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The Examiner


... SMAN5SION HOUSE. A young-maa, named Johen Kidd, apparently about nine- teen years of age, was brought up for final examination on Wednesday, charged with having forged a check upon his employers, Messrs Bolitho, of Fenchtirch street, tin and lead. plate merchants, for the sum of 3861. 7s. 9d., and with having stolen 151. out of the desk of one of the other clerks of the establishment. The ...


... WINDSOR On Monday twoyoung woomen, named Mary WansJbrd and Julia Barnwelt, were brought before Mr William Jennings (mayor), and Mr Robert Tebbot, charged with robbing en, of Brown street, Bryanston square, London, The case was made out, but the magistrates discharged them. The history of the prisoner Jelia Barnwell is not a little singular. She is a small figure, but anything hut of ...


... MARLBOROUGH STREET. A FAVOURED SERVANT AND THE FLOWER OF MASTERS.-On Tuesday William Leggatt, the coachman to Sir James Flower, Bart., was brought before Mr Conanat and Mr Courtois, a county magistrate, charged with assault. ing Mrs Paris, the wife of Dr Paris, of Dover street, Piccadilly, under the following ?? Paris stated that last Friday afternoon, between three and four o'clock, she was ...


... Thomas Pauid an excavator, was indicted for stealing a silver watch-case, a pencil-case, and various other articles, the property of the late Drmcan Crawford. Another count charged the propery as belonging to the Lord Bishop of London [to meet the case of the property having bean taken after the death of the deceased]. Ir Clrwood stated the caseforthe prosecution, observing that the prisoner ...


... VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-MAY by BENTLEY V. FLYNDELL.-Mr K. Bruce made an, application to the Court exparte fbr an injiuntion o belt of Mr Bentley, to restrain the defendant, who is the pub lisher of a Birmingham newspaper, from proceeding to Fj. lish in his journal entire copies of a series of papers, the production of Mr Charles Dickens, Pblishe in Bentley's Miscellany, under the title of ' ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, Yc. Accnil:NT IN Haum LiE.-We are sorry to state that thn lgarl ol' Surrey met with a slight accident on Thursday ivoning In t. Rlturaning from the state ball given that even. litg l honotur of her Majesty's birth-day, his Lordtship ullodl in gettioln into his carriaze and sprained his ancle. Ie ?? silica been confined to his house, bht we are hRpp! It lenie that his ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, rc. THE ALLEGED MURDER IN THE ISLE OF DOGS.- The final examination took place on Thursday.-Mr Ballan- tine said, at its conclusion, that whatever circumstances of suspicion attached to the prisoners he did not feel justilied in committing them for the murder, but if the police could bring forward any additional evidence likely to bring home a charge of murder to the ...


... ACCIDENTS. OFFENCES, Yc. SUICIDE OF A GAMBLEn.-A Mr Jonas Schmidt shot himself in Kensington gardens a few mornings since. It ap- peared from the evidence adduced at the inquest, that on the 21st ult. the deceased had beer. robbed by a fellow country- man of 120 Napoleons, aud that the loss greatly depressed him. Verdict, Temporary ?? the inquest, however, on the constable's examining his ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. TEE QuEEN a. J. J. LAWSON.-The Attorney-Gene- ral said that he was instructed on behalf of this defendant to show cause against this rule, which was a rule for a criminal information to be filed against the defendant ibr the publication of an alleged libel. ihe publication in question took place in the ?? newspaper on the 9th of March last, and was quoted in this ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, MONDAY. CRIMINAL INFORMATION.-THE QUEEN V. THE SA- TIRIST NEWSPAPER.-Sir W. Follett applied for a rule to show cause why a criminal information should not be filed against Barnard Gregory, the registered proprietor of the Satirist newspaper, fbr libel. He applied on behalf'ofJ. W. Hogg, Es., M.P. for Beverley, and his lady, against whom a most serious charge had been ...


... ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, 4-c. CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHITER AGAINST THE Hox. LORD W. SOMERSET.-This nobleman, who is brother-in- law to Major Molyneux Williams, of Penbedw, Flintshire, and had been on a visit there, has got involved in a trouble. some scrape, through an unfortunate accident which oc- curred last Thursday. The particulars are these :-George Jones, publican, of Caergwrley, and Margaret ...


... M5ANSION HOUSE. A man named Austin, and a female who was with him, both of whomn are well-known utterers of bad money, were brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having passed a Counterfeit shilling. They both laughed upon being put to the bar, in the confidence that the evidence against them 'r not conclusive, and they were correct in their opinion.- Air Powell, of the Mint solicitor's ...