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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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... B. ?? SATU.DAY, MAY 8, 1847. Wi 0o col d THE PEOPLE AND THEIR PROSPECTS. thi B_ ?? r The Parliamentary Quacks, who saw in the th typresent crisis only an accidental event, the blasphe- th se mous Churchman who thought of it only as a tb ' Divine dispensation, the party out of office who cli Is ebeld in it a political godsend, and the party in th Ir office who gazed bewildered on the Great ...


... WRECK OF AN EMIGRANT SHIP-- ON' HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE LIVES LOST.I ?? Accounts from Scotiand rprth sipwreck of eln the brig Ezmouth, whc ha nbadaboub Oon thi rhbundrod and seventy eros ?? emni- an, g grants, every soul f whoecp he of the ?? 0crew, were lost. ha L. It appears that she sailed from Londonderiy on Cal Monday, the 26th nit., and was soon after caught in to the storm which raged ...


... | The signs of immense political and social changes multiply on all hands. They are visible equally in the new and kindly interest evinced by the aristo- cracy in question, affecting the rights and interests: - of the masses, and in the more enlightened,indepen. dent and determined progress of the working classes D themselves. Those who devoted themselves some e years ago to the advocacy of ...

Chartist Intelligence

... ebartijet intaitacure. M Towpa HAuLUTS.-Globe and Friends, Morgan- to etreet, Commercial-road East.-Mr W. W. Broome in delivered an excellent lecture on Sunday eveninv, W( which gave much satisfaction, and elicited great and frequent applause. At the conclusiou, a discussion all ensued between Messrs Dooksey, Cannon, Knowles, wi Broome and Shaw; each of whom contended stiongly be for the ...


... 11 All the propositions for amending the Government J Y scheme of Education (which our readers will find in n full on our second page) in the Minutes of-the Coin- Ir mittee of Council, shared the same fate as ,XbDga- e combe's motion for referring the whole. subject to a e committee of inquiry ; and the measure with all its r g defects, both in principle and detaik, has received e the sanction ...

Home News

... 3401e - of- at CHIRSHIRiE. A BIrKENIFAD.-Diatiorua Mulanrni.-Dutring the - ofatwek considerable excitement has prevailed in at a irkeohead, owing to the death of an infant female WI of child, the daughter of an Unmarried woman, named cle ir, Grace Delays. ?? child had been placed out to 0i 0- nurse with an old woman, named Hannah Jordan. nll Y, who on Wednesday brought it to its mother. and ...


... POLAND'S REGENERATION, We extract the following editoeraj ANttONe from the i ,Vottinsham Review of Friday, May 21st:- PORTUGAL AND POLAND. Poland is crushed 'neath the heavy roofs of united X dlespotisms ; her liberties are all outraged ; her children scattered, and the last remiant of her na- I tionality apparently annihilated. Chained, and bleeding 'neath the scourge of tyranny, she now ap. ...

Imperial Parliament

... *w ertai a m1k. e Car- MOQNDAY, MAY 17, seied HOUSE OP ?? GsaXAUtK5-,~TlW Bar] )]seced of WlKCEIILaG& called the attention of the government of the to the expediency Iof establishing public granaries In thitl lady` country. The price of whent ivas now extremetly high, ThIM and it the harvest was a late one, he did not believe the gel.'tocik of corn in bend would be sufficient. ?? thought. othe ...


... The signs of immense political and social changes multiply on all hands. They are visible equally in the new and kindly interest evinced by the aristo. cracy in question, affecting the rights and interests of the masses, and in the more enlightened,indepen- dent and determined progress of the working classes themselves. Those who devoted themselves some years ago to the advocacy of the rights ...


... faivellanim DESERTIONS PROM THE HousEzoLn RxozG sNTes. Many desertions have recently taken place from the le 1st Life Guards and the Oxford Blues. The deser- 'Cters have, it appears, sailed from Liverpool to Aine. e rica with the view of joining the Mexican army, a d belief being entertained that English cavalry s0l. ' diers will receive commissions. It is said that ?? emissaries are tampering ...


... | At LAND! THE LAND! TEE LAND! I GRAND DEMONSTRATION AT O'CONNORVILILE, O MONDAY, Tx 24xye or MAY, 1847. Whit.Monday of thepresent year presented to the eyeof the agrarian reformer indubitable proofs of the gres erowing. and alqwt universal interest felt ?? by the masses 'who toil, but by many who lio bg the labour of others, in that great and noble 5crk. so well beguin by the Chartist ...

Foreign Movements

... .Tbirttp facbemento* - ?? - ?? -And I will war, at least lin words, (And-5bouttd my chance so happen-deeds,) t With ali who war with Thoughtl t as I think I hear a little bird, vho sings The people willbe thestronger.-BYRON. t We are indebted to the P-ece ?? journal) for I the followingdetails of the Prussian Administration, formice an interesting supplement to the 1 Statis- o ...