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Advertisements & Notices

... ,,jmto INDIA and CHINA vik EGYPT.- ~i~~ilar 1IONTO1ILY MAIL, STEAM CONVEFYANCE for c- ~osaild light goods to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA &~% 1NG , _PORE, and HONG HtNG. -'mhc Pemeta;ua I'0,'oknfi Senim NaVigaltion Company book passengers and re- 5nd d~acd paclsfo the Above ports lop their steainers, start- O~~S~l~h~~i~~iaOflIls 20th of every moa1th, and from Suez ~fro~~ti010thoflte month. so o s~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. 13, Great Marlborough-street. NOTICE.-The Rev. R. MILMAN'S lfl ~~~LIFE OF TASSO IS NOW READI, in 2 vols., 21r. bound, And may be had of all booksellers. llertry Colburn, pablisher, 13, Great Afarlborough-streot. NOTIC,-E -The NEW NOVEL-THE WILMINGTONS, N ?? the Author of EMILIA WYNDHAM, TWO OLD MEN'S TALES, &c., Is Now Ready at all the Libraries, in 3 roba. The Wilmingtons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FUND for PROMOTING FEMALE F EMIGlIA'ION. COMMITi'EE. ?? Right Hon. SIDNEY HERBERTb M.P. The Fight Hun. Lord John Rus- Sir James Duke, Bart, 1.P. rell, M. . CC . B. Adderley, Ea, M.P. The hf~,t NoNe the Marquess of Gcorge Carr GlyM, ' ., h5P. Wnetrln'ter John MIaterm an, Esa., M.P. 5he Right lion. the Earl of Car- John Walter, Fsq., h.P. lials William Page Wood, Ecq.,M.P. The night Hon. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXBETER HALL.-WEDNESDAY CONCERTS. J74-Mir~ter Seiss, 1849S .-WEDNESI)Ai next, Jan. 30, will be arid, tbe fifteeoth of the LONDON WEDNESDAY CONCERTS, and will be ttc LASI£ of the series. Vocal Performers-Mdae. Alextn- derNoewton, Madlle Mntg-er (herflist appearance), Miss Eyes, and 3iiM l'oole, Mr. ffridge Frodalanr, Mr. Lntd, ard Herr Foroam solo lnstrunienltbtSts-Niobii, lierr Einst. Flute, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. Pasflsage Money Y5 per Adul't, Incldtsingc PrevisionS. v 5s5 ITiI a ?? to enablereapctabse peFmona, whe are Ineligiblefora V' Free Pasacge, to proceed to the Auoarallan Colonies, at the lo weat possible cost, it has been arranged to despatch a Line of superior First- doe Ships of large tonnage, for thb escechl accemadatton of Steer- IeV and other ?? atan exceedienly l; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ?? NOTICE. Now ready at all the libraries, in 3 vols., tHE COUNTESS of BLESSINGTON'S .T NOVEL, COUNTRY QUARTERS, With Portrait, and Memoir of her Ladyship, by her Niece, Miss Power. A tale of light-hearted Irish girls and light-heeled red-coats- full of ?? na'm u This novel is one or the most lively and life-like of the author's ?? Gazette. William Shoberl, publisher, 20, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~Keed~nly ?? Poaey. T EO to COM ION hbna o Feb. V6, at 12 hr d: bl u P¶1IOYof. A=8UANCE r0? thesm otTBETOUA at~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~E T O ?? thge ann mte}un or £70 l8&, t ther ta ole; o Te a °:nndL-PrZ ela rs ne ny be h of M&emew. Fean mbadO odeenso e. Moado;. f ?? J~ESSRS . E. I.,UlDLICVnd CJo. Mr indtruted teSl;L by ACT.JION, at GarwyaOsfe.cas nTB. DA 1, Feb. 5.a putagteLAE5Flcr, Russa oit ~~ (at Is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d Iltl3ub~cal~tonz n * EDUCATIONAL WORBS BY AN XPEPIENCENED SCHOOL. z ?? nanARN1: SHORT and CERTAIN ROAD d1DARNELIIS GiEMAR MADE INTELLI- a GIMLE to CHILDREiN. Cloth, 9lL h DARNE L ARI ADE d ?? to DITTO. CALt, . d Grant and Griffith, St. Pauls Chuhyard. to GERKAN LANGUAE e W'ITTICH'S GERMAN for BEGINNERS in W U TV eOGRESSI E EXERCISES in the GERMo LANGUAGE. ?? edi trls o, price 5s. n WlTTICi'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIEXICAN BOXDS.-A MEETING of the ?? MEXICAN BOND!IOLDEIS wl 'be held at the London Sat ern, TV-MORROWV, the 23rr4 tfant, at one o'clock pretV.ely, to Apuoint a Comndltee for the Protection of the Interests oi the sondhaldete il future; to adept sueh mojsturee as may be deemed necesary tm expedite the paylent of thle Reminets of the Dividend due in Janutyt t.7; to set, l the expenr incorred by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN A,-Signor 'S new and M beautiful OPERA is published by CHARLES JEF- FREYS, 21 Soho square. All the Vocal Music Is now ready. Lists may be bad goatis. The gemS of the opera are Miss Lousa yn's ase. Wake rue ust from my dream, They twine theb~rsidle wreath, Inthat bright home, and Don't wander alone MrN Weiea's -song, Im-buta lowly maiden;' and Mr Harrison's ballads, ' I've roem'd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE MORNING CHRONICLE' T ON LABOUR AND THE POOR. The domands constantly i,,ade to obtain the early Nu rnbers of THE MORNING CHRONICLE containing the Letters Oil LABIOUR AND THE POOR, in the MRTROPOLITAN AGRICtL- tURAL, and MANUYFACTRuNOi DiSTRIcTS, have induced the con- ductors of that Journal to direct the RXrI)BLICATION of those Let. ters in SUPPLEMENTS (containing Twenty-.L ur Columns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E A D T H I S, AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Good Ifeaith, GOod Spirits, and Loog Life, secured by lbsl highly esteemed Popular Remedy, PARR'S LIFE PILLS. ilhddreils who base kept their beds for years hose beeos s speedily rcensoigoraied. with ass infusion of new blood, unit con-, ,eqoueilty of new tle and strength, by the use Of Parr's L'ii Pis, that their oe-appearanee swoopcht their fellow ...

Published: Sunday 20 January 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1632 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices