... *EXPRENSA THE foreign news contained in the London Papers of SATunDAY evening, which arrived last night, is of nogene- ral importance; ani, therefore, withoutfurtherobservation, we proceed to iJy hefore our readers the following abstract of the Parliamentary proceedings of Friday:_ HOUSE OF LORDS.-FRIDAY, FE]]. 26. ORANGE LODGES. Lord WVINCHELSEA said that, in consequence of the reiolutiois ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3958 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I ~ ?? c ALLEGED TREACHERY OF GEN.CORDO Vil. TI e Flit hrivOserpi, eu1t I rl ?? '1 , The Flirt brig, Osprsq cutter, and Roya Tar steamer, have this week arrived from Saniander. Ihc (The o l left on thc 9th tilt. on which day Lord William l' :i marched to join the British legion at \ ittoria, with 59 lancers and 50 artillerymen, and two 12-poiudsl guns. The letters from Vittoria and Santaoder, ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 791 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... PARLiAAIENTARS INTELLIGENCI. .1 ~- - ?? OF COMMlllONSi FID Y Yeh ptito Ca talia PeCIIELL~ rose, pu . fl ta dteciio tof pentha eti 5rri~i~ii Chapiojiin, ?? a deewy of thsex Cinqune, rort'ii bfig,1rafes at ?? the oili Sse Corre- ~uoe6 Wli ?? be6cm tedo t ?? o Tiefacts of teaese, as the Hi-mo. a Gallatnt diodQ V~rbd them. were~shortiy tlrese ---Janre Chamrpion had rsddfrseverali years with 'hei ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2107 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... REFORM IN 'IHE CITY OF LONDON. We recommend our readers to peruse the subjoined extract from the Auorning Chronicle. 'T'here are no men we more heartily detest than chattering, shiam Reformers, a race that has thriven more in the city of London than in any other under heaven. The whole revenue of the city received in I833 was £659,733. whilst £076,122 viore expended. The cost of management was ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1494 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIAL PARLIAAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS-MONDAY. ECCLESIAS'lCAL. COl'RITS CONSt)oLiDAIOIN BILL. l'he Bishop of CARLISLE presented a petition fronu a purish in the county of Ciumberland, against the probate clause of the Ecclesiustical Courts Conaolidatiori Bill. Viscount SIRAN Fit[tD presented a similar petition from '1owcester. The petitioni were laid on the table. DlSSET:. E'I'.ll Lord DAC R., ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 34532 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: News 


... CO~R1'.U$3ONDEwCE. le To ( l E ditor ol the NorthI TIlles Charonile, tr Srn,-A laboured epistle has appeared in the Car- C h narvon paper of this day, for the elogant language of el a wvhichi the editor feels himinself obliged to apolojise ' to I- therefore, we mnst be jildulgent to this disinterested di Ship Ml1aster of' Liverpool, but like the ass in the e fable, acting thc lion, h( soon ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2578 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... BISON HUNTING IN TIHE EAST INDIES. B.SOtN t'UAM'1NU IN 'TifE EAST INDIES. We crossed the river in a canoe, and procceded int silence along its banks. 'bhe forest was in beautiful order for Stalking-hardly a leaf upon thie ground and the long rank grass, which grows to tilh heigilt of nile feet in the open glades where tle timiber hnd been cleared, was now burnt down. Showers of rain early in ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1469 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... Ed Ian co The Navy Estimates for the ycar 1836-37 amount i to t4,689,651, being £443,928 more than last year. ot 'ihe Lords of the Admiralty have chartered the at Aloffatt, for the conveyaace of 400 male convicts to Id Aew South Wales, and the Lord Lynedoch, to carry re out 330 male convicts to Van Diemen's Land. )a A Fi. nyu ?? .-A railway is being made on . the New Orleans and Nashville road ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 3065 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Latest Intelligence

... ilondon, ,Satuerda Ersvning, Feb. 27, 11136. 'IThe settlement ib the E]olish mnrket took placc 24th inst. but the tranlslictionsdlring account has been so very lim itled that it h as prod uced no more scisationi thlan al) i dinary day of businebs', the continuation *vas -t 5-16, since w^hich) thc Console hle advanced i per ?? thc l'oreig )uiaret the~ lais been a goodl deal oi' excitement to it ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 522 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PARLtMvk.ENTAm(Y SUMMARY. 1- 1- | I I It .. . . I.. ,_ . XV~1S, 1 -1 - -5t- 1' , -- l'U tLI . iII the lltoase of Lords on Priday, a conversaition t aok place lipull tle subject of t'hU reosalttikol of thc otilhe house, alid his Al iietly's ialiwer, rcspecctirig i (Iraige Judges ill licilald. e To torI o[ hi ii llleisaa tllrii: d ?? thcse Iirl:cl d- ings as diructed agailit i IIFi lt it-liab ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2344 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... e CLONN;L iL.C'IION.-O~n Saturlday the elec- tion for a representative for this borough to fill a the vacaricy caused by th!e demise of Dominick g Ronayne, IEsq., took piece. After the usual pre- liminaries on such occasions, Mr. Jeremiah Kiely proposed Nicholas ]3all, Esq., h. C., amid much clieering, as a fit and propet person to represent the b1or ig il: ia arliamentn The proposition was s ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: North Wales Chronicle
County: Caernarfonshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 3939 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I 'NW5A'RSTAr ssp.-A meeting took place qrn'fhursdayfsve, 'ing,p ?? to notice, for the pu rpose of petitioninr Parit.01ii W aolish the stamp duty clinewspapers. The meelingivas term pohe principally of mechaRlics,-- Mr. ]3ig, ?? 4v th Chair. Several pertinent observations were tmade by thetdif. ferent speakers, and various resolutions unanimously passed ~, prielsive of thle feelings of the ...

Published: Tuesday 01 March 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1863 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News