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Morning Chronicle


... LA TV INTELLIGUNCE.-TUESDAY. COURT OF cHANCERtY. TOWNSHEND V. TOWNS1tOND. This was a Setit for the administration of the, 1iii of the Marquess of Towrnshend. In 1832 an order wae made irs the cause y the Vice- Cirancellor confirming a deed of settlement between the tenants f'r life anid the trustees. rader the wll. Il 1837 the trustees anid some of the parties interested wrere of opinion that ...


... POLICRG INTELLIGENCE.-MONDAY. a1ANSION.lHOUSI; Aletrolder, the Polish Jew, whr was some days ago charged with having arrestod several of his countrymen upon false affidavits of debts which had never been contracted, and afterwards taking small mams of money as a compromise, was brought up for final examl. nation. A clerk In the employment of Dlr. A. J. Brown, an attorney, at. tended for the ...


... POLICE ZNTELLIGENCE-FlIDAY. GUILDHALL. A young man, narned George Lucas, was brought before Mr. Al- derman Kelly, charged with robbing hibs employers, Messrs. Barton and Co., warehousemen, Friday.street. i11r. George Attenborough, a pawnbroker In Crown street, stated that on Tuesday evening the prisoner came to hin brotberns shop and ?? a scarf for el. It struck him that the prisoner was like ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-WEDNESDAY. DfANSION-HOUSE. A moo, named John Cllter, wvoos brought up for final exrsmlnatlifl in the custody of Daniel Forrester the officer, charged wvitho ?? committed several forgeries In tba trsnsi'er-books of the Dank Of England. Mr. FAaaiHFIrtLD attended for the Bank, and stated that 'ha6 prlioner lad been, together ivith a Mr. Thhomas Robert Waood, trustees to a ...


... LAW NOT1CES-TaIs DAS. COURT OF UEENIS BNCH, GUILHALL.-Athalf-past 9. COURT COri MO~N J IS.-Pflce v Trumper-Badfard v Bunn- JGrvie v Woraall-Gore v MoLrlewAllen v Flicker-Brooke v Healey-Weasamv aGoldham-S d v In ?? v Withams- Barrow v Eadon-Miles V ?? v Pllmmner-MHKay v Hart-Ferguson v Malbon5ByOwI v Blakston-Ros vNBoards- Joyce v Capel tend ?? v Hughes-Seaward v Hawker-Greenfell and others v ...


... LAW IA'TRLLIGENCR.-TltURSDAY. COURT OF QIUREN'S BENCH. [Sittings In J 0ndon before Jord DENMAN and CommOn Judie,. TIMI DUIRECTORS OF TUE CIIB.TKNIIANI ANt) GaBAT WVSTEaN ItAI-tAY CONPANY Il. ROrEET.S. VMr. IAUI.E, Sir W. FO.LLrr, and4 A r. CeaPP9 appeared for the plaintiffs. Tbe defendant was the holder of ten shares Ii that company, anti this was anl action to recover a slim of Je5f IC 4d., ...


... LAW INT'.BLLIGENCE -TUnSDAY. HOUSE OF LORDS-APPEALS. ?? ecn tbe parties This wAS an appeal from a decree of the Court of Equity Excite- quar, by which teppeliant hod boen restralned from setting lip somne outstandingetearms In answer to an action of ejectment bfought against her by the respondent. After the case hsd been Argued, it was agreed that an issue should be framed to be tried In the ...


... POLICE, INTELLIGENCE-SATUnDA ?? -0- MARLBOROUGII-STREET. Edward Gurling, ajobbinm r oeliomaker, was brought tip for further cxamiiinatien on auspicion of having contumilated a felony at tie residence of the Archbishop of Armagh, St.'s-square. The prisoner entered the archbishop's house through the area, anti having been seen by his lordship's butler, he rras questioned as to his ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL CO UR 7-THiURSDAY. Eflefore Mr. Justice PARE and Mr. Justice PATTESON.J SECRETING POST LETTERS. George Watling, aged 34, was indicted for stealing, embezzling, and sceigfour post letters, while employed In the general post. ofie .Kesington. The SOLICETOn-GXNSRAL, Mr. SipirrESRD, Mr. Arroteaetis, and the Hon. Mr. SCARLETT, were for the prosecution; and Mr. FUiL- Lips defended ...


... LAW IVTELLIUJENCW-WEDNESDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. The LORD CHANCIMLLOn heard Ilnatic petitions this merning. Hia lordship dlsposed of all that were In the paper, except three, In which no counsel appeared, and they atand over. WINDSf U. 010N38. Thla is an appeal fromn a decree of the Vice-Chbucellor on the con. structiota of a Wvill. The argument was not concluded at the rising of the court, but ...


... LAW INITELLIGENCE-FRIDAY. HOUSE OF LORDS. TIER ANNAWDlAl.R etFuRAat. A committee of privileges sat thls mornu ing drd heard evidence in support ot Mtr. Jloi stone's laim to this peerage. Tihe further consideration of the rose wos then adjouined to Tues- day ntext. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. (Sittings in Baorco.] K`NIOUIT 10. cLrIrENrT. This woa an action on a bitl of exchange for 420O. The case ...


... MIDDLESEX GENERAL SESSIONS-MAY 22 [Beforo Dir. Sergeant ADAM9a, Chairman, and a full Bench of Magoistrater.J TUE lIOTS ON THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ?? llentham aged :33, Jtune.uTodd, aged 21, Robcert Gellirnan, aged1ll, JarrceslHubtbard, aged 22, and George Wlrd. aged 22, were indicted fer makilog a riot on the 23d of Aprll teat, amd also for an assauclt. Mr. CARRINoTON, with whom was the ...