Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S., BIRTHS. At New Battle Abbey, Susbex, the Countess of Ash. of burnham uf a son. ig I,, Orcbsrd street, Chichester, on the 10th instant, the h. lady of' Robert Henty, Esq., of a daughter. h At Romsey, on the 10th instant, the ladyof lr. John of Naish, of a son. tn MARRIED. S. At All Saints, Souihaminton, on the 10th iustant, by )r the Rev. WV. H. Btookfleld, [urate of St. Jamess. n ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .'All M1arriages aenl from a distance nstn he authenticated b~y we ,he signature qlfsae of our ageuts, or liy that of a knfownl Io,- cui respondent,. On the 12th inst. at Norinauhly, the Countess of Sheffield, of' .a daughter.( on the 17th inot. at Cantley. near Doneaster, the lady of I J. Wt. Childers, Esq. M.P. of a daughter, otili-hirn. to ?? ?? on Thursday, at Stanley, by the Rev. J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Nezvuastle, in Rielimond-street, on the 14th inst., the wife of Dr S. Mason, of a son. At Wolverhamplon, on the 14th inst., Mrs D. W. Lloyd, of a daughter. South Shields, at Lay-gate, on the 17th inst., the wife of Johln Clay, Esq., oI a son. At JIoisghton-le-S orin, ol the 1th inst., Mrs R. T. Burne, of a son. At Maclo House, Cumberland, on the 6th inst., the wife of William Parkin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ..BIRTIL.. On the 9th inkt. at Loniglbrickland, the Ltdy If Ca t L. C. An-ell. 74th Regimnont, of a sun. of apa On the 17th inst. at tbe Castle, Parsonstown, Lay (lromaa. town, of a son. On the 6th nost. at Kilgobbin, the Lady of Walter ourue un. Esq. of a daughter. JtARRIEIL. On the l7th lost. in) Christ Churcih, Belfapt, hy the Rty rhoinas Drew, John Bates, of Belfast, E-q. Solicitor. t.,J. ...

On the 51thinStt at

... Belvoh pa1-, tihe seat of her father Sir Robert 11atreon, Bart., AI.1s., the ldy ofS` Brsfr i Bart., of' aSon. ea'ofSrerfrdI.M ilon O ts the 5th ins:ant. at MaVwley. Lady Bloount, of ,a en. At Chatham, the lady of LOieutenant Widliani W. 11. Benson, late of tile 57Ih regj,tnet, of a so.n. OFt the .tinat at S Poter's Church. John Massey StaicIT00si Csu., sf onnt Acrgis, county Clare. to Vl~iss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 14th inst., at the rectorv, (reeting St. Peter, the lady of [tic Rev. Edwd. Paske, or a daughter. 9th inst., it the Blritish Frmbassy, at iParis, William Coo. per, Esq., of Dereham, Norfolk, t) Caroline Webb, eldest daughter of William Webb, Eirl., late of Ardleigh Park, Erseox 141h int.. at Freston, Iv toe Riev. T. Graves, Mr. Win- Turrall, of Tuddenham. to Anne, titird daughter of Ar. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. AND DEATHS. BIRTHS.' in this town, on the 12th Inst, Mrs. Edward Whitfield, Cumb--rlaud Row, of a son. still-born. At Clivton, near penrlih, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Wm. Hoi-lobaEsq., (f a gon. * At-Pelaw House, Cbester-le-Street, on the 23rd ist., Mrs. Wm. Morrison, of a son. MARRIED. In this town, at St. Andrew's, on the 23rd inst., by 'te Rev: Mr. Dodd. Mr. E. A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '2vrd inst,,u H~jemlnRStC)One Recltory, tbe qite of the Rev. T. Brown, of a daughter. dge 17th inst., al 13lundeqtotle. In titl coutity, Mr. George 7late of Gvtrrard'5 Cross, Bucks, to Pheebe, eldest daughter of Ge;,orge ThuorlelL Esq. of Flixtolt. t9l1b lust., at Stepney Church, Mr. Joseph Jarmtan, of Aile End voad. London. to Charlotte Aeutes, dautghter of mr. E. Nllr~hall, of Tacket.street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF DAVID BRIDG ES, ESQ. We announce to-day tile death of a well-known ci- tizen of Edinburgil-Mr David Bridges. D)uring some years back lie appveired very little in publie, but those who can take a survey of the last 40 years wili liot fidl to renmeimber thle deep, prominent, and oin ceasing interest whichl he took in all matters con. nected witit literature and the fine arts; all ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B BIRTHS. On Wednesday last, at Newiy, the lady of the Rev. G. A. I; HI. Ashe, Incumbent of Witton, near Blackburn, of a daughter. P On 1londay last, the lady of Salis Schwahe, Esq., Rhodes, C near Mancliqqtpr, of a son and heir. 'I C MARRIAGES.. On Thursday last, at the Parish Church, by the flev. J. Owen Parr, M1.A., vicar, Mr. Thonias Walker Shelihard to Mrs. Eliza Cox, both of this town. 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Or BIRTHS. o Lately, at Chippenbam, the lady of W. Mortimer, Esq. 51, of three sons, still-born. Go Sept. 12, atTrinidad, the lady of Robt. Guppy, Esq. a dau, Nov 7, at Clifton, the lady of Capt. F. Mountjoy Martin, a daughter, still-burn. Ni MARRIED. Lately, at Redcliffchurch, EdwinYeates, Esq. of Buckle- bury-hall, Berks, to Harriott, second daughter of the late Nc , ir. James Hobbs, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f~larriagez.. On the ] 7th inst., at the Collegiate Church ,Mark, youngest son of Mr. John Antlerton, of Whittield, to Miss Ann Grim- shaw. of Ashton-dnder-Lyne. Onl the 22d inst., at the same place, Mr. Aaron Peers, to .,Iiss Elizabeth Kay, both of this town. On the 23d ilest., at the sane place. 'Mr. Joseph Dixon Hesketh, to Miss Ann Clarke, both of this town. Onl the 25th hlst., at the same ...