News and Observations

... AMERICA AND MEXICO. ARRIVAL OF THIS CALEDONIA. The British and North American Royal mail steamer Caledonia, Captain Lott, arrived in the Mersev on Saturday evening last. She left Boston on the lfith u!t. and Halifax on the 18ih. By her we have received files of New York papers to the evening of the 15th. They are filled with very important intelligence. AKOTHEit GREAT BATTLE. We have accounts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A27-4g1 VICTORIA TEMPLE. OPEIN ETVERY EVELNING. F lEST TDIE of a New Sketch of intense interest, founded F on fact, entitled ELLEN CAMERON, or the Fair Maid of the Firth. CONCERT and Grand Variety of DANCING. To be followed by the astonishing Performances of Signor STONETTE, from Cook's Royal Amphitheatre. Signor S. will also introduce his trained flog Carlo. The Amusements will conclude each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TjYDE PARK SQUARE.-The Healthiest Spot L in Tondon. within Three minutes'walk of Kensington Gardens. -To be Let or Sold, a Splendid Family sfansion finished in the First Stole of Eloanco. fit for inamediote occupation; Combining every Comfort forakarfe Family Picotures complete, Bails room, Second Stone TobeLot adlsointohte sme ?? O a House upon a Smaller Scale. Inquire at No. S Southoriok ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D~L&I' £A=D DUM INSTrTUTION. A 11HE ArSUAI Put7LtC EXAMINATTON of the Pupils of this ti T nstitutionl wil take place in the COUNT Rooms, on A!t;^ the 14th instant, at two o'clock. j, kberdeen, 1st June, 1847.I rrHSE SUaSCRIBEFR -would respectfully draw attention to his sent Stock of pure VINTAGE WINES; consisting j of 1840 and 1s82 PORTS, and 1841 CLARETS; all of which are cquitefitfor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oalt% by, auctfon. SWINIDON, WILTS. VAbUABLE FREEI}OLD PROPERTY rort RESIDENCE OR01 ]BUILDING INVESTMENT. ESSRS. DORE & FIDEL are instructed [Vi bYth reecsflatives of the late Charles James Fox hTfferIbY IJOTION tU Public Competition, on r 8th Any of June jnst., at the BELL INN, MOINNDO s at Four o'clock in the Afternoon (subjeCt to such as vein then be produced), ll Iavery desirable IHOUSE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRICTURE, STONE, GRAVEL. ND all Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder w speedily and effectually cured by Dr. Young's URETHdRIC W MIXTTURE, The efficacy ofthis Medicine in theabove corn. it plaints hasbeenlongproved byitsuniparallelledsuccessin aaprs. [, tice of many years' standing and has induced the present F:. ir prietor to make it more generall known. Its object ib to su- persede the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,LAI3IES ESTABLISHSENITi SYKES-HOUSE, SHERBDURN, HEY eturs Thnksto her numerous 1VJ~rleds or hei kin Parongeandbegs to inform the I 2'wssfs~sX~s whn se wll e bupyto eceveher Pupils. rv DOARINGANDDAY CU~OL OR TUB EDUCAIC1ON - OF OUG LDIS, IOE~iAT, ONTEFRtACT. Gent stdy b srit ttntontoth iteea nd hapiness ofer Fix Dutes f he chol ?? 'wnty'-frsl iDV, U47. Seo~o MJISS JEROMNE, (Successor to Misses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW LOADING, AT for d fi , Pickle 11erring Wharf, r for London,- F OR CARNARVON, MENAI BRIDGE, I ne, 3BANGOR, and BEAUMARIS, and all .en places adjacent, the fast-sailing Schooner n- NEW DBOVE, nes CAPT. WILLIAM BARROW, 'in. To Sail on or about the 14th of JUNE inst. st- Gold Giveir Away!! - ill ANOTHER FREE GIFT BY THE PROPRIE- a not TORS OF THE ' PICTORIAL TIMES. G C- BY subscribing to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Northern Star Offlce, Friday, Two o'clock. 0 8TMATE PRC SED. We stop the Press to announce the pur- chase, Onl behalf of the National Land Company, of Tgz MINSTER LOVEL ESTATE, of 300 Acres, within three miles of the Market Town of Whitney. Mr. O'Connor effected the purchase on Thursday evening. Full particulars will be given next Week. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIRIIONI: Trusl rointhe Fronch -of London: C. F. lai I:FORREST. Jlast Plllbihlad-the Sixth Editionf, wit considerable additions, ESTIGES'- O %HWAfttRAL HISTOILYf A RtERINIIITo eea i,~13 n sfo. olvd, 2o, Ol. Lonldon: John Chunrchill, Priviles-street, Soho. Just publlished, price 4s. cloth. -UPVTORY OF THE 1~1LIO F1P5O .JLl~ I10aaotiirl, Cojiios. Vi &M Edition, Formhing the fifth V01h1111 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S o?~ECL]SIASTICAL POLITY. fECiURFTHof this BSE will gvbe delivered Fj IcFTH 0y U N O In Ducie Chapel, SUNIDAd by tb ev'.D.NO LAN. 9?a~-NC S ers faEN r Forms of corn- c~iteriti 'rhoMe Ilglandtties. Discipline mod ofrec~ti, pevi in ariuSreligious corn- ~ic5~'~amencesat half-past six o'clock. LILIN FAMLY wll gve their 4 PIQtZ DANIE~STOi.B, Jea., Managing Director. p3, e2tlo , 1847. __ AN UAL I ...


... WEDNEBDA Y, June 2, 1847. monthly meeting of the Council was held this day. Tbe members present at the commencement ***** milnrr In addition to the usual routine business, bepr MP contained the following subjects for considerate* of Mr. Thomas Duncan assistanttfo *ne of per annum; reoommendatien that iarT . ey y.ri .' the Botanic Gardens extended into museum (heher tttWf , products; motions ...