... LONDON, DECEMBER 11, 1836. The constitutional cause in the Peninsula has been brightened by the defeat of Gomez, The following is the account of the action furnished by the military commandant of the province of Xeres. Yesterday, the 26th of November, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the division under the command of Narvaez encountered the faction tinder the command of the rebel Gornez, ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1836
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1952 | Page: Page 9, 10 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... We invite the particular attention of our Readers to a valuable communication addressed to the Editor of the GUAKDIAN, by the Rev. W. D. CONYBEAKE, in which the celebrated Batteries of Mr Cross, of Somersetshire, are well described, and their eflect very clearly explained. ...


... I orreVon-cnr. To tle EDITORS of t=he MAlNCHESTFR TIMES. GRNTLP,,I;t1N -Having seen a report In several newspapers of role C eed tgs iil my case on the hearing of my petition ibelore ?? ReyodEqhsMjsysC~~m on the hearing or my case at Lancaster on the 95th anii 26th of July last, that I was opposed by Messrs. Charles nod Thomas Howard, cotton spinners and manufacturers, Hyde, Cheshire, and tbat ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1836
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1453 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I'RI VA TE COJRESPOA?DEACE. I RO'it 1)10 Ott N (ORiitSPONIILN r. N o , 'ti?ci to be al ii to io?, unit cert ,ijnli jilt j??tdOt, I ii iuttril the' teno. ii (inrerrinietit c?teritis (miii 'di iii. A'.iiiniilid ft.utii three 'cluck II p it cix. I nincti dli after 'iuilticteec, .j.ieti..tied li tlii ir tricti Ic. iii 'brett that ti? ii cli ut t Ii ii hen, thi \ iv iiilil ? 'n in the ( 'It ii ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1836
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4497 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I?RETENJ)I?1) TORY RF-A CTION IN lIE S?I S OMEISIjj T. To THc; E'wiTOR Osg TWe MORINING) CHIRONICLE.F SIN-Ill a replort containedl inl I ile St i d o l of thc rece nt ilinri r got tip at 1linta :r, by tin tw it ti e ( or.'eraatie- ol X\ est Sinnler ettn1id WlICII to as ;ll t :letc bv tew pcrsonis ot mitk, an lh l nv undo Imiolttrs of heel citlly, it i- ?? ii' CII evidence of Tory rec.ctbo ...

Published: Thursday 08 December 1836
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 739 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... ORDINATION' AT BENP~fP. On die 2d iistanit, tile lies. janies lVullertonr w;lS oi'dailh ii to tile pastoral charge of the Presbyterian Congregatioll (I lBerlibrb, by the Committee of the Synod of Ulster, unadr whose care the Congregation had been placed. 'I'e ecrviccs of tile day were conlilieneel ly the lRev. I'. Shuldo1i1 I lemy . of Armagh. lfe chose fur bis text the scerovrl and cighthl ...

Published: Friday 09 December 1836
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2667 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... CONLMSPONtDaNCIL. TkitE PooR LA W AMEIM;CNT AC CON;DUCT OF THE HEPRE1SEN* V'N3OV IPSWVIUH.: To the EdItor q h. lpavich .Journat. ra,-)our membe Aflive onde more come among us, od v ou hare'reperol nt length their speepbes to the pub. lie.; for which ,I fr-my part, thaik yoi b i-4ieving that the more we know of them, the less shall we wish for their ser- vices. They hut'e altemnpted. to explain ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1836
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 1172 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Domestic Intelligence

... Mofllcoticlt1telligelt __ tohlert I- C OUr- I)EATU (F rA ToRv PAPRa.-Died on Tuesday last, s, and The Lincoln Standard, tory newspaper, aged five weeks! as9g0W One of the effects of the new poor law has been to rc- huister (lice the number of apleals from 2,507 in 1834, to 1,085 miner. In 18. ?? comson council cif London have passed a resoln- tion to print in their proceedings all tbe names of ...

Published: Saturday 10 December 1836
Newspaper: Manchester Times
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3992 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... The ordinary ineeting was held on Monday evening, Sir John Blatrow, Bturt. I rcsident, in tie chair. A letter was real ftom Mr. l)avidson, dltedl tlalmiz NVedrioon, 2i Novena- ber, bi ng six veekl later tiarn tie last acconits, which Ileft hinm otl tbe eve of starlinxg for tile interior, part ()i his baggage h Iving precedeid iia. It 15lso stated tiat lie hadl lelt am pie instrI 0n rs to t[ie ...

Published: Wednesday 14 December 1836
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 604 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IRUkA-VWIs. THE GREAT SMI lFHLD TLui SiOw.-,On~ifrS- day the Judges, Mr. C Stokebs, Kingston Leictertslire; Mr.' Ebvard 'Frankli6, of Ascot, Oxon; and 'Mr Hirst, of l Lbagdon, were engaged in making the aswards djudged to the breeders and feeders of cattle and stock properly' qua. Iified; 'and' on Friday the tkirty-eighth: annu-i show of Prize Cattle-took place at Sadlers Repository, Goswell-. ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 612 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: News 


... ?? TI WN AT IPSWICH-POOE-LAWS. Osr'I~hswsy Messrs. Morrison- and Wason, pur- -cistittients at tlwe Shire-Hall. Mr. MORRISON: I am glad of. the opportun itywto 'meet the numerous friends whom I see assembled around me. When we were here in June last, a great part of the public-business remained to be completed in ?? of Commons. 'Alluding to the Poor- aw Amendment Act, Mr. Morrison said, there ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1244 | Page: Page 18, 19 | Tags: News 


... I PAXT,,h 6 WR~ADICALS IN TAR- ?? iN a~79,.YLAMB&TEI. i P nes AYINM9.4las;, ?? ef'4jaReformers; of -La*weth) was held in thetrga. ,9iy,~s,:oo of t~n~e Caitirhy.rmy Tavern, Marxhtgate' at ,eghi't co:l6o,.and uld:,p Ros~swas unanimously called to she l'ar.'.,T,1,ie,,pis;the; eveniagiwas to discuss this ,i5utn ?? ?? between Whigs and Rhdicals t~nq g~o~s ?? ,ns tp be contimued or discontinued? ...

Published: Sunday 11 December 1836
Newspaper: The Champion
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 425 | Page: Page 21 | Tags: News