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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE SPORTSMAN'S GAZETTE, CJES OF COURSES-SECRETARtIES OF' NG AND CRICKET CLUBS-COURSING K 13TINGS, &C-. hal1 at all times feel greatly indebted to those gentle- Be S Vvhowitake the trouble to forward us authentic teturrs of the meetings which may come off under their authority. ERA DE3BY AND ST. LEGER SWEEPS. parties, whether old or new Subscribers, on the payment -wgsrYSl)t SHIaLLINGS, to ...

Published: Sunday 31 January 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 553 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... HECAPBLL1VO.\TAIXTin WVEST - be executed in marble by Mr. 'Marshall, A.R.A., are received at the Bariking-houses oftMessrs. Coutts and Co., 591, Strtand; Messrs. Rogers and Co., 29, Clement's-lane; and Messrs. Drumtmond land Co., 49, I. Charing-tross:- COMTatTaEr. His Grace the fluke of ]Bucclouoh Ube Rt. Hon. Sir J. C. Hobhouee, The Most Noble the Marquis of Bart., Ml'.PIV Lansilawne The IRt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBA11 to CEYLON, Madras, and Calcutta, vi& fonthlylffail Steam CoV ynef fr assn S ueqLR~i ~ei..-jhe peninsular and Orinte Steam Nav-. #0c td igt )'B0ol rASSENXGERS and receive goodIs andt parcele 1.coapa0.1, y ther steamers, starting le-om Souitharmpton the orte rmSuez on or abocet the 10cth of ceerr month. Fo,- OAa ae aoner, Plafls of the steamers, and to securo pcas. r3- ofpi at- iee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E GENTLENIAN holding an honourable situation A in ler )ljeatvp service, is desirous of RESIGNI:G (which he is *psermiitted to dol in favour of another. Tle duties require ?? .attealdsces oa Her SIsijesta on all seeptssiso, lecc;5, mzsd Slate ceremos ides staring the season; antd this appsoisltmelt is a desir able one far any Ocuntleman not sistirela depessldast onl the emotnissents arising ...

Advertisements & Notices

... llastratiOO5 by Leech, and t3. Measom, and a Portrait of Louis the Fourteenth. The February Number, Price Half-a-crown, of EN4TLEY'S MISCELLANY, ContaIns: THE BOY AND THE -MANTLE. A THdT FROM TH HE SR(CY RBELIUES. BY ALBERT SMITH. WITH AN ILLUSTRATION BY LUECH. ?? Rose, by The Old Honest. and Happy, by G. Lin- .~ nieus Banks. nter, Alfred Crowquill. Nelson and Caracciolo, by Dr. eS tephen's ...

Published: Sunday 31 January 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4702 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ~sSTOVE~ AND FENDER I-'e.~J~.-*S EORGE and JOHIN DEANE have ex- its D~P1~.,rt' o tr own, wlihereevery article is manufactured ttr15l-`e Tc th owmtril tiimchn of the ,J, ite 5ti cocgeil the fendier ana stovec doparltnents ar Gt Wrhuend si,,eo,._rooms exhibit all. the toteot improve- !r3 .px whicha cannot be comipeted with by any other housse. 11 publi bitildirgo, ge'nilernen'sO mansions, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1?GlYPTIAN-HALL, PICCADILLY.-LANTUM a audXTIIOPIAN SEREINADERS, THIS DAY (Saturdbay), the 50th, t] and dutiring the next week. The unanimous opinion of the musical world pIcshdms this entertainment to he unequallcd. 'The. delightful ti tone of the Lantum is the surprise aind admiration of all who; havc (I heard it, whilst the glees, overtures, and ducts, nig*htly elicit the most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAMtO CINA-Rognlar Monthly Steam CT m!eE nfrPaot.t±Oadligt Goods to Penang, sin- Kong ri Egpt.ThePenin~sular end Oriental 50tr,~ Cemeny O~h lASSEGERIS;%nd forward goods andpirtleto 0aboe ecnbythirSteamers, from Southampton, lieait o eerymoth.~o patiulars9 apply at the Company's ote, 1. t.ltay~rte Lndo, r57, Otigh-otreot. Sotuthampton. TEAM vi da CAE, to MADRAS, CALCUTTA, PENAO, s~oAPREl, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -CION OF THE SKIN. a;INEFORD'S PATENT FRICTION GLOVES AND P for producing a healthy state of the System, by Fric- stAP 'ut the risk of tearing the skin, as all the ordinary 0 -Gloves are liable to dto. ',rqe faier advanstsage of thepatent FLESH GLOVES and The ?? by Mr. DINEFORD are, that the points ?? are brought perpendicular to the surface, thereby ol the lthejlijability to tear the skin, ...

Published: Sunday 31 January 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5988 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... TeProporiefi -thisWE,_:0MWEKLY TEWIWPAPER, calculatedalike :for the perusal1 of FAMILY CIRCLlS as of, BRITISC ESPORTS. EN! has determined to give its 'Subscribers a BONUS OF- 'UNPRECEDENTED MAGNITUDE AND-PERFECT NOTELTY. i | E3iery party, WHETHER A PENSENiT READE. OR 1N TENDING TO BE SUCH, must pay IN ADVANCE the sum of Twenty Six Shillings, which will entitle him to the supply of THE ERA ...

Published: Sunday 31 January 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4775 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Seet-ehEdition ocith numerous Ill-tteationS, Ilimo, price C5s. boned. 'BLAiRS UNIVERSAL PRECEPTOR ; or, Bi General Gramimar of Arts, Sciences, and Useful Knowledge. With The sQUEITtONS. seisarte. CIsm, Is. sowved. TFleetIKilttic ?? TID s.lous, 9d. Selved. Whittaker mid Co. Are Marm. lane. p I'IIL43IPS' HIISTORICAL AND _r 131(1,RAPTICALWORKS fir SCHlOOLS. RtEitlNSDN'S GIOAWMAR of UNIVERSAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A/{IDDLESEX ELECTION.-The COMMITTEE fprNUrriNG, thoe EL.ECTION of hlod ROBERT GRtOS- TENOR. SIT DAILY at the CENTRAL COMMEITTEI3E tl(tVOIS, Britishi Coffee-housr, Coelospur.stroot. S. C. WHIiTBRIEAD, Chairman. J'IDDLESEX ELECTION.-TThe ELECTION , ill taloe pln at Brentfo-ot, oln Wednesday bext, at ten Celoe: Lord ltobert GrossOLorS Committec anid the Electors fltoa the Xast,. Xr, anll ...