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Advertisements & Notices

... o htip) ping, HULL AND LYNN. j ffi rr H E WELL KNOWN STEA i LORD NELSON, W 4 SS2;;CAPT. RO08T. WISE, will leave each CZ Port as under, (weather permitting,) F HULL to LYNN, TUESDAY, February 16, 7 ?? Night. _ TUESDAY, February 23, 12 ?? Night. / LYNN to HULL, FRIDAY, February 12,2 ?? Afternoon. w FRIDAY, February 19, 8 ?? Morning. C AVERAGE PASSAGE, TEN HOURS. FAttES (incuding Steward'sFee) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEVERLEY AND BARMSTON DRAINAGE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the N ADJOURNED MEETING of the Proprietors of Lands within e LeeofthIeverley ?? Dranaeywill behl at the East Riding Sessions Hall, SE in Bereon T RtSDAY, the 24th day of June next, th, at Twelve ?? at Noon, for the purpose of further pa considering the Report of William Le-win, Esq., on the state of the Drainage, and also receiving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 60u t% RBre0% ZAN SALE, a CARGO of Superior RYE MEAL, just arrived. VD E THOS. WOOD, & CO. Hull, 13th Oct., 1847. TO GROCERS. i/ rINEnew.PATRAS CURRANTS F expected to arrive shortly by the E xcHANoE, Sbaxton, she having sailed 6th September. M. & R. KEIGHLEY & Co. October 14th, 1847. TO DRYSALTERS, CALICO PRINTERS, To DR DYERS, &c. G EO. BUCKTON & SON beg leave to G inform the Dealers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF FISHING SMACKS. 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by A Mr. STAMP, on TUESDAY, 14th Instant, at Twelve o'Clock, at his Sale-Rooms, Alat I well-known FISHING SMACK, FOX, 39 Trols, O.M., with her Boat, Sails, Net Warps, &c, in excellent Condition, as she now lies in the Rail- way Dock. She has long been known as the fastest 'Vessel of her size on these Waters. Also that useful and vell-found SMACK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. OHN i~t'tD~ ~gi o inite iniwit. that 10e hats received ~ InarctflMto MEhLi hW AUCTION. err Iflandap nexti. tice rcl~lteiifailt. ont the Premises. 2ri. Flirwood Street, in conseqeirticO of the Frimily leatving the Town, A Lthe 11OIJSBUOLD FURNITURE, &C., BI %~rn isinT elv ElmChanirs with Stuffed Seats, One Do. Arm Chir, Two M ealoiiy Ciard Tab~e3, tine Do. Si and, ONE: superior ELGIhT-DAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *All Lteters, Post-paid, addressed to Advertisers, throughs the Pr-cinecrs,are invariarbly forwarded to tie aripAdvert-isieg; if~theefoe, n Apt eael oesnotreciveananswer, withina reasnubt tim, le ,sst cnclue eiherthaele Advertiseer is alrcdpsitedorteat~m cme o/se- caseit has not beens thoghtnee~sritto sts-uaceanwerto heAppticatlso, ,in- Ailcnsrercmeedo i/etsaiceare in thee firi to I tne ear - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOND Pt ACF, LEM[Vt'tD~ COUJNTINqG.llOUSlli FURNITUiIE, INSE, G&S FITTINGS, AND OMlICti EFFECTS. Mess .& NV, 11ARDWVICIC beg to arrnnounce that they have Ivia nstrt ittiots to St Jt y ITtC~l'ON. Oa Monday next, tit Efr/14b Dre of Uatrch instanta, upon tho Premiases of UeSre.Roinson and Turley, BakrpsBndPlace, LLthe COUNTING HOUSE FURNITURE, Irons;- Cane-Po Lttd Chairs: N ine Mjips' 0-eL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OLP CIGARIS.' Mr. JOTIN REPPER bogs t. maket kniown that he will SELL by AUCTIO, at the- C5otlIDttCIA5. S~ALK Rtnols. STSKNst'd 13UtLDIN 0, LaSSOS.S 05. Molitig.OICt, the Tweshkft'e.J5 tle PA RCEL of FI NE' OL1,D C I GA RS, of t A~ ~~~favoult its Brands, viz.:- vs 35511s. Finie Old PRINWIP'ES. s 255-lbs. li'rns'e ISA HE1Lt, A PRMINIPES. i I~tie, Finew Old INGIENUiI5AIS. j 'IO lbs. Vaniooo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 EST ARAE, in -'-The HOUSE, N:;t0P'i'~ln nd Coach enme, occoupied b Dr Hopper, ?? with~a entered on lvjirsi,Avgsti; _liautZ6O. per IBLET, aend entered1A9~ BT Bnu' TO~ -ApplY to AlT.'l~dW-ko-as,:eo eilOET,,t.GEtEEIDE, WRTLEO .1, wo ffile§ . fib E and.1,kARDEN Alormeorly occu- jedhY P~d I o~t~rlh':Addock.C6$tltkd(' ~oss~afl~hre~ll atSible, ifrequlred.,. R~ets~pdtiiate.-~ No.13;S~6d'Otrotit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... err- * . ]ted JuTst Puiilshedi Third Edition of 2,000 Copies, Price is. 6d. = ptha %1HE DIFFICULTIES OF ENGLISH sed Jl GRAMMnRIt REMOVED; or ENCLISII GRAMMAR SIMPLIFIED. Adapted for Schools and Self-Instiuction. nci- To which Is added a TREATISE ON PUNCTUATION. 5 lnin By J. BEST DAVIDSON. St job- A veziudicious and instructive Grammar.-Athei amu. In an It is written with remarkable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .EEDS, DEWSB3URY, AND MANCHESTERM RAIL WAY.' NOTICF Is hereby given. that thle FOURTH! ORDINARY PRlt GUN KRAL MEETING of the i'ROPRtlENtllS of the LEEDIS. theti IDEWSBUIRY. Ant MANCHIESTSR ICAILWAY will be held STAT. At thle COURTa'.ISItiS. In LERos. Oil Honeday, tile Tvseefte-seconi.i Ingla .Da ?? TwiIlveO'Clocut at Noon Tb. NOTICE, ts hereby further Given, that tise Booke for The Dr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST PUBLISHED, FUJLL.LElGT II PORTRAIT of FEARGUS O'CON. A NOR,EsQ. Lithographed in the first Style of Art,from -Al Original Painting by T. MATLN a.d. PrInts ?? .. ?? ?? 2 6 On India paper ?? ?? ?? 4 0 Coloured to Life ?? .. , . 6 0 PFrmes and Glasses from 3S. to ?? 50 0 We have seen specimens, both plain and coloured. d mnut pronounce mr M artin's work an unmietaehleabe lte' nest ot the ...