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... . jotP THE NEGLECTED WIFE. :Err not, that so shall end Thestrife wiich thou oall'stevil.-=ilitos. *T~s night5 she sits alone-her hands clasp'd o'er the unread bonk- Stbllness yithoutt-Within, the clock ticks loudly in its nonk-- Anon the dim and smouildering fire uipihoots a fitful glare, [t'here. And the marble hosts frown frome their caypts or her who waitoth ,tFer ear hath closed its watch ...


... ftCratur---- Deairigs wvith tie Fires of' Domailol and Soni. By Cus'srles Dickeni. No. XIV.-Bradbury & Evans, Whitefriars, London. Carker ' the manager shows Ihis teeth more than ever in the present number, whiio lie winds his artful meshes round the ill-fated Dombey, the haughty Edith, and the gentle Florence. Amongst the subordinates there ire some ehauges. The traitor IBob the Grinder is ...


... POCKET-RANDRERCICmE FAME.-Many years ago I wrote some verses for a child's annual to accompany a print of Dod. dridge'sl mother teaching him Bible history from ttoei Dutch tilea round their fireplace. I had clean forgotten both the print end my verses; but some one has sent me a child's penny cotton handkerchief, on which I find a transcript of that identical print, and four of my stanzas ...


... DcItIN AND SPEECHMAycgNG. - While at Wakanahbi we called at the arr(d of a Aieori, who, with an eye to business that does infinite credit to his judgment, has recently setip a sort of public-house for entertaining the Maories belonging to working parties in the neighbourhood. A weekly ordinary is held on the Saturdays, aster the week's work is done and paid for, and whioch is esually very well ...


... L, ~rLREIY; 'NOTTCES, The succefsiatn ?? i'the Chtnrchof egtt .dttnbrohe 1 or the Nag's Head FualeAisted. By E. C. Hliiton. se.., R Probendary of Exeter ad;inoumbent of St, David. Rivington, opp Londonu and Jianna(M,ZExeter. -The aathor in tbis work has supportid' siaws *hics'te pieiiiouly asserted i .different wb p blic'tioe wit meai. ehrrgg edha large share of erudition. ih' ...


... _ etc V17COO, ?? ?? ?? (1t1 Y AI S. A It In V. ) O1tt tho woudross PreOSS ?? 11 aitltsio sNray, Itt itb greiat and glilat fioreeO To tho East atid ?? it bends Its Way, Aiid it talos o'er tho ?? its 0o0rso0 Gay dazzlilig stores Inoy tile good shp 1nfl, InI tile pride of vaill exess, itut it boosts a treosoro luooe precleus atil, In tile %miltt of tbe mighty Press. Tbio son of goiliis, ...


... IMPORuTANT DAYS.-ManYV persons h~ave belief inl luckly end uloluck~y davs. Louis the SixtpectIt considered thle 21)st of lthe mronth) an important. day fat' him. oil tile 21St of April, 1 770, hoe was married to Marie6 Ant emetic. Oul tile 2lst or Junle, in the Samc e y rsT at a file given in hollou.on fiiitilir tinoin, Ii fteen hundred lives vwere lest thle I2 at of-.1alnuariv, 1, e wag arri ...


... ?? The village church is pansing gay, The bells gush out In merry tune, A flag waves o'er the turret grey. The porch holds all the flowers of June: For youth and beauty come to wod, With bounding torm and beaming eye-. With all the rapture love can sbed, And ,111 the hope that gold can buy; And-eh dren twine, with noisy glee, While favours round the cypress tree. An old man uitteth on a grave ...


... On Friday last, at the Athenauum, the Rev. Mr. Beal, delivered a lecture on Education. W. Hichens, Esq., in the chair. The lecturer commented in detail on the importance of the subject of Education. To raise human beings in the scale of mental cultivation, to induce them to turn from un1worthy pursuits and devote themselves earnestly to more ennobling views, was a theme the interest of which ...


... _ t POrt Tll: EXETEIIt FLYINO lOST. A flolver just pliuor d troim Heavoiens pore soil, Placd in time's fieldl borw'r, Its fragraut bearlties bloara awhile And lingor oat tri hoarr. Soon icy vaponrs rise 1raromiri And ehill the lovely one, Lea; after loaf, fast strew -tio ground, And droops, 'till all is gone. W. W. ~Tfje GfJvft silftt0lf. , A SKEeTCHt' I mtvii a littlo dle ?? fairl, si's ...


... PUIlPIT SKETCHES, No. 4. THEI REV. JOHN SPURWAY. This gentleman is Roctor of what is called IPitt 'Portion, end has held that Ministry a great many years, with great credit to himself aid satisfaction to his Parishioners, by whom (and in fact by all who know him) he is muich beloved and respected. In person, the Reverend Mr. Spurtsay is tall sod11 thin, though rather large ?? is about fifty ...


... The Vieyin Mlahrtyr, by Philip Massinger. (Burns, Portman-street, Portmuan-square )-Moat of onr readers are, no doubt, well acquainted with this Work, Which it Would be almost as superfluous to eulogise as to commend the Works of Sbakspeare. We shall only speak, therefore, of the extremely elegant style in which the Publisher has produced this Drama, It is adoorned tirroligibont nith ...