... (From)IIotC Lonadon ass:? .Porrl Loolico' ddsoioila:; of l'oashieoo.) T'ler bo. silkslthiiscseason sro oftlillitlslt e nd, sdo gratdiually to shade from tloe bottom of the skirt to toG cciao ture others of similar style ale soits tbe trssvorsal, tto, checks for neglige, osd small patterns its thc ptospadolor style. Velvet trill continte to ltasm a fosotorite materiol for tbotil- sinsy or ...


... ?? IAJFSTY'S THEATiB, There was another great musical performance at this Theatre last night, consisting of The Descrt, preceded by a Miscellaneous Selection, of a much higher character than on the previous evening, on which M. DAVID'S Sym- phony was performed. The concert commenced with BEETHIOVEN'S Symphony in C minor ; and we certainly never were so much impressed with the grandeur and powe ...


... nXIVRARMY VARI3~TIB.. MAIaCrc.-Malice is a bad guide. As soon as a man feels . its ifloouenice, he may be assured that lie is posseosed by a devil, arid is making an ass of bimself.-Sjrcetator. DIPLOMATICARR1ANGEMENTS WITH TIHE PoPE.-There is no law to preverit entering into diplonvatieengagements with tbe Pope. The sonrner we becoaie arquiainted with a gentleman who lilts so much to say to ...

The Court and Fashion

... ,Lrfjc Court alM S'loyWoll. The London Ti'forneisg Post of Thursday contains the announcement which we now cepy in the hope that the intelligenee may be correct :- THtE QIEEN'9 VISIT To IFlELAND .-W IhavP great satisfaction in announcing that the anticipated visit of her maijesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert to the sister island is definitively fixed to taxe piace during the ensuing ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... I lfterature, idence, ant Art. I TESTIMONY TO THE VERACITY OF THE BIBLE.-The following sentence, in a letter published in the .4ihenzaeum of last week, will be read with interest: - Although the learned Pritchard has striven to prove the unity of origin between Negroes and Caucasians, I did not feel myself satisfied with his reasons; and the desire of throwing more light on this obscure but ...


... I FFASHIONVABLE INTELLIGENCE The Queen had a dinner par-y on Wednesday at Buck. Ingham Palace. The company included her Royal Highine,, the Duchess of Rent. their Royal Highnesses tihe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, their Royal Highnessesthe Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Slecklenhurgh Strelitz, her Roval Rightness the Grand Duchess Stephanie of Ba;en, his Seren0 Highness Prince Ernert ...


... EXTRACTS FROM THE JOURNAL OF A TOUR I THROUGH BELGIUM AND UP THE RHINE IN THE, AUTUMN OF 1844-NO. IX. And here our damsels thawed towards Lorraine, By doing which they surely had great gain; For pleasant conversation makes time pass As lightly as at morn, upon the grass, The glittering dew-drop weighs. Like us, we found This Belgian party to Wiesbaden bound; We found, too, they were pleasant ...

Published: Sunday 06 April 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1363 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... PI'DETRY Il r1E STUDENT. cxV burl-i th'- laip' so late, my friend, into tih kit'llio'd; It burneti si?) late to shn: t he gate That bids to MWiS-lOUms 'vaxT As a 'er drt! it s lim, on li seul of inmil, Ti ) uid mlUe nitl iiS 1'\ Dear rioe lholti Moherl suitmher's ptuiee IS e zils Ku'. a. t\le lidis of 'mae:: Prond - v a t aalone. I mouni't mi thin ron. For I ctnnitaaeewz- li theln Tbe * rcat ...


... 110ones Illusrotraed Blosok of BriltislL Sonr Part /. Edited by Georgc Jlogaurl, I/sq.-J. How, I1a, Fleet-street, London. The object of the promoters of this elegant publication (of which the openlirlg part is before ius) seems to be to resetie froin oblivion the sterling old English songs wbich have boen favour- ites with su(aessive generations of oat, countrymiten, and to pre- sent theta St ...


... K iASHI.NtA~ I ?? ?? MA!JESTY 8 ?? ISIT TO THE I Irer ~ljajesty ai'd hits R~yal itirj se Pr, ~ IG~ by the Ionr, lady, and equerry inWaiti'ting. ive' 4theraei'I' O'clock to-day (Saturday), by special train, fron F [iteVI on their wvay to Ostiornie~ihose, vehicti GMer' chased for a mafrine reej'iec T hejou er aj 2t'ibo' liar. onle hour sid as halc rf. O11 raightirn,' fromt tfie sltate riiiI ...


... THE VETERINARIAN. (Longman and Co.)-In the number for the present month we find two articles of such general inte- rest, that we gladly transcribe them into our columns. It is stated, oit the authority of the Bulletin Ginirale de Thera- peutique Mtedicale el C/shinssuicage, that a packet has been odged at the Academy of Sciences containing the ingredients of a styptical liquor, which has been ...

Published: Sunday 06 April 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1852 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... COURT FASHION. ROYAL VISIT. TO THE ISLE OF WXG6T On Saturday mejnifg, ?? e Ielock.her Maiesty, Prince A11ert, the Pnincess 13a1, and su , arrived the paraborough station of the South Western Railway, en route tote Osborne and Barton estates in the-is of Pight. At beiactly'one minutetoqone the Royal train ertered.thc Gee- port terminus, having performed the Journey, from the Fain- borough ...

Published: Sunday 06 April 1845
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1943 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture