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... ?? S)OCKINGq;SUICIDlE. ?? .. :iOn T'hursday !l sit an stiqsiest was>.'held ?? ?? lrd before ,Elarry iWayrnini, g 5entleman, c~orpneF for this , 'libe'rty,, ,gn,,the ?? ortimerivob hadestr , ?? ]isdep the'ollowing dieadful' circumsttacesscHaj:,, 'nab Erisco~e7, seife of a Iab~outerzat Colchester,,cdegosed tba4,| I 'the deeeased married hie sister nearly thrgeqear.ago, asj had live4 with. ...


... L- - - t ; ' - = POLICO~~~~A . . T GUILDNALL. Bau~rrlTrr.-~ Willi- mm,05G, it drover, was charged with striktingart ox~in Smithfield market-isth,11nl1wful weolence. '-Sergeant Bates, of the City POli0, atsted that ~he Saw the ~prisoner ,sta'ie An ox ons the neck with such force that te poor* aninsal fell, struggid, attempted to rise, but fen again and strugled.. He expected the animal would ...


... I ITERMr2EDIATE SESSIONS. Durinig the present week, the cixperiniiict of intermediate sessions was tried, and as mtr as we ares able to judge of thle ttllt'st, we she uki i urliti to thle boiesf, I lat it is likely, if c'n- Ii nited , to lie henefctiuil. Nearly thir-ty prisoners hiave usd1t tried), who, wjider thke aid hiyst em, wouldI have hakd to ?? for six weseks longer. Trheso sessions ...

Execution of Mrs. Jeffrey, for Murder

... awedu a f to, Ze~ffirey, fot mulvrde,. [ , - ,s . I _ , - Mondaymorlinqgibe sentence'of death pronqunced upon Mrs.-Jvff'' at; the'late assizes in Glasgosw, wis carried into ffect at tbe usual lace ifexecution. It will be eenbered that -the,-was -'invited of -administering' poison to H.' '.Ifun o ; &i-igblitu-;nfdm er,' and Alrs.'Crl, *ho both re- tsided as lodgers in her house in Carluke. The ...


... LAc INTPLUOLNct. OPENING OF TERM. Trinity Term was opened yesterday with the Usual for- ,alities, when the following gentlemen were sworn in as barristers before the Lord Chancellor :_ Skefflngton Connor, Esq., eldest son of George Connor, late of Upper Garriiste-street, in the city of Dublin, Esq., deceased. Michael J, BDrke, Esq., eldest son of the Rev. J. Burke, ef Kilcolgan 'iicarage, in ...


... COURT OF EXCHEQUER-DUBLIN, MAY 16. TITIIEs-Rcv. lichsard Jones Hobson v, .Patrick Ay- new, Esq. and others. Mr. Joyv. for the plaintiff, moved for liberty to sub- stitute service of subpoena on the defendants, in this cause. The application was grounded on two affida- vits, one of which was made by plaintiffs Attorney, and the other by a process-server. The Attorney of the plaintiff stated ...


... LAW INTPILLICOPcv PLEAS EXCIREQUERYESTEADAY IMZPORTANT To ATTORNMYS. (Before Mr. Baron Riehards in Chamber.) Roqers v. Fisher. Mr. Whiteside, on behalf of the defendant in this case, applied to Mr. Baron Richards to order the defendant to be discharged from custody, on the ground that he was a privi- leged person, being an attorney of the court. It appeared fronm defendant's affidavit that a ...


... PU13LIIN POLICE-YESTfritDAY. . READ-OFFICE. PUBLICANS' CAsEs.-Mr. Gafney, spirit dealer, of 27, Great Ship-street, was summoned by Pojice-sergeant Alaher, A 6, for having persons tippling in his shop between the hours of twelve and one on the morning of Tuesday, May 1st. The complainant stated lie saw a man leaving the shop at the time il qu stion, and that on the door being opened he saw ...


... BENCH OF NIXIASTRA.'IES. THoURSDAY, MAY 17, 183ff-Present ;W. SEYMOURa R. PF.I)DEq. I, N. Wioten, Esqrs., Major AithNs, and F. H. PEniDEa, Et.. ATTEMPT To BaIBE A COAST.GeAnoJS.NtAr.-If'illiost 7lA respectablo looking young mat), was charged with Itesinc, III tle of April. in the ptarsh of Aldrington, offered and .rsijssil tr, James hlead, a person in thle service of the Coast-Guard, the SUM 1 ...


... I NEWCASTLE POLICE OFFICE, MANORII SATURDAY, 1IAY 19. I I Before Messrs. Justice PLUUMER And LOBAISE. James Singleton Appeared to answer an infierornim gaginst him, for driving a horse and calt at a rapidl prce the Manor Chare. and not having hold of the reins altar to the horse, thereby endangering the lives of tZo child who were an the fiotpath, And was nrdered to pay a 6te 20s and costs, ...


... MIDDLESEX GENERAL SESSIONS-MAY 22 [Beforo Dir. Sergeant ADAM9a, Chairman, and a full Bench of Magoistrater.J TUE lIOTS ON THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ?? llentham aged :33, Jtune.uTodd, aged 21, Robcert Gellirnan, aged1ll, JarrceslHubtbard, aged 22, and George Wlrd. aged 22, were indicted fer makilog a riot on the 23d of Aprll teat, amd also for an assauclt. Mr. CARRINoTON, with whom was the ...


... MUlRDER AND SUICIDE. A most determined murder and suicide were yesterday dis- covered to bave taken place in Newmofl's-nieiOW, Castle- street Last, Oxford-street. The particulors relative to the horrible event, which hatt caused the most pelaful excite; mient throughout the neighbourhood, we will now proceed to detail. It appears that the name of the victim was Mary Co0n- way a widew of middle ...