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The Family Companion

... ?o .??Inl Ahl'P -*4 'ubf e*f1p. 0 P. I to. I i sNAL AND SELECTED. , In Lad c ?? l, just published, the following passage oc rsI 64:- The Affghans have many ad- vantages over ?? ; one consists in dropping their men fresh for combat, ach horseman takes a foot soldier up behind hin, and drops him when he is arrived at the spot be is required to fire from. ENrGLAND ! ny beloved country I active, ...


... The Rynl Scottish Society of Arts met in Marlany's Saloon, Prince's Street, on Monday 10th April-Jamei L'Amy. Enq. F.R.S.E. Preeident, in the chair. The following communications were madeo:- 1. Suggestions for the better Ventilation of Sailing Voessels and Steam Ships. By Robert Ritchie, Esq. C.E. Edinburgh. In this communication, which Air Ritchie illustrated by dingrann and models, he showed ...


... (From 1He Inquirer.) There are flowers for all fallcies, all feelings, nal horirs; All the seasons in tarn, as th, tlly, 8hetd their ilowers Fromn the loftiest reolirtairt , arod lowliest 0(1, They rise it, their t1eslry nnd sweets bolere Goild. Thou, botanist, letthl thy delights are is store, 'I the fields M.I A the woods, oel the mess and tlre mloor, Thou rosy'st tul them at will iln the ...

In the HOUSE of COMMONS last night, after the presentation of a great number of petitions against

... MIllE MORNAING CERO.OIC'LI. ] hLO N D O N: TIH URSDAY, APRIL 27, 1813. Ii ttre H-tflB (i of (om'-%oNS last night, after the pisenttatiim ot'a ogreat number of petitions against 11'. -X ie -i1 ,At . ..I. r - .0 . .. . . I . . the educution claiusers of tihe Fqtories Bil;, the Ite- titiOn of tihe Rev. Wi u.1.1t Bitowm-, the chaplain of K iiorShid glol, was OrdertlC to he printed ...


... 2 Norma was performed last night ; Grisi, after a 4 two years' absence, appeared as the Druid priestess. it Site was most cordially welcomed, and her efforts, durintg the whole opera, were attenuled wvith on- ceasint applause. Thiere is none of her parts that s)te has more frequently performed, ar tlcat is more familiarly knowiv to the public thans that of Norma. It was not to be expected, ...


... LuILEIATUrIIE. KE~~vIN Gnovn ANn (itaItL Pocnts. BlyWila Marn Bente senl. O argow 1). Robhertson. Edfinb T.r ash Th Ietenal decorations anid exquisite lithogra- pbic embellishments of this beautiful volume, ren- hope ?? it a pet fect Vgem. 'The name of Kelvin Grove the atonce conjures up images of beauty and love, as- marl not sociateid as it is sivith the charms of song and the tified gentle ...


... in RtOYALPOLYTECITNIC INSTITUTION.. A i te COMPLETE ARRANGEMENT of COTTON SPINNING MACHI- i. NERIY, consisting of a Carding, Roving, and Spinning Frame. tl re Onry's neas Microscope, magnirying 74,000,000 times. A new Soric O 8 of Dissolving Views. Tae Science of Electricity demonstrated by the Colossal Electrical Machine at a Quarter to Three daily, and Si - at Eight In tle Evenings. Models ...


... - PUJI4C. A AI q POLYTEC11,IMC ~INgTITUTIN'. 'A CM P1LETE ARRANGE.mENTOff -:COTTrON'_BPINNII'G M Cl- S ,NIEtY, cositstsing of -a Carding;' RO~in9,-aSsd` SissingFae Cary'a new Microscope, matinifyinrg 74,000,000 times Anw eie ci Dissolving Views, The science of Electricity demonstrated by i JsnColssa..EmdcaL~chie aatRQltsaro._toIhree. daily,.-in it Eight in thle Evenings. Models of StlesI ...


... LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. COURT OP CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER-At ten. In je Maples, lunatic jetition, by order. APPEnA amorzioy.-Iliray v Tcgg-Watson v Fnrside-Lord Mostyn v Spencer-BRzalgetto v Kirlow -Needslann v Soluth-West- field v Skipwithi-Heath v Garland-Needham v Needliam. VICE-CHAZNCELLORS' COURTS, WESTMINSTER-At ten. BeforvSir L. Sf ADWLLL. Moltons. Before Sir J. HbTenT BIBUCB. Motions, and ...


... INSCRIBED TtO A FRIEND. Occasieoneca b his repteslinq me Jo I erjc at e.Monodt on the Lceuu4te's Deathir. B1' ELIdJAI 5U)lINGS. Whay should I mourn the death of one who sold His talents at the mart for sordid gold? Tho' I admire the genius of the bard, And read his early writings with regard, 'Tis not for me to mourn ovcr the grave Of sheer apostacy; corruption's slave Shall find not me ...


... TEE JEWISH QUESTION. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND QUARTEiLY RavIEW.E-Tn .CRVRCEMAN-THH VILL AGE CHRCUMAN. HP5alter, S erand:) -One of the signs of the times is the great increase of relm- gious publications-ulot. only of periodical5, but of peta5 nent and important works upon sacred ?? with Scripture doctrine. This late and continual increase of reli- gioas litersture. argues an additional number of ...

Published: Sunday 23 April 1843
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1512 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... VI Her MAJESTY'S VISIT toEDINBURGH.- , Just OPENED at tihe PANORAMA, Lcicester-square, a splendid VIE\W of EDINBURIII, withi her Majesty's entry, on the lIt Sep- lt tember, 1842 ; comprising all the remarkable builditrst within that ii ancient city, and nil the magnificent scenery that surrounds it. The VIEWS of CAIUL and HADEN BADEN remain open. 01 DIORAMA, Regent's-park.-J IJST OPENED, ]' ...