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Advertisements & Notices

... Lord Seaford, father of Lord Howard de Walden, the British Minister at the Court of Lisbon, to Lady Hardy, widow of the late Ad- niral Sir Thomas Hardy. A select circle of friends, relatives of both families, were present at the ceremony. CAUTION TO THE ...


... John AMoore, Captain Sir William Hfosts, General Sir David Baird, Admiral Sir R. G. keats, General Sir Thomas Picton, and Vice-Ad. nmiral Sir Thomas Hardy. The Naval and Military Almanack for 1 840; containing Sixteen beautiful Errgravings on Steel, may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ctiptain Sir ttig Williami Hostp, Generil Sir David Baird, Admiral Sir R. G. IKeats, General Sir Thomas Picton, and Vice-Ad. Us moiral Sir Thomas Hardy. vere The INiaval. and ffiflitary AiL-tanacia for 1840; containing Sixteen beautiful Engravings on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Boore, Captain Sir E William Host, General Sir Davitd Baird, Admiral Sir R. (G. Keast, General Sir Thomas PictoD, and Vice-Ad- Lett miral Sir Thomas Hardy. Post The PWaval and Military Alm-anack foe' A840 ; containing Sixteen beautiful Engravings on Steel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p URSUANT' to a Decree of the Hlighl Court of Chancery, made in causes Lockhart against Hardy, Thomas against Hardy, a Newman against Hardy, and hardy against Lockhart, the Creditors of JOHN WASTIE, late of Great Haseley, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Tlhat this Meetitig, feeling' thle greatest admiration them o o 1th li.tnsus career of tlse late Admiral Sir ?? h ?? THOMAS M'ASTERfMAN HARDY, B'aronlet and siemi~le I ?? is of opiaxlde, that it would bc hig hly de- suchi i it-able to pierpetuate his menilory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Tlhlat this Meeting, feehitig thle greatest adasirstjitz of the dtistiniluishetl career osi thcate Admiiah Sir THOMAS SASTrERNIAN HARDY, Baronlet and . ?? isi of'apiuiaun, that it wvould ho highly de- sirable to perpetutate his ruleuos'y by tihe Erection ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty.. three, assigned all his personal Estate and Effects unto Thomas Parry, of Shipston-on-Stour aforesaid, gentleman, and John Hardy, of Stratford-on-Avon, in the county of Warwick, gentle. man, upon Trust, for the equal benefit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 61 lCorptoai, Thomas Choldertoen G Caoper, George - Binsted G 'Copor, RI F. - .walhamprton Cosper, Thomas - Wootton, Isle of 61 WighFt C, Cooper, William - Romsev G Coote. Eyre - - West Eark G Cope, Sir John - Braunshill 61 Cordarl , Thomas - Trvford C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... free of postage, to the said Thomas Rinell or Charles Smith, in order that the same may be examined and discharged. Longborough, Ap-il 12, 1843. CHARLES HARDY TATAM'S ASSIGNMENT. XTOT ICE isherebygiven,tlhat CfIARL ES HARDY N TATAM, of Cropredy, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per cent. ditto. v 35 .. 209 8r Id ?? £105,..Becrg CQ per cent. ditto. 4 40 .. 237 14i 2d ?? Bing 43 per erit. drito. te THOMAS LEWIS, Secretary. a February 9, 1849. Fire insurance in all its branches, includieg the Rent b of Houses, and Profits returned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... received at tle several banks of this city. CITARLES CARR CLERKE, Archdeacon of Oxford, JOH N JONES, Perpetual Curate (if St. Thomas Parish, JOHN ROBERT HALL, Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen. WILLIAM WARD), RICHARD COX, Trustees of the Chapel.Ox,/lard, M11arch ...