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Advertisements & Notices

... FARMIS TO BE LET. IN THlE ?? tl ' AI]il.OURt, AND COUNtY OF BIANFI, Per a tel-1m of 9I yeaIrs, ?? olier periol as may be egrecd u1pon, Nvith entry ait Wbitsundily 1 8401. M AINS of ABIERLOUR, containing 73 Acres of T Arable laud, or thercaboulits, with amiplse Dwellihig- hoiisu and Ofiecs of every iserinption, 4li in good elmntition. FlSEiRtiOWVN VARNi, adjacueelut the Village (ot Charlos- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Wilke. V~HFSti ~d) era lias jut oilV t hand tind inl bodalargea Stock of fine Old I'01T and SHERRY WNNEr,~. eitiier in- Battles, QiIlatrto Cqsis, Ilibds., or Pipes; VOIi'VliGN anid IMItTI-il[ spIRITS, of best qunslity, Soein finls (ld NLNL VVtWII~I(VK 21 ILK-PUINCII; DRit-P elioriso ED)[Nit JRM ST sRlONG AL. 1, which is weell ft: kel~isil to ble of supel ior qual ity; LONDO-N l'OtTFt. *Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !11 Putblic Salo of Quebec Timber, . n There will ho Sold, by Public IIuti), onl the ?? .dJoii. g .the berilevii Ituop aitl Sail Cotltlpanyti tiths, otl Satur- I d. dav the °3d k'ebriuarv, Ic V) Vf tiiC B~ir o I1314:Rt lately hil- VjN '¶H Citrit $f T1IMtlh otejt ae 6 I L ported by tihl Shiji Ilimust I IS. D. Wal- ne - ( % 2 Ier fiolit Qouberc, Cotsisting of )Irt I fi S Z 1;t0( ibet of (OA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ort lie (court ot sesiei II - wiI-atIIeI so' t' t i I o- TOH- It. TRAIL, A.M., S TWEtONt. lits to intil. ;I:11te to tile litial'itillits of \otat.itSt Riod tile ?? r tarisius, tihat tie lois tlow settled il te \ Village of .\lulltoiyulc as a tract iticoner it, tI, voitiis ?? IIle tIIIt. ot' Medici IIu, tile Jl~l le, tk931!j D;6SOLUTIONT. 914ii TE ?? m ied(I llt nt .1 itiltieal dIt, thle J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TttF. ?? ofr the F.irst Esqiicipal Ward. Ning Stree.t Aberdeen, Vithtl O.tober, 18319. TOI!gR an-ltII}I GIII:ENd Il~m S(I. tilr otel.I ?? tint pro-videdl f-i- by thle tor-ch Iefwirri A. ri-. ',.r-si..iiited a. ?? :t- to thqe enntlif of Scutllean C-- ,i-Qiti ?? lisi, Ward. at the nii..iiic Elvct.lnt The IpItI, Ii in o'.f tile emiilliit Utillr,-l ?? lie vthe Towivi-Cter-i ?? --v ---t I. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Formartine Agricultural Association. GENERAL MEETING AND SHOW OF SEEDS. ,NExtraordinarv General Meeting of the MEM- E J BERS of the above Association will be held, within o RAWS Ir;r, Green of Udny, on Saturday the 9th March next, at 1 O'clock, A.M., when the Rules and Regulations of the Association, as revised by the Committee appointed for that purpose, will be submitted to them. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEIN IWA.tRT COMPAhNlY. CAPITAL, £.lO,000. ! DIVIDED INTO SHARES OP 0I EACH. C5TIGE i (l'erh k iven, thrt PROSP TUSEUSES oftis o this r'lng ?? of e h tai v ix n ?? of nf 1 pe, Cetilt. may o -frot. liand appli.ations for ap iareO be directed to, to |i n 'Anut&' AxDRSi fx. Aberdeen. . i t ?? Lr, is in irreparsti alt by the ?? Solid- i * S ir irl 1 ttdonn ttd nn son Itos r'e eied ai Mectiitg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rotiot' ElectiOn. -wr'ICE i. t hirrehy o,% llU in' termls Of tilO Ste t tu Ur ht TN I ['lECMTION of IrtenCOWNiFciONeRlis, for tire two I vatrs oimmediately fellow tin, takeSllav1)50 intteCio5I I on 0 T11'l-ii i AcO5', it,! 7'liilill ih1'9 lie Otolor tef it Onei LiASO pi,.coli of a Gieneral Meeting of Eke- ?? tori, to bti then raid there irold. tile I its order thle Boarrd, 01 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iit Ct - iof id- Hle( AA. E. TOBT 1olse.i, Ship, Sig,'ililtl Omiten l Paintii -- ( (if t the hi;e lirinf of Wehfr & Thorn), 1r.( EG'S to I.till> lth filka tt' til ' tilt! pati'mintoi2 lip flojo I' B wirllton ilii n aita lijil. ii, nl na ?? ie that llen h .al now' eli ?? iemill Ttlwin ii erll t is eraN ancornit. il that (I es Shop, lineo StrQet, t e ifeyply OCpil pdy Nlr A. CSingostr. . \i\fLth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 188R. AIE'ItANDER ANDZ1RSO1f, ME;,.BER or TtlHE ROYALI COLLEGE Or SURGNEONS, E1GS to infl rm the IJinahitantl of .lltnt aend its neliglboithood, tiaLE ]bc hs comileonced thc biusiness of his Profession in til its branclhes. Etlon. Jduno 10, IS39. Fvancis Stephen & S0r., JVOOLLEX lf.4ArUJF,4(' T1.RERS, 1-1 UNTLY, 11 N' thlitnine1 tIti' f O nnst inolterul thanl;s to their iteimere1ots Fribeuls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __ -_ by CHURCH EXTENSION. R . CHAMFMRS dill meet the Presbyterl of For. - .D dycc, it the parish Clhurch of inniff, on 'T'uosday next, . (tRi cart. at noon, for the purpose of Dclivering an Addicss J on ClUCII BVIN(IOX'I't NS1 ?? and after the meeting, he will bo bntcrtainoed t Dinnsoer, in the lotilff ]Iotel. at 4 o'clock, con by the lr'csytel y, and soclt of t lle friends of Cli et ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR LONDON, f 7' ?? IIICig Fi.OI A, C11I1t ill JAMIES TS. DL ?? will be icady to taio inl 2 U ll)lS for T-ONI)ON nii Fili) I\Y, nomd SaI I onl SA T1ltl DA , the 2°Atl instant. FOR ABERDEEN, 'The ?? g llrig 31l.Nlt ?? C'apt.,JAMRS HOln2, Will ?? from iI LLAII 's WiHIAlll', oil Ulit).SV fist, tin 24t1 cen relnt. I'ov' Iright or I'assago, ?? to NicMl( & MIONRo, 22, 3iiiIisei:eal Streut: or J. C. ...