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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC.,T1 ION6S. Eariv in rcpmhor will la ?? bol rriee Cnc oir'a ?? fI Ui t ! 1) A LI . i- .'iS 0!2 i IJe PICTU- i t i t n) F'-av, and Wuc ore g III * tu~r. fi3 Sur 1' ?? Dj9 , I);r! L l)F ' ?? v, th sixty b,,auti- lul onngravbiif, dr;. vi on doucl, ly Mr. ' I Edinburri: Caldoivrll, Lloyd, andt C lunuon: 3. S. Orr and Co. Dahu1in: W. Curry al Cn.d smiIJE!, ro p GJlJ3lvfr GURNEY,' Now readv, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [be W 11CFAROA~IA WARM SPICE :PLASTERS efolly r fr the CIJiET Cugh91s, Colds, Astrhrnts. Short. fl ess OF Breath, Pain or Tightn~ess of tite Cherst, Aft~c. is of' tile tiffls tel' th Lunigs, &c. are effctuailly relicetei, and in, V och a maniY ?? etirely ptevented by, the trinely application F Ji ritisli of' tflese; Plastters to tlee(;lest, w'hlrh are 1ur superior to) Cie Corn- thle coninoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSEA IS4ANfD ANNUITANT SOCIETY. | N OTX . is NTeby ?? the Act uary and N S ,aretary will be in attendance at their respective Wi)vces, No. 47, Unioal.street, Portsea, and 54, High.. street, POTrSmOutth, on Monday, Wednemlay, and I-riday next, troni Ten till Three ?? to RE(;7,IV the QUARTERLY SUBSCRIPTI6NS which become due on the Ist ot November, and will bj -'-ayable with. out Fine till the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ess , ?? 5 ,ith -ST. THOMAS WllA.RD. lilt RIEND FORCONDUCTINC, THJ, er T4LEPTIOof.esrs.AlXBLE BUNE of Gentlemen who are ?? to their being Returned ed to the council, tog early to tile poll, 0n oodsa of morning, Nov. I1st, at the Committee Roum, Guildhalr ed Pembroke-stretN K and record their votes in favourot ieL those casndidlates. P~nTSSIOUTTr, Soturda?/ Rvening. ed R1ea l1ljn 41 n flei, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ORPORT NELSON, e Zeal11hId, lIRA ship- 1adping day Bith Noelender, Icctnioaor CcttWm~ to tiie. New zfea. ?? to .,ilvt III' lei'tatlNovember. tihe, fine fa~t-scaiitit fiftl~ chli~eitnk-l-4ilt Phi p L(INiO N. *burtibl elt it01 J(Slivlti (tIn. lieti. Conie .llaer, lyitag1 I Ljjth :Jtib Thl-hiptill liMt, 6pl,- will MPtrr1 ltC t.- For Ittoitft cr ll iee ?? trlite v-iiclo heaol d bt, made at titl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARlENCE VICTUALLING YARD, Near Gosport, 20t1 October. 1841. VOTICE is hereby ?? on Thursday Ltlie 4th ir1evesnter ue rt, I shaull 6e seaudy to 'reesive TENDERS in.writin seatled up, anid treatfor 1500 J QUA lITES OF WH EAT, to w~eligh 00 Pounds per bn.sltij oieriveiqht to be paird for; half to te delivered nc i r t night fromi the. day qf Contract, anti the re- R( mailander in et ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i\ 1 ,)BAY dir-ki, will elear out oni the Wllu ?? lusdirisg atiti tb New jrtty L ridoon c rioill- ?? ro.-& ?? ;t,py is thle ?? on botard to Meaarr. Cblari 24, Iite iet or to 11ill ond Wuckurbarh Na. i j MADRAS lind CALCUTTA, to .;ail the jv\ y tibervito tiTi,, ?? rip MOUJNTSTIUA.R'rELPHIN. Vttq FtLNC1` tO tA K a, IStrums, Coi~ttotAhsitr, lyinttt Iit thea 0,;tltis Still, 1tat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _01 rAY -1Ifirst sliip, un~rouer Pfll'c'meri ?? lie rI or so Corrptooc ann( i} -.nd (CALCUTIAr, its Sailh II -, -k ip.-1 .ir 'it F'c11-el-crrool tile q. lerd NI'! lli. S-c iccEE. y jr Dir''.ry, Cu,, P;! I . sit' ETE urrd Co.. 61, Cori. LL-(iS4N, New /A-ahrm(l. Ia-it shlip. II rurn r( Ele rt I'h( 'Ne V Z.n. VnIEN. I,'Iclrr rt'r J,r-ry'Ilr furlr OI'-r COO-dockr 'h -r chip u1 s u, -jfjn. .(Oi Er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOTII M1IDLAND RAILWAY. ALTERATION OF TRAINS. ip Public is respectfully informed that on and flfcer MONDAY, the It of November, 1841, the Ai 31°raills will be discontinued untilfarthernotice. WEEK DAY TRAINS. Thc7 0. A.M. Train from Derby. 2 30 P.M. Train from Leeds. SUNDAY TRAINS. The O 30 P-I. Tr'in from Derby. , 15 p.r. Train from Leeds. the5 felousing alterations will take place at the of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY BREAREY AND EYiF. eHnIw~iELDS, ETWALL. USefA Dir ews, Hieifers,i Stirks, Barren Cows, YeafftiVloieshft-horned Bull, Draught Hores,- Fat Pgl its,- _aramng Implements, Cheese, I:IOUSiR D FURNITURE, Dairy Utensils, Brew- ing Vessels, Kitchen Requisites, &c. &c. TO. BB, SOLD BY AUCTION, : By BREAREY & EYRE, On MOiAY and TUESDAY, November 8th and 9th, on the premises of the late Mrs. LAGER, High ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fo4iC rn Iistoe ?? tho ?? odth of to be ~ten ie ?? tladep cinnwite kt0imr 0d red it G.A~aei obser ?? t ?? or anrhdetiia, at Is, 1d., ~o 4 4 . al nd Pamil glopns~e three Fe 4 Dxs Mso ~4~eAbh Aoient PW1r ?? ~ e. Pi t NwRe.,Ienhn Edchisatige Tavofl Exetern LITTL TOifflTATOA ~~U49i~L~t~E'LOA' - ? .;by ?QG?&-HU8SE1? ? ?JJfi?L1? ?? Vs II?b? ddl 4- u? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALPHNGTN, ONE. MIL.E FROM IIXETEIL'.' COM.1FORTABirE ItufSIDEIN~ .xee AOO'CT AC ZES, lebe SOLD bir private ?? 01iIti' iue :e~or H with lire, Stelas elote, t ?? diloildft ,aile T1I.101100 K. - o'i'4UE Wotith t ?? sior aeitet Fitlatm u3nidortntiotiaed LA NL itOK 00 5, ip ?? 1. o is., I at~ nllmr ieole Cotoo . Many yearsbpos , inth (tlardone0 0I Oerehemstel Oelerd tiietieg und 0 01iol LbteCrnc es ...