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Liverpool Mercury


... Thk Official Inqcirt.—Yesterday the (.government surveyors resumed their inquiry connexion with the Sanatory Bill. Mr. Brine and Mr. Sal ten, the surveyors, and other the township officers, were called to give evidence the drainage and sewerage, in order to ascertain whether it came to the requirement of the Government Commissioners. Thev were also examined as the public edifices, including ...


... Thk FUNDS.—London, Whdnbsday Evening. | PROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.] The English Stock market was firm towards the close of last week, but since then the business transacted has been limited, and prices have slightly retrograded. To-day there was not much doing. Consols were last quoted for the opening; Three-and-a Quarter per Cents, ; Exchequer Bills, to 12. The Foreign Securities have been firm ...

Bankrupts, &c

... From the London Gazette, of Friday, Dec. 25. ELLIOT, Robert, agricultural implement maker, Liverpool, to surrender Jan. and 29, at eleven, at the Liverpool District Court. Attorney, Booker, Liverpool OSWIN, William, boot and shoemaker, Liverpool, to surrender Jan. 12 and iy, at eleven, at the Liverpool District Court. Attorney, Deane, Liverpool JONES, William, and George Clay, boiler-makers, ...

iittttVQ SAINT GEORGES HALL ORGAN. To the EDITORS the LIVERPOOL MERCURY. Gkntlemkn, —In vour piper of the h ..

... appeared mme comments on a pai-aampii extracted front the Morning Chronicle the subject of the proposed organ for St. Geo go's Kii.ll with re«:trd to which should be g!ad, >our will to a fewremarks, 1 fear you are in dan ger of inadvertently misleading thooe who may possess bast iptoriaation on such and (which I feel certain you would regret) doing injustice one who, essentially a matt ...

Isle of Mam.—A horse belonging to mode, took fright at Prospect-hiII, DouchJ a wall, knocked its head through a ..

... ho much injured that it died immediately including steamers and all other description. were seen to pats through Ramsay Bav in »k. * in the year 1846.- A shipment of granite dale, took place laet week at Pell, £150 has been raised at Kiik Andreas, for the poor of that pariih. The Archbishop l the amount.—A general gaol delivery took week at Capetown. John Caley, from Wm. Oates, was sentenced ...

Local Intelligence

... Important to Bakers.—We understand that Mr. Joseph Williams, of Windsor-cottage, is prepared, provided a sufficient number otter, to apply his smokeconsuming apparatus to bakers' ovens of every description, either furnaces or chaffers, and that he will guarantee the efficiency his plan. Mr. Williams had some doubts as to whether his plan could be successfully applied to furnace and chaffer ...


... THE BIGOTRY OF THE BENCH.-THE RIGHTS MOTHERS. His Honour the Vice-Chancellor Knight Bruce, unfortunately for the poor suitors the Court of Chancery, lias an itch for meddling with what is entirely above and beyond his province. lie will insist upon travelling beyond his last, and it is not, therefore, to wondered at that cobbles causes badly. lie is, in point of fact, that intolerable nuisance ...


... IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. . parties holding Tickets are requested send for the Portrait at their earliest convenience. We are glad to !ind that the Portrait gives satisfaction t» the public, which is some consolation to us for the anxiety and heavy expenses Incurred in our endeavour to «ratify then. Subscriber* in the country, who have not received a copy this Portrait, are requested to remit ...

Isle op Man Law v. Ji'stick.—lf any thing were required to strengthen the hands of Dr. Bowring and the Reformers

... of the Isle ot Man, in their endeavours obtain representative government, it has been furnished this week by the last act of the self-elected and irresponsible House of Keyp. On Monday last, the case of Grellier, appellant, v. f'enrice and Wallace, respondents, came before thera for decision. It was case of libel, the defendants being the publishers of the Manx Liberal. In the court below, the ...


... Repeal Association.—The weekly meeting of this body on Monday last was but inaifferently attended, although Mr. CConnell made another last appearance. Mr. Alderman Butler presided. Mr. W. T. Kelly, solicitor, detailed certain ejectment proceedings said to have been adopted by many landlords in the county of Mayo against their cottar tenantry. From Mr. Kelly's statement it appeared that at the ...


... The packet-ship Pa'rick Henry, ('apt. Delano, which left New York liar evening the .h.h instant,' avnved in the Mersey yesteMbiy. her have received New York papers to the fkh, and date* from Washington to the The news important. Intelligence had reached Washington another -kir- I tnihh ween the United States'* troop« a*::! the cans. A detachment six companies of the American f trees, route ...

Re production op thb Potato.—a correspondent of the Huffalo Commercial Advertiser states some important facts ..

... which are worthy of the most serious consideration. says— My opinion is, that the potato has been so long propagated by cutting instead of seed, that has gradually deteriorated, until it has become fatally diseased, and that the remedy is procure potatoes for planting which have been propagated recently from the seed. I wish to call the attention of the public the fact, that a gentleman in ...