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... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTERDAY. Judge Burton entered the court at half-past ten o'clock, to hear motions of course, and Judges Crampton and Per- rin at eleven. (SIrTTIGS IN BANCO.) ICRIMINAL INFORHATION-.LIBEL. The Queen, at the prosecutioea of Feliz Fitzpatrick, v. R chard Barrett, Esq., proprietor of the Pilot a ws-f paper. Mr. T. B. C. Smith applied to the Court for liberty to file a ...


... _e=1 Clp - - ?? POLIC . OrJPICM, =WAIN13N MONDAY, April SO.-Before Messrs Aldermen BATSON, DUNN, and R{IDLEY. James Forsyth was flned 5s. and costs, for an assault on one of the policeman in the due execution of his duty. Johss Sinith was charged with exposing his person in the house of Mrs Pendleton, publican, Byker Bar, on Sunday afternoon, amiut 5 o'clock, and was committed to hard labour ...


... CHAR.GE OP MANSZAXGIETZR. W On Sunday last considerable excitement prevailed in the neigh- ebourhood of the Old Mavket.street is cansequence of a report that a man enamed William Holdin had died from the eftect of some blows which were given to him on the night of the2btl ult. by his brother, Mr. Jacob Holdin, a master stationer carrying on business in the Old MAsrket-street, and with r. whom ...


... LAW INT'.BLLIGENCE -TUnSDAY. HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. ?? ecn tbe parties This wAS an appeal from a decree of the Court of Equity Excite- quar, by which teppeliant hod boen restralned from setting lip somne outstandingetearms In answer to an action of ejectment bfought against her by the respondent. After the case hsd been Argued, it was agreed that an issue should be framed to be tried In the ...


... : .ONDAY, APPrIL 30. ,Bpre Maysr Aldermni. BATSON, DYuN, anid RIDLtY. James Forsyth was flied Ss and costs, far an assault on aoneof the polidemen i t in the.durexecutious of his duty. * Joisn Stiih t isvaa-eh .epd with. exposing his person in the house df Aris #errteton. pubiican, Bakdr: Bar. oa Sslsday afternoon, about 5 o4IlQck, ead was committed to hard labour for one uaonth. 'Richiard ...


... THE BEGGARMIAN'S APPEAL. Tui anneal hvpocritical address from the pen of O'CONNELL to the Protestant5 of Irelaird appears in 2!he Standard of Saturday. lhe object of that arch- deceixer is to gild the Popish pill on the Tithe .Ques- Ation whichl Lord Jo3HN RLSS1ZLL intends in tle fit; n 'of ten resolutions, on the l~th of Mav, to force down ithe throat of the Protestant Church in Ireland. We ...


... ? MW.W?AWWWRIM qi11836, ey e h eo o~ oqqr4aW ban1 xw1'w777 7 qS(Ida`t 911rf Isosi iq3 Jqsb D.8Ge 3J 9!1 1 Ari-b I qfja+4 _Ow - h s o - S 9ttS 50 notifr.;eyW' ¢.~r )igi~n:t '-i WIA iopwbe'o~peeweddfi~e prls'er!Wkiig~ita bskifl * -f-4o~f1+8aq 4igW ldesB-Wdr;biC xitdolebe to 'm le d;,,Sqiy1P~and tbte prlbaeY~aa ,tnd'i~st^>wvg^5ka ponsdIi6br andtbat ha. ;t he tfinorniS a ~uf4or rrect'hr etota II? ...


... LONDON POLI A. DUSEaRTER-CUItTOUS CASE.-The Hon. Alger- non Curzon, son of Lord Teynham, was brought be. fore Mr Alderman Mawnay, charged upon his confes. sion, with being a deserter from the 63d regitnent5 wjinch he had entered as a private a few weeks ago. Inspector Turtle, of the City Police, explained the nature of the case. The prisoner came to him in Al- deragate street, on Sunday, and ...


... LAW INITELLIGENCE-FRIDAY. HOUSE OF LORDS. TIER ANNAWDlAl.R etFuRAat. A committee of privileges sat thls mornu ing drd heard evidence in support ot Mtr. Jloi stone's laim to this peerage. Tihe further consideration of the rose wos then adjouined to Tues- day ntext. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. (Sittings in Baorco.] K`NIOUIT 10. cLrIrENrT. This woa an action on a bitl of exchange for 420O. The case ...


... Couzrcaz-Houss, SA2vzxDwY, April29. Magistrates present: The Mayor, and Messrs. G. E. Sanders, Newman, and George. John Sperring and Jas. Webb, two little boys, were charged with wi lfully damaging the property of Mr. Coombes of the Lower Arcade. Mrs. Coombes said that she sent a little boy, a cousin of hers who lived with her, from her shop to Castle-street with a band-box containing a bonnet ...


... GLASGOW CIRCtUIT COURt. MONDlAY, AFRILr 30. A Double Murder-Conviction'. ThseCotrt met this morning'at nine o'clock.-and pro- edetothe trial of Elizabeth Nickison, or'Shafto, or JTeffray, lately residing in Carluke, abo was charged with administering, on the 4th of October last, to Ann Netwsl or Carl, residing in Csrluke, a quantity of arsenic, which shbe had mixed up with meal and water and ...


... POLrCE IN TELLWOJNC(,JR-FRIDAY. MANSION-HOUSE. A young man, named .1o/n Al/en, was brought lip for final exanii- nation, chirged Mill having pionderod Ilas eslmployers, Mlessrs. Grosvenor, Chater, and Co.. of Cornhill, bookbindera and atatlonera to the flank of Engicnd. The prisoner, who bad lived with prosecutors a ?? time, Weo observed on Saturday morning Inst, by an apprentice to onie of ...