Advertisements & Notices

... | THE EDINBURGH REVIEW , /3 Will be Puished N~ext W~eek. CONTENTS. I. David Hume. 2. The Streets of Paris. 3. Local Taxes of the United Kingdom. 4. Bancroft's History of the United States. 5. The Chev. Bunsen on the Basilicas of Rome. 6. Thornton on Over Population. 7. Genius and Writings of Pascal. S. On Centralization. Edinburgh: ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, London: LOSNTIAN & CO. /6/LECTURVES ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dublin Cacti., 22d Det, 1*6. 'y121 T'xcellency the LORD LmUTlANT will hold a LEVEE at C-le, TWEiD NEBDAY, the Ith day of Janury. ISN,' *t ONE o!Clook. FREDERIC WILLIS, GentlemanUsher. CIHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, Dublin Castle, Dec. 22t%846. 5HERE Will be a DRAWING ROOIt the T Castle, on THURSDAY Evening, Sv14th of January, 1847, at NINE o'Clock. FREDERIC WILLIS, Gantlema Usher. SA CKVILL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. THOMAS HOSPITAL, NEAR EXETER, FOR LUNATICS. PRESIDENT, DR. BLACKALL. A T a GENERAL COURT of GOVERNORS held at A tbe CASTLE OF EXETER, this 6th day of J'AuAtt, 1847, SAMUEL KINGDON, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. The Chairman of the Committee beld yesterday at the Hospital delivered in the following MEDICAL REPORT of the state of the Patients, by Dr. Miller and Dr. Sbapter, Physicians; and Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEPOS11' ASsumAYNCE AM 1M TMABLE 4 zNvmSTWENT COMPANY. A Considerable proportion of the Stock required for the Aformation of the Company having now been applied for, the Allocation will take place on SATURDAV, the 23d January, after which no further applications wvill be received. A Meetina will be called on an early day thereafter, for receiving a Report from the Provisional Committee, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;ale% bti Antton. CAPITAL FREEHOLD TAN-YARD, RESIDENCE, AND PREMISES, AT CuiPrING SODBURY. S B E g OD Y 7 A UCf ION, By Mr. JOHN TAYLOR, At the PORTCULLIS INN, CHIPPING SODBURY, GLOU- CESTEIIRSIRE, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of February, 1547, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to such conui. tions as shall be then produced), A LL that convenient Freehold RESIDENCE, 11. together with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAIM, At Old Newtou, near Stowmarket. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. ISAACSON and TATTERSALL, At the King's Head Inn, Stownmarket, on Thursday. the 7th day of January, 1847, at Four for Five o'clock precisely, in the afternoon, A Most desirable small FARM, situate at Old Newton, A near Stowmarket, comprising a farm-house and appropriate bui'lings, and about 64 Acres of excellent Arable and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELEGANT PRESENT rOR THE NEW YEAR. Noew ready, elegantly bound, with gilt edges, and illustrated in the first style of the art, price Half-a-Crown, The Christmas Log; or, the Star of Oatlands. A Tale of a Fireside that had a Good Genius and a Bad One. BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGSZ-BEAUTIPUL PRINT BEAUTIFUL PAPER Now Publishing, Lloyd's Pictorial Library of Stand. sad Works, in Penny Weekly Numbers, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Treatment of the PooT.-We hare rereived the following from an it- esate in Camoberwell worakouse; it is a sample of the Peruheies aud inds nities to which misfortune subjects the industrious:- SIB,-I have been a hoeseholder in the parish of Camberwtel for severat years, it am ua ass inssai of the workhouoe, with mzy twoo ch/ildren. Their ages are ten and flee years. They were both clean and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r r ; SOUTHSEA & PORTSMOUTH WY 11 ?? sAII A 8 %.C 311iB; It,1 ?? :PATRtONAGE The Hon. Ltady PAKENEAK. Admiral Sir Charles OGLE, Bt. - Mrs. Hyde PAFXRa;. Mrs. General Joass. The Hon. Lady MosRB. Vice-Admiral SirJohn ONcANNmE; XLC.Nj Lady Xi21ENwS. Mrs. Captain CEcAris, R. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honor to an- rU oniusce, the THIRD ASSEMBLY, being the lat but one for the Winter Season, will take ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, January 13,1847. The adjourned meeting of the Council wm held this for the purpose of Uking into consideration the notion, of which Mr. Alderman Band« had given notice, for increasing the aalary of Mr. Rushton. There was numerous attendance ef members. The Mayor, in introducing the proceedings, read a memorial, signed 1200 persons, of which the following copy To the Wortkipful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Ladiei' SemiinarY, Headingtons, sinai Oxrford. ISS HANWELL respectfully informs her fretids,' Mthat her SCHOOL will re~opeti on Monday the 18th of Januarys instant._ P FOREST HL. -W ISs 1EALLrespectifomrki lv..SCHOOL re-opens the ?? ISS TRA FFO DIg¢atefully acknowledges the m kindness oI hte rends, nd begs ?? to acquaint~ -them that, h epir will ?? on Thtsrsday,. January 21st. Bampton, Jan. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STATE OF THE ODDS AT TATTERSALL'S. TnVnSDAY.-Cheetel Cnip.-The ?? at the elose of a dull af- terroon were as ?? on the fetti gst 30, 30 to 1 agst Mr 3tostyn's Cnmera 01,scitr, tO to I nast MrHorbert's Antler (1,000 to 30 taken), 33 to I test 'IT IV. Scott's EH .- httagh, 40 to 1 agst Capt. Pettat'sleXvcsort. 40to I agst 15Cr Grotwikeko' The Ilitch, 30 to I agst Mtr Dawson's Ctihn. Con. (t), ...