of George Moore, Esq., a gentleman resid- pr id ing in Leicestershire, f~or a rule to show cause why a l to criminal information should not bc filed against the lis proprietors of the Satirs'it, nswspaper, ...


... K~t.'5lNGOK PETrTY SESStoss.-A SMIALL ALLOU' - ArNce.-Elis~li Watson and 'iThoro Hilays, file twro le mien who assisted the police in securing.1A1r. ~ir~I a-were charged with having been drunk tand disordprl1 ' is in the Broaidw~ay, Hammersnoith, on iaturdaty nigll. St~ Watson, in answer to the charge, ?? tnt ii, wll as drunk. Be had been to a cook's sh.p to inc,, This supper, and be had but a ...

Denbighshire, Easter General Session

... Ienb~ghshtro . Denbighshtre, Easter General Session. f an . 'hl'e General Easter Session of the Peace for the en D county of Denbigh was opened at tie County Hall, the i on 'Tuesday, the 5th inst. before Mr. Joim Hoaton, of' tfi , les Heaton, chairman; George rifflfth, Esq. Garn; pe Wilson:Jones, Hsq.; Al?.P ,; -Geirge Naylor, Esq., . i Plas'Clough; Capt. Clough, Min y Don; and Capt. te Wostyn ...


... CENIItI;A CDi1 NAL COURIT. I i r .i ..a Ale justice DECmN a ?? Mr. I justiee lioSANQULlit.) ~ Il t. ;i~ilit 01 Fulom tty,.Geolge Edivorsif 1CC 0~er ~-,I'.oirhiN (conflnitittd by ?? CjpItIIiI3, I11 ditced for felontiously fii, vo 115C owe,(r OF ltter nCV, for the transfer of C 5101- itI Iit jltlt to defratud tite Coveto if tu Ait1 of Englanld. . t \ii hiktii clrk If arraign, read tile ...


... I PAI'VC ULtAtS or IfE II ULI 1 It m1 fr. C.- TAIN .AS'D CREW (cluE C0lAN im 1'AIA. In His ?? ?? Ribtoliolre Ilios r rivdi ?? Bill- ii due1, 10111 Iu iaa, faing 11 onl bosnir the( Solo SULIV'1 o of I lie Crew' of tlh ?? ig Clio, The` MMI, Whose 11ame1 hi~ is Alexiander P'ano, yie 0 tile fi lowving melanchioly Statltelie:t Ind '1I sailed from Liverpool on the 7thi ?? lost. rr-in tili brig ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Carbarvonshire Assizes. The Commission of Assize for this county was opened at Carnarvon on Wednesday afternoon. mr. had Baron Gturney was received and escorted into the town her by the High Sheriff, Captain Parry, R. N., and the idy usual retinue of javelin men. For- On Thursday, after attending divine service in St. !ive ary's, where an appropriate sermon was given by in- the Sheriff's ...


... MULTULI IN PARVO. ?? rC-1111 -r1- b { Witr -He . _ ?? haring 7i., u riday's Gazette orders tetirt tooorniing lor 1' nt'it 1 late diajesty, ?? X, to coiltmence on the 18 .tha, z to change on the 25th, and to cease on the t8 ill. d At the ?? Police-oflice last wCeek, friends, Marquis of Waterlord was fined 5S. for being fout .sq. o by th police drunk in tile streets.-'I Fe oouth Vitn to son of ...


... Lsminsen SrnrILT.-JOaies RIyan, 24, was indicted aary, for stealing a live pig, value ts., the property of John f Cooper. y re- It appeared from the statement of the prosecutor, a per silmple-looking countryman, that he wvent to Black- pays heath fair to sell a drove of pigs, and that after some for time, some wags unfastened the pent in which they I the were confined, by which mcans they ...