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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ELLEN TREE begs respectfully to announ h ' g, BENEFIT, and Last Appearance but To e, will 1ske p1:EvENING (Monday), November Ist, 1841, ¶r enwhich ocasion5 Mr. ANDERSON will also make Las Appearance but Three, The Performantes will ramarence with a New Comedy called (Written by Janmes Sheridan Knowles, Esq.) Sir Philip Brilliant, Mr Hudson; Master Blount, Mr Barrett ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NE:W CORPORA TION. I TO THE WORSHIPFUL THE ALDERMWEN AND COUNCILLORS OE THE BOROUGH OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. FELLOW CITIZENS, BEG leave respectfully to solicit the honour of your YL votes for the Office of Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin. Should I obtain, through your kindness, that high office, which is the object of my legitimate amhit I,5 pledge myself to bring to the fulfil nent of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT RON. THE LORD MAYOR. AL- DERMEN, AND COUNCILLORS OF THE BO- BOUGH OF DUBLIN. MY LosD AND GosvTLZMEN4, HE Municipal Elections for this City baving termi- AL' nated in the triumphant return of a large majority of Liberal Members to your Council, I beg leave to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Marshal of the City of Dublin. In soliciting this appointment, permit me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hrgEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. A earance but Two of Miss ELLEN TREE and 5ApPare Mr. ANDERSON. T19 FrVENING (Tuesday), November 2d, 1841 i be Performed a New Comedy called TL OLD MAIDS (Written by James Sheridan Knowles, Ecq.) i philip Brilliant, Mr Hudson; Master Bloult, Mr Si t ms Blott Mr Anderson; John Blotmt Bsrrctnnpt~n ^ obertt Mr Chute; Lady Bianch, a E Mre Ladgy Anne, Miss Chalmers; Mistress ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR, AL-- DERNIEN, AND COUNCILLORS OF THE BO- ROUGH OF DUBLIN. My LORD AND GENTLEMEN, HIE Municipal Elections for this City having termi- Tnated in the triumphant return of a large majority of Liberal Members to your Council, I beg leave to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Marshal of tge City of Dublin. IF In soliciting this appointment, permit me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TgEATRE RO YAL, DUBLIN. nce but Ono of Miss ELLEN TREE and 3- act A Mr. ANDERSON. EVENING (Wednesday), November 3d, 1841, I, V15 b PerfIrEied the ?? Play of 51 be pWIFE; A TALE OP MANTUA. (Written by James Sheridan Knowles, Esq.) 'do Goonzga, NTr Hudson; Ferrardo Gonzaga, 1j Cooke. Julian St. Pierre, Mr. Anderson; Count I .1r Hi , rijagrath - Mariana, Miss Ellen Tree. To ceaclude with a Nev ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THgEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Dr ANE:RSON begs respectfuliY to announce that hi XBENEIT and Last Appearance this Season willtake pa EVENING (Thursday), November 4th, 1841, U On which occasion Miss ELLEN TREE will also' her Last Appearance. The Performances will psn- isake wh the favourite Play of pesce Wihtel L 0 VyE. (written by Jatmes Sheridan Knowles, Es Hlesa D Mr Anderson ; Duke of Carinthia, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORD MAYOR, ALDERMEN, AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN. My' LORD AND GEWTLEMEN, f NDERSTANDING that in carrying out the principle U of Reform in which your Municipal Body is consti- tuted, you are likely to make a new allocation of some of the Civic Offices, I most respectfully offer myselI a an- didate for that of Swoar, BEAREaa. I rest my claim upon my cbaracter, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-EA TRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. applications Miss ELLEN TREE INcem' ANDEIgSON will Perform Orte Night More. il S 'EVEXI.NG (Friday), November the 5th, 1841, w I' be Peyformed Shakapeare's Tragedy of v ROMIEO AND JULIET. rer Anderson; Friar Laurence, Mr II Cootke-; 8,soiO Mr F Cooke; Tybalt, Mr Chute; Mercutio, Mr B-n°1arus, *,rSala; Capulet, Mr Barrett Peter, ,Jrdscrpton; Juliet, Miss E Tree; Lady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR, AL- DERMEN AND COUNCILLORS OF THE BO- ROUGH OF DUBLIN. MY LORD AisD GENTLEMEN, T HE Municipal Elections for this City having termi. nL nated in the triumphant return of a large majority of Liberal Members to your Council, I beg leavA to offer myself as a Candidate for the office of Marsbal thy City of Dublin. In soliciting this appointment, permit me to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TjHATRE RO YAL, DUBLIN. arance of Mr. and Mrs. WOOD since their re. jtor ifrm Amrc3. First Appearance these Four Years I BROUGH. V°ais EVENING (Saturday), November 6th, 1841, 7 ll be performed the Grand Opera of Ti LA SONNAMBULA. leof the Music by the celebrated Composer Bellini. Tie shd ocion of thia Engagement the Orchestral and ° orus DeparttleftS are consi eraby augmented. Tbe OreraS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, II BY LjEAKSE OR OTHERWt IS. A GROCERY, WINE, and SPIRIT ES A ISH. A MENrT, situated at the NORTH SIDE it=quires no expenditure either for the Retail or Wholealedanu the Owner will treat liberally with a Solvent Tenant. Terms and Particulars from A. Z., at the Office of this Paper. TO BE LET, On such terms as may be agreed upon, by the year, month, or week, - l A LARGE spacious Room ...