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Bangor, Caernarfonshire, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Seininary, V RED HILL, NEAR BEAUMARIS, CONDUCTED BY MRS. 1I. JONES, WTILL be Re-opened on the 26th instant. Liverpool and 11enai BrIdpe. TUE 1OVERrUTL AND FAST SAILING NEW IRON STEA3MER C i B RI A, Captain JJ)ILN HUNTER, Y ILL sail frr m ' nai Bridge on TIIURSDAYS Vand SATURDAYS, at .Nine in the morning, and will leave George's hier, Liverpool, on TUESDAYS anil FRIDAYS, at Ten in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Abe 44old, A London built CIHARRIOT, with Imperiali ATravelling Boxes, &c., complete, and in ex- cellent condition. For further particulars npply to Mr. JAMES MILLINGTOas, Upper Northgate-street, Chester. IRO8PITAL. To be erected at the Testiniog Slate Quarries. i NY Carpenters, Masons, or Plasterers wish- A ing to contract for the above Work, can by application to .\lr. JAMEs SPooNsrL, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ladies' Sevninary, v RED HILL, NEAR BEAUIMARIS, CONDUCTED BtY 3tlRS. It. JONES, AjILL be Re-opened on the 26th instant. IIOPE COTTAGE d% Es;tabtishllslwtell; for i WI adles, l'l.N-\Y-M:AES, NEAR HOLYWELL. JXtIR1S. .48'T1;E, T ULY' gratef'ul to her f'rcnds for the support w ith which they have so kindly favoured her, 55SciCCthIlll informs them and the public, that the pleasing ditties of her ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CR NLU'flYO EC 4YDE? TE ETE.J I0 I 1 le P. *ier, N ) HOAR(S ~~ ~ ii bt.3 ,_ir cve be t ith a1,a Soft vor''- -il10 i-jil1 (IIId i- 1 ' 1'. ashort ti'.lll r.vil, r- I tt j. aiI, .i, t tht [Kting 'Ii t 'o' ell ''o- VC~ !illxxti Oin. j: Q~~~~~i L ai'oI (II 1 t1or2 * 0.1,1 Ii 3, ilti' ;.ti, *\.33fl(3J1 (in lrrt13'. Contit x'' N I IN J A t, fron~~i i I 12 ti10 4 . ~ ~ ~ ~ Twh - cI ''t31lt. (31a- Pnx ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; 1jti'vo nslire Quarter Sestsions. rtl 11 \ '1' C GE NER I . Ic2QIIYARTliE I SES tim I' PACfEd lolt, tile County of 1> LMVLXiO , d K'i ld at the CouN-tyI HALL, ill * A47 ' 'of 0c~locl,. in th~e Fore.. I i.e pal I'f)l(A of the Civil and Criminal * 'vi!XI''hbe continued by ad4journment CLu 70i day of'o ,ltlari' afbrosaid, to ble Ij~ i U'Cu'itV Il a.I &:e,91i'cdt, 011 FtItDAx, t INv fl~x vi, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . . . . .. . :r forinatioli A CLERGYMAN, a Graduate of Oxfoid er mile. - residing in a healthy situation, near a large .y not to Market Town in North Wales, would be glad to have the talce into his EHouse One or Two PUPILS, to generally whom every attention would be paid. Dus man, Terms rnoderate.Apsply to X. Y-s, the Olfice be sdv'ed of this Paper. t expend- (Tis advertivemeent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1Ffliatshirte peltusary./ NOTIiE IS'HEREDY GIVEN, r l HIATT the Giieneial Anniual Mieeting ot the Sub- L scribers and -Benefactors to the above Cha- rity will be held nt the Bo.wkn RooMl, Bagillt- street., HoL.YWELL, oil WTr.DNSSDAY, the 27th day it JASUAi5-5 instalit, at the hour of 12 at Noon, for the purpose of examining the Accounts for the past year ; for the appollntment of (ifficers for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIE CIIEAPEST, LA iGESTi AND) BEST PAPhR, IS T HE, LIVE£RPOOL oENc~ PUBLISHIED EYEI{Y '.rATI JRU. Y: PIR1.(,1 TU.P1U, L'ENCE. HEIi LIVERPOOL CHIIOMOLE is 0he sinze of the LoNOT 1'1., MId contains 48 Cid'sxn;!s o' lateres/inly Alatte,, including tbe NJ'AVS OF CHfES1i1RL AN) NORTTI WALES; the Liverpool, London, Wacritigtoli, Wakedie,' Birnibighaam, and other COR, l khtKtETS; the I.i- verpool, ...