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... A GLOUCESTER C IEF.JusT1CE.-. He (Chief-Justice Saund-ii es) was at irst, says Roger North, no better than a poor beg- v gar-boy,i f not a parish foundling, without known relations or b parents. There can be no doubt that, when a boy, he was die- v covered wandering about the streets of London in the most de- b stitute condItion-penniless, friendless-without having learned s anytrado, without ...


... ttterature. 1ne History of Pendennis. By W. AIl. Thackeray. No. VIII. Bradbury and Evans, 11, Bouverie-street, London. There is much good writingin this numsber. A great portion of it is devoted to an account of Miss Blanche Amory, lithe muse whose exquisitely fine feelings ooze away in her poetical effusions, leaving her a tyrant to her lady's maid, and hard and selfish in the concerns of ...


... iltteratUrc. The Autobiography of Gaorhe. Truth and Poothrfrom oryoloi Life, 4c., Tiansotated by the Rev. A. G. ITV. Morrison, M.A., Vol. IL.- l Bohn's Standard Library.-Henry G. Bohn, York-street, Covent-garden, London. This forms the second volume of a prrIjected edition of tile whole of Guethe's works in an English dress, with which Mr.v Bohn intends to present the readers of the - Standard ...


... LARCH Sour-We chose a healthy young larch tree, peeled off the outer bark, and then out the soft inner bark into small pieces, which we boiled until the surface of the water in the ket- tlie became covered with a resinous scum, which was carefully removed. The broth was then seasoned with salt and pepper, and in spite of the remaining particles of turpentine, it tasted well, nnd filled the ...


... E On Friday, the 20th April, at the Athenaeum, Mrs. C. L. Balfour delivered her first lecture on the Moral and Intellectual Influence of Woman on Soeiety f. The attendance was very numerous; W. Hichens, Esq., in.. the chair. The lecturer.treated her subject in a popular and interesting nianner. 'She speaks remarkably well, and fully proved herself deserving of the metropolitan and provincial ...


... THE PRADO. [BY LADY DLESS1NGTOX.] ?? thou seen him? Said he aught'? Is my Juan jealous still ?- ?? are masters but in thought, Ruled by woman's secret will. 0. forbear this idle play ! Nor wvith ardent love coquet, Shouldst thou lose hint ?? 1 Lose him 7 Nay! Child, I'll tame his spirit yet ! Take my counsel-be more kind- , Kind !-atid spoil a selfish man I Thou mayst live to change thy ...


... THE RAILWVAY WHISTLE. The Whistle ! I love it; the shrill note-hark! Hath a music unto my Solt Richer aad sweeter than throstle or lark For imatin could ever troll. Each day doth it teach me by some dream, For I hear it at score of tinmis, If I choose to watch for the feathery Steam, Or list to its gladdening chimes. iais-sh ! there's a strain ! which hath come with a speed To rival the ...


... I THE CONSOLATION. Though bleak those woods, and damp the ground With ftllen lea es so thickly strown And cold the wind that wanders round With wild and melancholy meoan; There is a friendly roof, I know, Miligbt shield me from the wintry blast; There is a fire, whose ruddy glow Will checr ume for tny wanderings past. And so, though still, whbere'er I go, Cold, stranger-glances meet my eye ...


... : CHRISTrarAS CATTLE SHOW, 'Dec. 18.-The following report of this Market was omitted-from our last for want of ?? the numerous catering, we observed ' the stalls of 'Messrs.R.' and T. Haydon, who, 'with their; usual judgment, produced it beautiful Devon Ox, bred. 'and fed by James Hale, Esq., Dunster, which carried 180 lbs. of rough fat. Also a beautiful Heifer, fed by Mr. M. Baker, of West ...


... LITER.ATUIRE. Btlaekwood's Edinburgh Magazinse-August. Blackwood Ri and Sons, 45, George-street, Edinburgh; and 37, ar Paternoster Row, London. th This number displays talent of a viery high order, and there is a happy mingling of topics so as to suit various tri classes of readers. Part fifteen of the Cantons abounds with passages beautifully written,-exquisite specimens an of the ...


... No. 28. JERNiNs, AlEXANDER, born the 26th of May, .1738, OS. in St.: Mary Major's parisah. His father, by trade a joiner, bound out his son to au engraver; but it never proved to him a profitable busioess. Amidst the care of a numerous family he is intitled to great commendation for his zeal aod perseverance in searching into the history and antiquities of his native ?? fruits of his ...


... 4fler a German Tale. By HERR F. A. AIOSCHZISKER. Chap. VII.-THE FLaGHT. Midnight approached, Madame Pensek embraced her daughter vphilst the big tears burst from her eyes. Gertrude, her nurse, was still busy running from one place to another. Ad Wall, said the mother, ' every thing is ready. Here is the pocket-book quite filled with bhek notes, and here is a puree full of gold pieces. Also ...