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Morning Chronicle


... ,SOC3i0T1Y, for the IMPROPEMENT of the COSDITIOO of the LA1OURLIYVci ('LAS8SEY. On Thursday the antial general meeting of the members of this institution, 'sith which thle Labourers' Friend Society is united, was held eit Willis's Rooms, Iis Royal Highnless Prince Albert, tile Presideitt, in a ?? addressed to tho secrptary, expressed regret at his hiability to attend, at the same time ...

Published: Saturday 14 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3921 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... G E RMAN Y NO R T IIERN XND THE STATE S. AUSTRIA AND IIUiNGARY.-TfIIB BATTLE OF' WAITZEN. The account wve published yesterday of the at- tempt made by the Magyars to force the Imiiperial lines between Waitzen and Cornorn is fully con- firmed by later advices. Oin the morning of the 16th July nearly tile whole of the -Iniugariall forces stationed around Comorn made a forward move- mient, with ...

Published: Thursday 26 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2919 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... THE NA VIG.A TIO.t LA JVS. [rooM OUR PHInLADEL1~PHIA Con ?? P0NDH4T.] Tlia tebates in Parliam ent o n the repeal of, or m aterial alteration in, the British navigationl-lawv, haveattracted much attenti to to thec comparative navigation of England and this country, i the mutual commerce betvween the two countries, anil an able article on the subject appeared in the 11 unthiny- /sn itaiojt of ...

Published: Monday 09 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 977 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... J'POLITICA L TLN])E2' CIEqf PRESENT LEUISLATI..(N ,.A, iRPLIAbD. Toi TUE EDITOR OFt Till; ONN CH1o-NICLE. I ?? time goes by, the(, ti-ith iiConl' Ot. RuersI1 learnl r,t list w hat, they are at, and ,et tired of keeping thre Saceret that ceyer onle now~s, Viacts at least ,.peal for thlienselves.t VI hen renlts have betotije trad itionas, when rate after ratteI lasd left tiltc hlnd mt loire ats ...

Published: Tuesday 10 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2947 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THlE MOR1NING C'I ZON IA'LE. L 0 N D0 N: 2l11 1i: , . Y, J UL Y 1 ?? 1 S 19. It C Thle IlOt VE of Co~[.NoWNs ]et yc-ericl'ay at twelve o'clock. ?? ?? ?? ,\ Nit s)l'll MOVed Cie sc ?? reading (if h hisll for slhrtuiilng to th!:ee ca;s t le c ratiolr d e Sir G. (Ot'y ?? the htiie, anl iltOV( a,, anl tii1ii1,ijdiit t tiliat it lie read a scola ?? that dta'y three illuleslh. After a sumewl?xvii ...

Published: Thursday 12 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3964 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... tly de rt, to tee liet [Y. :Ltr *k. cc I )n 10 [5- a :1 1It y1 I N DIA. We have received, by extr-aordinairy express, ad- vices in antticipatiotn of the Jvet'laiid Mlail fromi ~Bomibay and Calcutt~a to the 2d Julno, and Matiras to the (tth. [elMTIWF CL'tCUTTA VNGLIISHIMAN.] The mail just arrived huti brought Itse thanks 01' both Iloetces of Itirliamticut toi the Inditin arniv. Itcird Gutwhus ...

Published: Tuesday 24 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8391 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... IGERMAN Y I NORTHERN AND THEI STATE S. I + I DENMARK. The following is a tranislation of the official an- nouncement in the Prussian Mon iteur:- l The Miuister of Commerce, Industry, and Public Works has addressed this day (July 11) the following notification to the commercial community in the Ost-see ports 'I hasten to make the preliminary announce- ment to the directors of the Board of ...

Published: Monday 16 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5099 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... TI-I1:RD ElDITION. EXPREASS FRZO3M P A R I S. . 1M ( OF oWN CORIIRlSPONDENT. P1ARIS, SI'NDAY EvENINO. ?hlc Presideit ,f the Republic, attended ly a p .r:ien of his suite, has gonl to-day to pay a visit +1 lli.s el?. q-arivtsf at Mam. Tlis visit *will be a Very short o01e, as he Ilmeanis to return to Paris to- nigiht; hut the g.od people of llam have made . r~arati ins tO givC him a brilliant ...

Published: Monday 23 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 836 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... EXPRE1SS FROM P A R I S. [ ouit OWN COnRESPONIDENT.] PARIS, TnIIUtSDAY EVnNING. It was currently reportcd at thce Bourse to-day that tile GovernlienIt had received accounts of the favourable termination of the struggle at Rome; that thle lrelch arnmy ald entered the city by capi- tulatioll ; and that everytiilig had passed to the entire satisfaction of both French and Io- Itllns. Iu the ...

Published: Friday 06 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1687 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... The Genoa Gazc'tc, of the .5th, quotes letters from Itomne of the 30th. They state as follows:- A terrible bombardment began at one in the morning, and lasted three hours. Mortars had been planted upoui Mount Parrioli. The whole defence almost was maintained by the legion Manara, which w*as soon, however, overpowered, and obliged to retreat with the loss of three cannon, Vwhich were spiked. ...

Published: Thursday 12 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 409 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... SPAI IN. MADRID, J.ULY 4. [FitoMt OCU OWN COitRKESPI'NrTENT.j The re1ort of thle cmimittee of the Senate on the Tr1 gefru lll llas reald towlkards the elee of Ne-sterday's It ?? passingof the bill %itliout alter- ,it:uig. tip nlv thc Congress. Otnoe member of the 5 ever Senor Acibal y Arratia, did not sign i . andat thle meutitg of the Senate this afternoon, t searate repirt ?? lhis own, in ...

Published: Wednesday 11 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 425 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... THE MORNINTG CHRONICLE. I ON D 0 N: i F2ZDAY, JUL ?? 1342. Tile Ib-1,, f aa D I) met ?? at five o'elock. ?? -eraIbll is . the paper were advanced a stage. Alfe i which h1e CoIintiionls' amelndments to the ?? Estates Bill Mere blrie'ly cousidered, d areed to. l.;,cr(A BAUMONTpOresenlted a petition respecting i iv ar now ?? ill n ?? hut abstained fi ia ayillg a Wvthlilg which a igkL provoke ...

Published: Friday 27 July 1849
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5078 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News