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... !'VLJCL'Ei LL&L ?? [Ic itCcc-ccit-. b-0~ pi le 'cnc i ccciii ds, -c c2tierdiac vciccw-cI at t he Lci tic lut t lin cl . II is, V 'clin i !u;I cci. ?? I xea i i I, iI ?? fI o ti III Lcc Icc lccc. cc .1 dtI ce-; \\ rcigI, I,cc% LIT ?? t I~icc - Ic ?? IN0 ?? I 0, ci ti c1 1)C:1CLI, Icc-I citl a ?? N 0 ?? lDCO [IIIc I c- st,'ct, St. (c an--. c.1 occupjil-cl%%, iticic -c,c occ li ?? (cci-, willc ...


... MANS I ON- H1 1) SE. Yesterday two, young men, named ll'illianis and laylo, were brought up, charged with having committed a robbery. Mr. Snms, of No. 83, lishopsge su'oet stay-ainker, de- posed that he hail ha(i occain. to senlt a truss, containing eleven dozen pairs of stays, to Liverpool, on Fiiday last, and employed a paiish watchman, namned Southerell, who was in the haliti of watching ...


... DECLARATION OF CIRCASSIAN INDE PENDENCE, ADDRESSED to the COURTS nJ JEUROPE. [P-1sl0 TuE rORTFrOio.] The inhabitants of the Caucasus, instead of being subject to Elussia, are not even at peace with her, but have for many years been engaged in continual war. 'T'his war they have maintained single-handed. They have ieceived at no period encouragement or assistance from any Power. While the Porte ...


... LAWd INTELLI1fGENsE. COI RT OF CHAN CERY-S^AreoRAY. WA'\lSaON a. MaiRfiAY. ha thisrace the plaintiff is therepresentatix aof the executor of the partner of the defendant, they being owners of a vessel trading to thes East indies. and the (lefendantacting as corn- roander. The s.hip made four profitable voyaages, but during the last the defondant' pacteerelied, enid his b~rother becorming ...


... LAW 1ATELLIGJINCE. COUiRT OF CHANCEllY-SATURDAY. [Before the Lord; Camnmissioneis Sir C. PEon's and Sir J. .IIO5ANQVUI.]t TlO SerNNeIl11 COSIIANY V. TILE IRISH 6OCITTY. MIr. Xsniru seeing Alr. Lovattin Court, begged, before he resumed his arguiment, to ask for what companies he ap- ...


... HAT'TON -GA R D IEN. 30-ioPt Ael A.50.AG', ~- ) -ster-da Mr. Johsu Firncctt, i psiiting at tie-unj, l~oonocs, bruci stert this ofilce, which lIe( haid received from the tioteriusi Joseph Aildy. 'thle folloising ci cope- I It is the(- ?? riglit of erery liiit/ili stbject to enit- ploy his capital andi exertions in any manner tie may thmink pilsptir, ant coutrat y to (lie laos, of his couintry ...


... NWRTHlEIN, ecIILutlT-LANCAI-ITLn. MON>D.\. [130fte ?? J Ustice ('CO.I ?? iC.) oO, W . IAdIllAt 1. W tiIClIT. Ihtie ?? lor tF e deteedlit haming been concluded *.lsortly atl(l the ope ring of the court on ?? niornmig, Mt. (lt iLI.I 1)'jlrlieedelitoa l,lrcsctlhe juiy for the plitintifl. ?? ti eot.i . terocy ol tlu testator had btien ( ndodevoute(t to loe ?? tedl ?? ]L,;,Yrned, ( 'millsel for ...


... POLICE JNTE[,LlrENCE. MANSION-R(tol1SPlit Yesterday Phrrie.1dsrovn, a girl Ei,aat lIH years of age, was brough up foe hiol txantinotion upon the charge of having reeleoed and harhoured a feode chbild seven months old, the daughter ofa trades. 111,11 0f lethnal green ' ottoeti l'atworthy, knowing that the childt hail been otainiiied by Ifra ld frimoia little girl riajued Itiza Souter. The m- ...


... CROYDON PETTY SESSIONS.-JAN. 11. SINGULAR CASE. A young female of very prepossessing appearance, named Claras lilinson, was yesterday broughtbeforethe Bench, charged with steeling a watch, value six pounds, the pro-, perty of a farmer named Gutteridge; and a man named Jarns' Decker was charged with inciting her to commit the felony, and afierwards receiving the watch, knowing it to have been ...


... POLIC'( E.IXY ..IUI?JVCh. DOW .'TIUJ L: ?? Ye-tprd.',' ilttt't .r in itldlir, v, o imol-od ti ?? wit'h ICI:liig-e ie! ja-t tlili ini fit' lall~ t1 (;pIr-llily Owf jtivellierY anld olJ r * i- e In i-e tl p''rt e lI tp.oL 'rot (A ll '.A.rts I, it' ItJllzini'rIitrixiArle( -otoluie(4ta-!la up trtx '11 . l ati~: t a ltloupl Mlr. JI nttti:i, Toh iippe.tral for the p'nnrt' .liotI, aCdirt, ed S it 1: ...


... P1F:06MA 1 \E COU TI- 'It TLDAY. it [ IBelore SnI 11. 31\4 I0eI.] ?? 44'~ t ), 141 lII g~ti w liri) a ' ult to Spu N ?? I the Xi 4I1,11 4,fI he l4 itte Mr. Jamoes Wool, Of (ibid -Ier, pro)poonbdio g onl It1 god -elwiil to thet o'.ill. I i' ?? Ilailor died )i hl- 2Ilth of April, I 6 Sridll , pocs~st-ie of e ry co'i, rdt Table property, tile dl? -t ?? l :le ?? pi~ne, II ifl the alletionliif to ...


... INSOlVENT DEBTORIS' COUlJI I HDAI. [leforc Mr.r Conlnisnoli lae Bol IN.] This day the CourtrcIsrned i~s sitings, when ,9srah ?? *as opposecl by Sir, W\'OIlIGIaOim, on behalf of 10I . John Ashley, solicitor. Mr. Cooei, supported thle itisolvent, from whose examnma- tion itappeared theat her husband imet wvithl his death in August last, by being thrown out of a gig, since Nw lhich time she bal ...