Advertisements & Notices

... Chester.-The BUSINrBOI this SCHOOL Wl be 'P NWEIUMED ?? on T vlw Y the 22ad Instant. Wl a -2.0eiWILLIAM GILES, Principal. A dot the co~l 11RDN AND DA SCHOOL ESTA- B BLSHFTWhitehall, D high, North Waleo.-The hIC Mlsaes STENH4US will EN their Estabisahment on AU WED~nsDAY, the 1I RE.OP: Denbigh, January 1, 1852. a HOLLY BANK ACADEMY, recelvei NEAR TO THE WOODSIDE FE Z, BIRIIENHEAD.- ]L[FOLLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;# S- - - aij ALL, LORD NELSON-STREET. S ATURD Y EVENING CONCERTS,, WITH LATE.R &Y AND SCIENTIFIC RECREATIONS.', On S-rusDsv EvrNEIlIG, the Oth Instant, MR. ELLIS ROBERTS, Harpist to his R. H. the Prince of Wales, WILL 1V5I 111n POPULAR HARP ENTERTAINMEE T, WIT1 VOCAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY M16S BLANCHE YOUNGE, ?? In which Mr. Roberts will introduce Harp Solos performed before her Modesty and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1ISS C. HAYES'S FAR WLL CONCERTS. Jig pilowing BALLADS were suing by NWis T ?? HAYES, at helanst Concerts.- . ,~4 ?? Dy Mfeyerbeer. ~E~tS r LV~s eug b l4es illams at the above Creaser, Belalo, ersd Co., 201, Regerit-street. To be had of all ( Muale-sellers.- _ ?? MISS JEWSBURlY S NEW NOVEL.C Nowe ready, at all the Libraries, in three vole., flJAP.I A -N WIT H ERS.8 BLYL GERALDINE E. JEWSBURY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE1RMS FOR THE ]NIERCURY: TUESDAY AND I'MDAY. B. d. Advance, per Annum ?? 3tt 0 Halt Year ?? 18 0 Qur.rter . 9 o I fouy one copy each week: ilr e tlhe ?? or b U ote:Itc; o7 Mhe arnouni. Credit to linovii partile, or a, rcference given for pay ment in Livorpool, 4uo per Annum. 5 ?? on bz6tniess to be a(ddressed to .l~grerton &nct4 (z Co., or To the Eldikrs of th~e Liverpol Afe'rcurjy. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sjic~ taters.. ga h aef pae' cage by thesec Steamers ewil be reduced to £;50 on alid aflr the Slth of ?? ssat. FOTCE 10 ~iPIeltS.-TIE RtATE. OF FREIG HT BY red THEE SEA~S I~t NT ECED FOUR POUNDS P~t OND~it~ TlEWITE ONTHS. NOT] ~ Cago or he ALTC wll e rceied at the.Huskisson 58t Loc. N Gods an e tkenaftr Telv o'clock at noon 1110 of ?? istat, or ?? -be received -PAR afe Sxoclc i h etuigo ta ay. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... go -. ,. r i be LOT. ?? arp hshotel -psy~~ r to Mr RdE U.poulu neghv*6U P~l ylieitter, addressed H 5, r Mercury-offie. e rV0 br Ll;E 5a 1Pit-1c Brc-odEebo po-W a~ Is tty rt uated iS ~ i- clsote ite-p hant. ?? LET, in ab drt nebolrougbflsre, adjoining Church- r~i s treet a consmodloutlJiOUEandiiSHOP, with good ellar- JL1i ?? by letter, addressed ?i D, Mercury-office. furnits T be kXT or 80LD, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,%AlXto b ifiFelon. MLIGIBLE PROPERTY IN RAiKE-LANE, EDGE-FILL rsuant to an order of the Liverpool District Court of Bank. ruptoy, made in the matter of John idg way, a Bankrupt, DiY MESSRS. THOS. WINSTANLEif & SONS, the persons appointed for that purpose, on wednesday next, the 14th instant, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Clarendon-rooms, South John-street, Liver. ool, subject to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bji Xuion. ~ DA.Wl~5OU~ ItHOILS ,iLDFURNITURE, PIER GLASS, BOOKCASE,OIC WAREH~DROBE FEATHER BEDS, &o., &c.* ~.PORTAS will SELL by AUCTION, M '~pis Day (Friday), the 6th instant at Eleven o'clock, This D 5t~Mr~7, Lvrrl-steet, the exo,(libietHOUSEHOLD at E RITURE, ?? IIaog and iron bedsteads, stree Fi ?? and dresit lemahogany wardrobe, dr7aws ioro lela~ Isotales, sofira, clairs, dining A iablS5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COCi0ERaT-HALL, LORD NBLSON-ST~REET7 T HE FBLACK SWAN.-1Miss GREENFIELD'S T glic ~~American Vocalist) TWO 3RAND CONCERTS, on Fiuubiv EYvzNnO, August 6, and SATvanAy, August 6, aseidsted by Miss LOUISA PYNE. Nits5 PYNE, And Mr. W. HARRISON. ?? ROSINA Br6NTjEY (pupil of Miss Kate Loder). ViO1,11iST-M. DE VALAMARES (from the East Indies). AcconmPANeYtsr-Xr. F. THESEUS STEVENS. Reserved Seats, 2s. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... odnHOUSEHOLD FPURNITURE,&ePncspa-ra MhjESSILS. THOS. WINSTANLEY & SONS .LAwill SELL by AUCTION, OO Tuesdlay next, the 5th test; at Eleven o'clock precisely, on the Premises, Park-road, near ' Uppe~r Pard,lmeult-street, the muodern and excellent HOUbE- HOLD FIJltNITURtE, brillianit and powerful-toned 6i-octavs horizontal grand plans-forte, by Collard and Collard, in) rose- -j wood case; cottage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... antiteti 55tatef.- _ _ Fro ad ate ths ateth Rae f Feihtto Boston will be The B Four ?? per Ton MeaS~iell ien, and to New York Five Tair llrtil furtber notic, CARGO for the STEAMERS will be These revlvd n ?? 'cocsmonigofSATURDASS nlums psayti s ro SAIIB No, instead of on Mondays, as heretofore. Pros NOTE( W NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. - Stea TO BOSTON AND HALIFAX. ARG Cola? CARIN ?? TWENT TY-EIYE IOND. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL 5'HH.HARMONIC SOCIETY. FjHE, FIFTH SUBSCkLIkTION. CONCERT T3. WiUl take place on Montefal the 29,b instant. pat~lclPAI, VOCAWSlls?. Madamie CASTELLAN., 2Jadvlmiselle 13ELLINT, Signer GARDo1~1' Signor TAGLIAFICO.' Bole0 Violin . ?? EDWARDI W. THOMAS. ?? J. Z. HERRMANN. Galleries: Front, Os.; Back, 2o. 6d. ITiekets for Unappro- priated Stalls, for Ladles and Stranget's, 7e. 6d. each. ...