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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... pOR CALCUTTA, DIRECT, under engagement Fto the Ilion. Ilost India Corrpany, to Sa ill 25th JANUJARY, the- r'll rast-satll'tg 1.1 JOHN G::AY, A I, 578 tons regrister, DtUINCA.N 3g..C DONALD, Ccrtoitaunter, ly-ing in taoe Lonilonn Dock S. Elis ex- ecijent 'cet niicodat~io f01r iseritg es', hiavintf 0 il 0 For frcixolit or paissage, appilly to P'oillipps aind Tipladly, C-, Georgo- car111 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to CEr O, Madras, and Calcutta, viA ylax jnthl Mail Steam conveyance for Passert- fg -Th PniOuarand Oriental Steam Navi- L CH ERS - and receive goodlt and parcelo (WO sby theirt Oteamers, starting from Southampton the tisOeol on0 or aboat the 10th of every month. For e fron biepln of the steoin'erit, atoo to secure pia.. C,,,aoano 3 offices, 01. St. lifary-axe, London. *~1 CAE t MADRAS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. OR YAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.- PROFESSOR SCH(ENBEIN'S GUN-COTTON, and other bcploive Compounds, with brilliant Experiments, lectured on by Dr. Ryan, daily, at half-past three o'clock, and on the Evenings of Wondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The prhnciple of the various ELECt'RO..MAGNlETIC TELEGilAPflS explained daily by Professor BachLoTUher, including the patent of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rITIFM to CHINLA.-Rhgalar Monthly Steam SCorommuiteatdn for PasSenge~rs tuld light Goods to vensng, r'.tn- gsport, 0111 Hong Kong, VOL Egfypt. The l'enlwirrlar' andtt Orientol ti bteam NavigatiiOY Company BOO0K PASSE1S'GEEG8 and fotrwar goods u sad parcels to the above ports, by their Steatiorrer, from Southampton,, the 2oth of oevery month. For particulars apply- at the Compary'sl offces,, 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HrEALTH, EDUCATION, and SCIENCE.- U POPUILAIt LECTUIRES on the Structure, Actions, and uses otthevarious parts of thelfUMAN FltkMEat 2, 5,and7, Pea,, Daily, by Mr. LEACI. These Lectures will be illustrated by a splendid ana- tomicsd wax model of thc Venus di Muedici and suitable diagrams. Ladies are respectfully invited to attend, as the strictest care has been taken to ovoid ohfence, even to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HECAPBLL1VO.\TAIXTin WVEST - be executed in marble by Mr. 'Marshall, A.R.A., are received at the Bariking-houses oftMessrs. Coutts and Co., 591, Strtand; Messrs. Rogers and Co., 29, Clement's-lane; and Messrs. Drumtmond land Co., 49, I. Charing-tross:- COMTatTaEr. His Grace the fluke of ]Bucclouoh Ube Rt. Hon. Sir J. C. Hobhouee, The Most Noble the Marquis of Bart., Ml'.PIV Lansilawne The IRt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHNA-Rgua Mornthly Steam 0oieO~f fa Pa'ee'~anti li'aht Goods to l'enanat -sin- ~~~~~~~ Th Penimur and Ori-ntal ~. a00, poa;o byter Sterimers, from S 5suthaniatpto, U~h7APE toAl)~S, ALCTTA, slNG~'OlC~ andIIONGKONGcallrg at thec ~s'i'iandCOXON - he OONNSLAIC and meow NAVIGAION COMPAN inland todcspattiaj 0P5--atI al,, litei glea Tatn,, 400 horse power, 30th JAanuary. FOIIN n ,401 ),ens, 300 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £1TFAI to CRYIA), 'Madras, andl Calcutta, wj~ -pO ~lefiuI:Lr 2funthly Mali Scamn Ccriveunceb ftw Pavs'cn- od lie Peninsular and Ozient.,' :ifien.. stvi- 9T, B001C UJISattI reteciv' cr0.5s 'ted pare,.- gili C ,b ih~ecu statoroers, starting fromI Solitarileontn thle 'tf n00 soe s r ~bat the 10th of revery mronth. Fre frontSURL lton~~ plats of the steanaers, and *o s''ccire p'oe- Isriclt~t Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBA11 to CEYLON, Madras, and Calcutta, vi& fonthlylffail Steam CoV ynef fr assn S ueqLR~i ~ei..-jhe peninsular and Orinte Steam Nav-. #0c td igt )'B0ol rASSENXGERS and receive goodIs andt parcele 1.coapa0.1, y ther steamers, starting le-om Souitharmpton the orte rmSuez on or abocet the 10cth of ceerr month. Fo,- OAa ae aoner, Plafls of the steamers, and to securo pcas. r3- ofpi at- iee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ALL WEIO HAVE FARIMS OR GARDENS. m HE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, IT AND AGRtICULT ZL GAZETTE, (The HORTICULTURAL PAR Edited lby Pro.f LINDLEY) Of Saturday, Jfan. 1, contains Articles on Agriculture, antiquity of Hotbeds, dung Apples, select ff()ya Imaperialis Apples, Padley's rippin (with ImpHatipn platIps' I la Engraving) Insects, to kill' Botanic Garden, Edgbaston Insects; on osiers Calendar, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E VENING PARTIES.-ll. FARLEY, 31, Fleetf- 1 J strecet, opp',,alte St. tlrosstan's Churds, rctus'es his m~ost grateful thanks to the ',?~obil ity ant Gentry for the very Hintsal support lie lisus met with Itst, ansi -sn in sue, Present season, andi bae.-, to state hie stilt c~tl',nuos to ATTEfN ) EVENING PARtIES>, both in tesso and cOuntc.v, with his Mechanical 'Tricks, Ile sflso provides the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlTEAM to CHINA.-Regular Monthly Steam S oe~net~lfor Pacssengers and light Goods, to Penaneg, 6in. aaornd E05T il. r4. The refiflselttr tend oriental a .,,_yASNrR nd wr goods Swtel'cecp ote bv trts, by their Steamners, from Southampton, the20t o ectrmonh.For partteelars apl'Py at ties Company's- offce, 1.Cl.Ntt~aee.London, or 17, Itigh-9trect, Soutlctunfi6n. IV~bI~OL o lUBLIN every evenfin~gat ...