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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE is hereby given that the Boards of Manage- ment of the Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance ,,49ociety, and 'that of the India and London Life Assuerance Company, are united; and that hence- forth the business Of both will be transacted at- the, tilt 0fficc of the 'Great Britain Mutual 'Life -Assurance s'r Society, 14, 'WaterloO-Place.-. Proposals for As-. suacand other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;ire anil. j f(fe A 1tratnce. D OYAL INSURANCE COMPANY FIRR I Y AND LIFE OFFICE. CAPITAL,,jf2,000,000. ROBERT BEAN, Jun., 4Aentfor Hull and its Vicinity. RATES OF FIRE INSURANCES. Ist Class 2nd Class 3rd Class is. 6d. per Cent. 2s. 6d. per Cent. 4s. 6d. per Cent. FARMING STOCK. 2s. 6d. per Cent. with, and 3s. per Cent, without the Average Clause. NO CHARGE MADE FOR THE POLICY. LIFE INSURANCES, ...


... FIRE GRATE OR APPARATUS. FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HEAT AND THE PREVENTION SMOKE, HAS been, for the last three months, in daily operation at the Sugar Refinery of Messrs. Wamwnglit and Gadsden, Christian-street, London; and on the 3Kh and 31st of August, and the Ist of September, couise of Experiments was made, comparative Trial between the Patent Grate and the common furnace, and fire-bars, —ihc ...


... (JENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, t>, BOWLALLEY-LANE, HULL. THOMAS FREEBODY ESPECTFULLV informs Literary and l\. Commercial Gentlemen, Solicitors, Auctioneers, and others in the County, that every description aui Ornamental Pr.nlmy executed in the first style, at the shortest notice, and the lowest possible terms, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ublic Jjotficeo. This Day is Published, A CHARGE to the CLERGY of the EAST A IDING, at tIhORDINARY VISITATION. By ?? ISAAC WILBEkRFORCE, Archdeacon of the East Riding. A PRtCR TlISEEPENCE. London: JoaN MNIURIAY; York: SUSTEr; Hall: b. UI] a SKELTON haa the honollr to p 1 amuotice to his Friends and the Public that ha has ltide arrangements for giving tb THREE GRAND CONCERTS, s daring the SeaOn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJWublIc M~otice~. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. 4 (sN SUNDAY NEXT, in the MORNING BC J Swavica, a COLLECTION will be made after the Sermon, for the Support of the CHARITY SCHOOLS in VIcAR-LANE. October 23, 1843. Sl for /'GROVES SAW MILLS. DA PLANING MACHINE. ME ITM. BARRON & CO. having obtained T. X V from the Patentee the Patent right for PLAN ING M and THICKNESSING DEALS and BATTENS, beg orf leave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / Yt%%Cdo for ?? FOR P11 The Fine Sc Capt. BE Taking Goods for Kor and DANZIG, at Ship's expefse but Shil For Freight, &o., pplY to H. S. B /UVIL AND HAMB PLENDID STEAM COMM S (CARRYING POST-OFNICE LDTTr QUEEN OF SCOTLAND, W ROB ROY, WM. Koocxaa And, very shortly, that superb 1A HELEN MACGREGOR, CHAR DAYs Or DEPARTURR.PROM) SATURDAY ?? 2 THURSDAY ?? SATURDAY ?? THURSDAY ?? 1 SATURDAY ?? 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *1Apping. TO CLEAR ON MONDAY. X F OR MALTA tbe Brig AMELIA; AkF - & 1 For VALENCIA & MARSEILLES, SYLPHIDE.-Apply to RD. VAUSE & CO. be To F OR ELSINORE, PILLAU, da: F and KONIGSBERG, the fine A 1 Ex British Schooner MENTOR, 139 Tons ye Reg iter, Capt. SSAL. HERoN, will meet with dispatch. For particulars of Freight, &c., apply to GEO. MALCOLM & SON, Union Three Crane Wharf, 22, High-Street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s$uoinfo o ,-PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST FIRE, VIOLENCE, AND FRAUD. l ILNER'S PATENT FIRE RESIST- MvL ING PRINCIPLE.-Improved NorConduc- tion, generating evaporation (in fire) at successive tem- peratures-self-contained, self-acting, and durable, as applied in MILNEIt'S ONE-CHAMBERED PORT- ABLE BOXES (1, inch thick), recommended of not less than one cube foot inside, for ordinary-sized Dwelling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7,T-1 RAT FIRE IN MA&RKET STREET, Af VA:NCiESTI'ER; BNTrirEI. CONS~irM- ;IYG A LARGE SQUARE1 OF WAREHOUTSES, -01,TICES, AND SH-OPS. fin the last great Fire in George Street, Manchester, -nitata lago biu~ ad their Boioks burned 1in I ron~ ~Safc's, Closets with Iron Doors, Wrought Iron Fire. tproof ?? Safes, &c., &c., &c. and again on the above cr,s~cxt occasion, a giccat numlber of Neeriies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. 14R. MERRICK, SURaeON DBNTIST, flI 10, GZOROV-STREErT, HULL, ( N SALE, ICHABOE, and fine dry 0 SOUTH AMERICAN GUANO. WILSON & FURNISS, 17, Bowlalley-lane. ( N SALE, good fresh LANCEWOOD U SPARS, GIG SHAFTS, &c. Apply to JOHN J. RUNTON, Witham Hull, 14th October, 1846. TT M. ELLIS & CO., successors to C. G. oSmith, 29, Blackfriargate, and Corn Exchange, thanklul for past Favors, beg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ltsi ell~anwoux.~ ,> THE HULL PACKET NE WSPAPEIR tND GENERAL P R I N T I N G OFFICE, r 22, WHITEFRIARIGATE, BULL. 0'f9IHOS. FREgEBODY informs his Friends tc IL and the Public, that every description of LETTER pi PRESS PRINTING is executed with Accuracy, w Elegance, and Despatch. S. Posting Bills, Hand Bills, Auctionecro' Catalogues. ?? &c., on the shortest netice. to The following Genuine and ...