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Freeman's Journal


... ?? S)OCKINGq;SUICIDlE. ?? .. :iOn T'hursday !l sit an stiqsiest was>.'held ?? ?? lrd before ,Elarry iWayrnini, g 5entleman, c~orpneF for this , 'libe'rty,, ,gn,,the ?? ortimerivob hadestr , ?? ]isdep the'ollowing dieadful' circumsttacesscHaj:,, 'nab Erisco~e7, seife of a Iab~outerzat Colchester,,cdegosed tba4,| I 'the deeeased married hie sister nearly thrgeqear.ago, asj had live4 with. ...


... LA Ir ISNTLLIGENCE, COURT OF QUEEN'S BEN'CH-SATUrIDAY. Sittings at Nisi Priu,, before Mr. Justice Crampton. Th110nipson V. Home. This was an e'iectruent for non-pa nment of rent, for the pre'mi-es fertlnel ' tlie Royal Arcade, iln College-green, in this city.S 'Ihe lease vas dated on the 30th of January, a382;, and a year's rent w as due on the 4th of March last. A foianer ejeetment wvas ...


... LA,4 0 Lt6ItNC1. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCIH. (Sfittings at Nisi Prius after term, before 5Mr. Justice Critaipton.) ACTA9N To ?? A POLICY 0OF INStliANcr, fanics qmid [Vill ean M'Csrinachk, Ad'leinist,.atr),s aofh tit late Tlomes Coogan, v. WV~1liamr Cooper andl Others, v D reclors of thes Fork, and ?? of Bug/and Inrsurar-rce o Comrpa ny. Mr. Mlacdonagh opened the pleadings. It was an action al of ...


... DrU2NARVAN, FRIDAY.-At alatehouron Tuesday night Mr. Keefe breathed his last, and an inquest was held on his body on Wednesday, before Thomas Denehy, Esq., one Of the coroners for this county, and the following respectable jury, ?? Kennedy, Robt. Howell, MAlaurice C. Kennedy, A. Brennan, Wm. Sheehan, P. Walsh, C. Ryan, M. O'Brien, M. Linehan, R. P. Dower, H. F. O'Reilly, and Wmn. Lonergarn, ...


... LAc INTPLUOLNct. OPENING OF TERM. Trinity Term was opened yesterday with the Usual for- ,alities, when the following gentlemen were sworn in as barristers before the Lord Chancellor :_ Skefflngton Connor, Esq., eldest son of George Connor, late of Upper Garriiste-street, in the city of Dublin, Esq., deceased. Michael J, BDrke, Esq., eldest son of the Rev. J. Burke, ef Kilcolgan 'iicarage, in ...


... PU13LIIN POLICE-YESTfritDAY. . READ-OFFICE. PUBLICANS' CAsEs.-Mr. Gafney, spirit dealer, of 27, Great Ship-street, was summoned by Pojice-sergeant Alaher, A 6, for having persons tippling in his shop between the hours of twelve and one on the morning of Tuesday, May 1st. The complainant stated lie saw a man leaving the shop at the time il qu stion, and that on the door being opened he saw ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH-YESTERDAY. Judge Burton entered the court at half-past ten o'clock, to hear motions of course, and Judges Crampton and Per- rin at eleven. (SIrTTIGS IN BANCO.) ICRIMINAL INFORHATION-.LIBEL. The Queen, at the prosecutioea of Feliz Fitzpatrick, v. R chard Barrett, Esq., proprietor of the Pilot a ws-f paper. Mr. T. B. C. Smith applied to the Court for liberty to file a ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. lIEN1y-STnrPT OrFICE. PUDLMeANS CASES._A great number of pjhplicans was summoned before the magistrates of this office, for having iheir houses open at prohibited hours. Mr. John Walsh .appeared as counsel for eight of them.; John Ballasty was summoned for having his house open on Sunday, the. °181h of lay, between twelve- and one o clock. Serjeaht Prenderviile ?? to ...


... LAW INTPILLICOPcv PLEAS EXCIREQUERYESTEADAY IMZPORTANT To ATTORNMYS. (Before Mr. Baron Riehards in Chamber.) Roqers v. Fisher. Mr. Whiteside, on behalf of the defendant in this case, applied to Mr. Baron Richards to order the defendant to be discharged from custody, on the ground that he was a privi- leged person, being an attorney of the court. It appeared fronm defendant's affidavit that a ...


... RENT CHARGES-REGISTRY COURT-TUESDk.y R~ilitn h~l~ 1_1 ?.zx be - X X -t WilliamShirley Ball, Esq., of No- 44, Harcourt-Street (one of the sureties of the Dublin election petition, also tic petitioner against the return of the sitting members for Longford), came forward to claim the franchise as a twenty pound rent-charger. The claim was grounded upon a deed, beating date the 31st day of October ...


... LAw I istrLdGkeC. f COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCIT-YESTEHDAT. Wilaiam and Jamnes M' Cornmick v. William Cooper and othe,'s, Directors of the York and North of England Insurance Company. c This case, which we are again obliged to omit for want ofC space, was concluded yesterday, the jury having given a Pt verdict for the plaintiffs for 5001. damages and costs. a Counsel for the ?? Greene, D. R. a ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAY. I T f f - _ us - I (Before Mr. Commissioner Curran.)t Edward Martin, an insolvent, was opposed by Mr. i Creighton, on the part of a London company, until the in- s solvent would furnish something like a correct report i of his accounts, and of the manner in which 2,5051. 9s. l' debts had been disposed of. The insolvent, who was a t merchant in Cork, had ...