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York Herald

**9f\\VSi)S, Iwrily and Diapensing -t r r^5rTAND GUARDIANS. T vTFD a Respectable, Weil-Educated tf- VN _Jrn as ..

... Trade of \\ TOrTR » mm PAIN TEB. None but ttjn&t CMotry will be taken. -S%^SSg. Horraa, Bridlington. -^UGHLAND OR MOUNTAIN T» Lt PINE. _^rrfl-M MAY begs to inform Planters U ^ __ has a few Thousands of the above highly ** ?? TREES for SALE, from 1 to 3 feet high, !w-*2Tsiid tm. P Thousand. They are lust now a !►* ?? » and the present month is the most T__i W P*' ^ i *^ -asi^B^ AND COBN ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1845
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16480 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

Tvslnable FURNISHING and GENERAL A T-nvSIOVGERY BUSINESS, in a large Mann- EL I 8 0?* to be DISPOSED OF, under

... cirenm- facwruig *.° ' ?? be uaugU allv advantageous to the I guuc.s whic*i wiu Purchaser. y aT es and Hatwoou, Rotherham ; A.pph to * smith, Birmingham ;or Walton, y^l^^'-iidC^Wo^erhampton. _^^iITHEIIEBY GIVEN, that all tW o -_^n« having Claims upon the Estate and Effects I;.^ PEARSON, late of the City of Ripon, n «__ed are requested to transmit tbe particulars ?? t\ , his Executors, Mr. ...

Published: Saturday 10 June 1848
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16464 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

m Ml >( E LLANEOUS. . ?? ' kTiereby given, tbat t ' . . intended to be made to

... Parliament, in i for a Bill to continue the Term, and powers and provisions of an Act, V , •uw ?? *>f Kb* WUEj«b the ?? . v ' '.or making a Turnpike Road ■eth. in tbe Coantv af To**, or to vl and to grant further powere and •' l ' . * i: reof; in which Bill powers will be „ .xtsting Tolls, and to levy New ?? tin' existii^ exemptions ?? *, ■*. i'-ther rights aad rrmleges, a And i: i-* also ...

Published: Saturday 09 November 1844
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15250 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... respectfully informed that the EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING wfll be held at tbe Imstitution, Doncaster, on THURS- DAY, the 3rd June. Tbe Chair will be taken at Twelve o'Clock. At this Meeting the Report sad Statement of Accounts for the past year will be read ; the Officers for the ensuing year chosen ; and all toe QUALIFIED CAN- DIDATES wHI be admitted into the Institution, to be ...

Published: Saturday 29 May 1847
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16579 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

?? OKOUSE SHOOTING. rBE hET. the exclusive Right of Shoot- on ?? TO> Moor, uear Reeth, in the North _J_j

... |he County of York, which is abundantly *»**. Grouse. Also, tbe Right of Sporting over Lands of Ellerton, which are well stocktd *¥ 'farther Particulars, apply to Mr. B-Own Simpson . s_J>itO ?? ?? — grouse shooting. rwyQ LET, the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT of 11 SHOOTING over the well-known HURST »IOO_S which have been well Preserved, and are fL-di-nti- stocked with Grouse. Tne IiiHST are ...

Published: Saturday 21 July 1849
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15828 | Page: Page 1, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

WANTS, ?? ?? **>*•*■ BuWl^a^jßCf'S. J Young Mm. ct I.iaprrnhle Connexionb, {l J asT i all i' Chmscw. wishes to

... obtain a Situation CTTTER. kserereocm will be given and **P MJtUwM bawe **4§m*m to assist at the OJ*y^*s!^* (P«-2d) A. B y at Mr. Render*, -j rtAsasT. 3, Cbwi b ir* f l i ork. ?? m *—*- ■ Traveller. A^fiaiurriil Travelier, doing business re- ?? *^ Q T? m x'lJ** Wm * T* No^««»ber. A ST*** ?? ?? ?? •* irhaltotake. g JBwi — ?? ?? ?? « wishing to ?? ia Btot dswsct . ..d wmsU not object to \ m ...

Published: Saturday 12 September 1840
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 36411 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

. WA9TM, _X: a fll_lS--.tesm-- r -lttß_lf_iM^W«_tij

... - -iIKES AM* WOOLLEN DRAPER, MARKET I/JfWr ** pLACE rocKUMGTON. IS m ?? Want of a Respectable *M*m as— AfrRKNTICt. — ■ - ?? -* — ■ Nt-UUIRR ww -Bnit*_flt WAXTED, a SkMUfln as COOK and HOUSEKEEPER to a sjugie Grail asuw , when -atobst ?? ?? TW Adwanaaer is a ?? ?? -ffasf-»--i Ofce. OBBBt EBB Letter* •ARKftB BROTHERS have a vacancy for •a A-Bte* Yaath as an APPRENTICE to the Whole •__ Faaa-y Tea ...

Published: Saturday 15 February 1840
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22288 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

ft stawai. an ENGLISH amIVBITINB MifTM * \_ C^ mourn, pAiuwaw.r.. •« te JuSTrZuOum^ wvSwrtrag, Daatrhaaa. ..

... t-*e*fCaS-T*ra. v hi Want ef a respectable fjuxrj^mmsHtT^' Lettrn to be Peat Paid. — •** TO m m ?? and Steam Engineers. TO B£ LET by Proposal, tbe Warming 4 th* PaJt-wM CrartTBCM, Richmokd, Yorkahire. mm of Ha* Water Any Penoti desirouf of Contacting [^oZmm wsTJ he Iswwaahed with P.ruculan on ?? *^^C**wacawaai»Eiis m f Zl*t- J October 14m, ISM. T. MA RSD EN, Llneo and Woollen Draper. ...

Published: Saturday 17 October 1840
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 23374 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

frjnrs, +c* __ X KKKR BROTHERS hare a vacancy for B^ Mhas m, APPBKNTICE to tbe Whole ** Samm-mime. ??

... ?? WANTED, an APPRENTICE, who will t^ tm ~*o«_ni«y of l^-mrm** tmi *nm*ma;. Bind ?? i if I - — ?? awo, •**_ll jTSvldTrVrtrfbi. Ttm* ?? be Tr_Ued with . mj-m ?? TS ready to be advanced on a ?? X Mortgage of FroehoW or Copyhold ?? ta^Cos__-soflhsr___orYot_. ApplytoMr, SS-LDOK. tWichor. B-m-ri Cn_te. *WkJsmstmrm\M*& Lre*» ?? Otley Turn ink* B—dMaCa* fITAKTED to BORROW the Sum of f-f an fieetwiry ...

Published: Saturday 01 February 1840
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 21165 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

oa^ad^l^Bßßl. BUBWBOK - DENTIST, m . ndVfaWeffia^laa. «»dn>Bßj*d. an TH UBS ?? Ttoafssdaing Dap*. ?? WdRTH, 4V. ..

... • '■oBBS'BM^Cu'y ?? TO MM. MMOMMTj. f^gl GGIBT and GROCER, Tadcaitbs, TjbTjTUt utt T > TaafrT IPrnffn' n« the DIRECTORS of this WJr ?? tnnjni BBBh at Asm **» __ at sossostoa CtoBWW. cawawasawa. Apoearaaee, •^{oae ?? ?? faaa Matsaa ar two •fjlaa— • oso a> as toafa fa Sac Ban loaaaec. ?? jZ- ■ -— * ta *^ i * vi t s j w«t» •^-^Twan, ea* Bfaaagarto tfaofi nana* who »m ' ' SaVana**J ,, _ | ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1841
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22346 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

MISCELLANEOVS Api»reMtic*« Wauled. JOHN' WEBSTER, Veterinary Surgeon, u HF LDKnr.. near York, i* in Immediate ..

... UTH as an A;. Prentice. j ~~n Toilet* is hereby g.vctt. THAT the PARTNERSHIP heretofore „ U Ds.M,ng aod earned on between us : the under , ne d JOHN TEMPI. KM AN and WILLIAM TEMPLEMAN, of I.verikgham. in the County ol York a* Vocerioarv Surgeons. Farriers, and Fanner-, is this Day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. At witneai our ha:itis lhb> Tllirtieill day ol April. 1H42. ou JOHN TEMPLEMAN. ...

ggISCELLANEOrs. - mflnpy lo Lend. FryE to -CIO.OOO ready to be Advanced upon approved Larded Security, et a „_ r-ic

... of Interest. Applications to R. L, at the i~*»' f ?? ?? . J-^MtfTHOLME, late of GILLING, in , he North Riding of Y'.ikshire, l'urish Clerk, and j, s Serjeant in the North York .Militia. Any ?? claiming to be the HEIR AT LAW, of this •__»-i must send in their Claim to Mr., ■Thor Richmond, Yorkshire, within One Month from Dsv. otherwise hi* Pioperty will be given up io the |fl . now ...

Published: Saturday 11 February 1843
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 24677 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds