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Advertisements & Notices

... -ASRDEEN TOWN AND COUNTY BANK. V' N1IE ANNUAL (TEN-ERAL ?? of thle PAIRTNERSt- of the AXIIERDIEN TOWN andi C417N- T tANK, will be held in thle llANuiNtO llss1t on bloday tot-d~i of Moaret near, at 2 o'clock allotneon01, when the s;'.~oeloi,, ttshe ?? year have to he elec-ted. JAs. WEfAISoerelary. Absersteen Town and County 1ILasik, ( Abeedesst,, 24th Jan. 15537. rAST11ONABLE P~flF1JB%~ES, A ND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D. IVYLLlr & SONS C IbC U LA T ING L I BRA ItY, 511, UN'ION- S-i-lREEr, AtIIEitIMAIZX ~ - ~LIBRtARY1 is eteitietVR supplil'd Wtith ilth 3& E'iW BOOKS unl thle difrorelt w-'W EWS atnd 0i1~ AZi N ES injimediately ,II puiblicationi. Terms. I -t lascsaro entitled to till the Now BooL', thi Pt3Ct-t eriodicals, Sxe. ) is? t7-e: ., 3 , Book~s in Tea'.~u 6i in (Country Yt £ 3. lot £1 Ith. :Quar-tet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO blASONS, ENDERS Wanted lbv the ATANAGERS of the T LUNATIC ASYLUIIM ABERDEEN, for BUILDING ENCLOSING lVALLS to the Property of Clerksoat. C Specifications to b seen at tle IOffice of Alr Storsox. Iittlo Belmont Street, and with MIr ITODGN, at tile Asylml w.ho w^ ill point out the Ground. R Tenders tobelodged with the Treasurer at the Infirmary, on or before Tuesday the 8th M3arch. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I THE GRAND DRESS BALL - aiI of the SUBSCRIPTION for the rELIEF of the DESTITUTION in the HIGH- 6 , ISLANDS rrill take place on the Even- .A NnrIDAY the 17th of IMARCH, in ahe AS- 1r;L O R y OO:US, GEORGE STREET, under the ?? 1 i,tieguished patronag:-_ PA TR o NESSES . 1 DUCHESSof BUCCLEUCH. \II,\ar etterIIARCPIIONESS ofLOTBIrAN. Tile 11011. the COUNTESS of CAITHNESS. Tlhe n 4oe. the COUNTESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS lAtILY ROOMS. -ou BUCIHER has the honour to an- F 310''>° ' the Notbilityanit Gentry of Edinburghb, r rzA CONCERT cill take plaee in tbt' ?? Room, on MONDAY EVENING, le 'Irte A-e '1l hkih occasion lie has engaged Mrs V. d 3P, ll being her First Appearance in Edin- e ogp-e Oat half-pa't Seven o'Clock. Concert to I IDol P htlf-past Eight. t :rcer0 ae Shillings each, to hte kai at all the Mu- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IE GRAND DRESS BALL // ?? of the SUBSCRIPTION for the RE,> a of tbe DESTITUTION in the HIGH- RL ISLANDS will take place on the Even- - IoD xat~Y the' I~th of MARC1I, in tile AS- ,joo~s, GEORGE STREET, under the f, hlluteL djgtiogceeobd p tatroniage.- t P.TR ONESSES. 1n DUCHESS of BIJCCL.UCH. [T'G'ele tice MA RCHIONESS of LOTHrIAN. I it 14orl. the COUNTESS rif CAITHNESS. l ke ! the COUIN TESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... III etsff to injtintlttp tint ilii PUPILS are io be I*EXAMINED oin Monday next, 10th hist., !II Melyilti, Tiesilet. Otus Mitillitg Vach, tonly Iti hald at the Sctuitisat , 19. Qiseon ic-ies-t. 'fle, ti~s'cctc to bie hanuded oveor to the Commtiittee for the r R it i of titte Llestituttl Ilighlatiders. NgEW INN MIOTEL COFFEE Roolyl. 5 7f011\ (-.iDAN'\T bvgts tot ettir-i hisgritttf'il 01i:stihts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILTAM BISSET, fi, CAST'.r BnnAE, liegw to W I lntim Fdresh A;ivals of- Cominon, CiClmoe, Spring elcil, Iand Eight-day C.E1:31AN Iu'rcIl'N CLOCl;S. 31 EU'] I.Nlt'' 1't:.C11.S, openl .idle.c Of equal quality to those ietptrted frirlaerlly, ACCfOltDIA N. l'latt2d Pearl-1eyed, and Chintese. M SIC IlOOiNS for the salile. GlerIo:ai oltell Pierced QOl'lE1N'S COMIBS-beoiutilft pat- ternts.' 'tiltllS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AB'?RHD!:N`l U.q1-nRF, V;ARS. Ri.OTIC;l' IS HEREtBl1Y ?? th:at til Sht lil 1 N Of til; 101illtV of .Abclre1 1h-. fixeed We kYESiiA\ l thl daI ofy tf tlarelil Ixt, li tf :ealol;k ?? witilin tfll aI r-i (l: if .t-iccll f,.l Strilitig tile ?? t'ltlt l: *t !Amaill tlitl iiiatl, tire grmttit of satii c(ilulty for Crojp aitd Vs~ir I il;. Ai.lEX. B ITIC! ,LL. S. c. ZJ. She rif' Clerk.'s flile, ...


... ED COUNTIES OL F ROSS AND CROMARTY. 1,1X/ Charlotte Square, Edinburgb, 6th March 1837. AVING been earnestly and repeatedly go- A ; red by many xof the Electors to declare my_ lidite to Represent you in Parliament, on the f a orhe occasioned by the expected appointment avacfriencd, Mr Sterwart Mackrenzie, to the Govern- nis 0fCevl I Dowi accept the invitatino, and pro- 2 ery hope of success. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF THE TENEMENT AT THE CROSS yPOSTPONED. tv: SALE of this PROPERTY, advertised co proced rnnthe 15th carreot, is POST- PONED0tl forther notice. P1, PAIcECs STREET, Edlinhugh, 5th 1'archl 1837. /jf ?? ii, 3SuTnu Biaauo, dth Gtrb hlS3. I &AT ES WILSON respeetfully intinmatee, ti te i,)l, (l.dsinuj the pseset week, have, a SAI.E of the remiairider Of lbis Wiuwer Stock of Plain and FirlUred ...


... BUCIIER has the honour to an. L to the Nohilitv and1 Gentry of Elinburgh, b AnolNUAsoL CoNCE r,; will talre place in the l ehtb lv Roem. on M1ONDAY EVENING, rjr Aem 'hichl OrCnsion he has engateil Mrs V. rbeig her First Appearance in Edin- 'rc en Sthalf..past Seven o'Clock. Concert to i}'nr Pt lal-pstEigh~t. ve ShtilliwrS each, to be hall at all thp Mu- ~d of Signor Bucher, 2, Great Stuart ...