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Advertisements & Notices

... -Concerts at Peterhnead and Eatiff. t' R. II. I-I BAKIERI, ( tleinler, oflite litoyal Society -V Altof Mukisiciatis. and late Violinist at ?? r ojsts 1,,a~trx?. Ltondoni) respectftilly RaiittUnlets that lie will give cliai en Evening CONI.EjtTat i'cterlieaid, in ?? ?? II-t:,cn Fritlar, thle 5th uI til and on, it ini the IlrY I 1. i, cII Slonihly, the Stb of-litly Onl wlic ioC ic- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... litE& LZ~ U~h~ COMPtANY. r7rF[P Stattil AVNUAL, (RNETRlAL lr1t th 1PO I rPo!1-S trill b~e lie~li withill the 110vOVAL * 2 ;.Abedet' on it ?? sth da y k-f )11tir .C.\ otiitfiti th Puirpose of eltcetiigCF I' l)UfEE Itl)lIll('lTTo~ tS, nih Lii tim iul genertil Il1si. ily order of thoe NIiiec'toi's. J10HN ?? All , SCTy1 T i.,, (if tlie' i' who tire tljgib'O ws ?? i Vii d tee et for Vi vtinll. a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Formartine Agricultural Association. GENERAL MEETING AND SHOW OF SEEDS. ,NExtraordinarv General Meeting of the MEM- E J BERS of the above Association will be held, within o RAWS Ir;r, Green of Udny, on Saturday the 9th March next, at 1 O'clock, A.M., when the Rules and Regulations of the Association, as revised by the Committee appointed for that purpose, will be submitted to them. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEIN IWA.tRT COMPAhNlY. CAPITAL, £.lO,000. ! DIVIDED INTO SHARES OP 0I EACH. C5TIGE i (l'erh k iven, thrt PROSP TUSEUSES oftis o this r'lng ?? of e h tai v ix n ?? of nf 1 pe, Cetilt. may o -frot. liand appli.ations for ap iareO be directed to, to |i n 'Anut&' AxDRSi fx. Aberdeen. . i t ?? Lr, is in irreparsti alt by the ?? Solid- i * S ir irl 1 ttdonn ttd nn son Itos r'e eied ai Mectiitg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rotiot' ElectiOn. -wr'ICE i. t hirrehy o,% llU in' termls Of tilO Ste t tu Ur ht TN I ['lECMTION of IrtenCOWNiFciONeRlis, for tire two I vatrs oimmediately fellow tin, takeSllav1)50 intteCio5I I on 0 T11'l-ii i AcO5', it,! 7'liilill ih1'9 lie Otolor tef it Onei LiASO pi,.coli of a Gieneral Meeting of Eke- ?? tori, to bti then raid there irold. tile I its order thle Boarrd, 01 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~i !Ai ~ U .- NTRACTORS, w Aberdteen Hacboutr '1Trustets, t ito execute above 20110 yar'di ir,' ?? both sideosof the I-AD,' aII .Iitof substantial %Masonry and Ptlddlt vidi prti-u of Cast fron, tle~ttIAT with tbs ~tuiTide Valves, &c.e., all ngreeitbly Abt -in, -tni spetflation-fi l mad, out by JAoe:~ C~vil Ei' -incer. of London, which will be see s Sr bouy GiT11, Waterlo', Quay. AbordeecOl f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PLAIDS AND SHAWLS, 77 & 79, Union Street. tAMES GORDON, SiL.K AEIICEIt and Sl.ewl. ep. MFNI'IANT, ?? iotimates. thit ho has rc- cet~ivl a Great Addition to Itts .Steckof PLA'Ll) & SIIAWLS dt will Oipent To-niorrwv his SIHAWL and 'URt 1100R 1 with many Novelties adapted to the Season. The New Royal 'art-n Plaid, 'Trimmied. °;s. Oid. A Variety of SHAWL. BlODLIES, FRENCH MERItNO M-iDlILES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V .. aPUE3LIO SOUP HITCHEN. ! IY TRr.TUsul itoe his to ciltntoiwleditiL the li]lonl- s .2L iln- ?? Since lastpoeblicatiml :- ti M 1r T. Sangoitor, Advocate, - X 10 0 _ orso Movisol, Ioc Strect, - 5 0 ?? A. Col'ie, Oadtl):ili, 0 n 0 A Frieind, - - - I 1 0 n 31rs and 3liss l lailie, Ot Seats, - 0 O 311 Thoms1son, Btnlohory, I o 0 ! I-3r J uli 1lal0li, Ii ititir, - I 1 0 The Journeriymen i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen Gas Light Company H-IP, AxxtuM, (i.Nl~tlAr. AIETIVO of the T PART.NERS Of the COMPANY, will be held in the I IIALL ?? Ith oVIiSAL I bretL, Ulnion Street, on We~dnesAlY, e the 14th Auticst, at 12- wetoeek noon; when the attendance Of nti~ The P~artners is requested. thri Ily orderof the Dlireectos'I ?? RiOTcOFII, Sect-etary. ea Geso Light Comcprny's Office, July 30, 1531). Granite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARCHITECTURE, EkGINEERIN0, AND THE FINE ARTS. RWR HINTON beps to annouince, It0 Ihas for Pri. Pv~t vatc Salc, at Mrs ScoTT's Lodgiings, 30, 3ftaisehal Street, a file Collection of the above Works on Grecian, Ro- n man. Gottic, and Ellizabethan Cottages and Vilas; ScetleriCs s on the Rhine, Danube, Moselle, 3ecuse. Spain, Romc: Co- 5 loureld Views of Interiors of Fvoreign Cathedrals, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VERTISEMWENT. TO( COUNTRY MTERCHANTS IN'.c 1 STONVIZWARE, INT THE CoiI\NTIES OF s FIEN.IAS C, AND) lCICAUItiN C. ?? &; CO ?? anittitittee1 to thlei Friends. and the Public, that, Inl addition to their N¾ RTlsl(LOOS inl Coerie SauTerT, they havetalten other large lri ii~s in Which they intund to carry onl the WHOLESALE, az-; ,the RETAIL Trade; atid, ill coining liefore the( ?? ii;ti, light, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Board and Education. M R. LESLIE, A.M.. Parochial Scmoolmnstel of L Longside, can now accommodate Two additional BOAltDERS. Te-es, for Boys usider 12 years of age, 2B Guineas per an. nuin. Farther Information will be obtained, and respectable re. ferencesgiven, on application to Mr. L. Longside, by Mintluw, 20th May, 1839. PANANICHO WELLS. HE Yearly increasinig nuinber of Invalids wiho re. r ...