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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. ACHILLI IN BELFAST. M E E T I N G will he Iheld in ROSEEM.ARY-STREET A CHURCH on the Evcninig of TIIURSDAY next, the 25th instant, at SEVEN o'clock, oa which occasion the itev. Dr. ACIIILLI, who has recently escaped from the Iniquisition at Rome, will deliver an Addlress, The Rev. T. F. M ILLER, Vicar, itt ?? Chair. Aldmission by Ticlicts, price SIXPE'Cr Feach, , to lie har of Messrs. MI' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH SEED POTATOES. )OUFI IN & CO. offer for SALE a few Tons of the . abnvc, just landed; also, 300 Blags best quality New CLOVERSEED, ani 1000 Bushels Prime Irisb FLAXSEED, At 28, VARING-STREET. Belfast, Iltl' March, 1850. 407 O N S A L E, FLAXSEIED, DUTClI, Twiss, nnd D. and V.; lb. RIGA, *- Egnle ?? i' Ijo. ENGLISU, Grown front Riga by Marshall of Leeds; INDI.N CORN, GALATZ and I RAIL;f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERUVIAN GUANO, OATS, &c. TORN GAUSSEN & CO., OFFER FOR SALE+- 400 Bags Peruvian GUANO; 1 100 Tons Feeding OATS and BENS; With FLOUR, WHEAT, INDIAN CO N, Alicante BARILLA, and Spanish CANE REEDS. 11, Albert Square, 1st May, 1861. 972 TO CONSUMERS OF TIMBER. J OHN MURPHY begs to inform his numerous Customers that the contemplated reductions in the duty on Foreign Timber has taken place. Being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-Hig iAV; dr'6.41d 6j qli oxala 1' ~AA!AAUs7 Il 3BAZA A Il, in t11t MUSIC-lALL, will be 9?1 T tintied To-day at TWVELVE o'clock, and in the Evet,- ing, at SEVEN; when it will finally CLOSE. The Regi'leutal Band wvill attend, 898 ULSTER SOC:IETY. For ?? te Edatit'AlioI of t1C Deaf and/ D11l1lb anled the Blind. rp IE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of this SOC ETY T will be holden (God willing) on T U ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M U S I C A L B -ES. HE SUBSCRIBERS BE 0O DIRECT AT- T ENTION to their stoce f GENEVA MUSI- CAL BOXES, which, for power and brilliancy of tone, vill be found superior to any foamer importation. The music has been most carefully arranged, the boxes manufactured expressly for themselves, and the prices less than those generally charged for ordinary instru- ments. 132 LEE & SON, 57, High-Street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chemico-Agricultural Society of Uloer. T HE ANNUAL ME iETIG of the So *tv 'fo the T election of Officers, &c., will be held NE o'clock, P.M., on FRIDAY, the 20th inst. (Signed) W. B. RITCHIE, Hon. Secretary. June 6th, 1851 236 WESLEYAN CHURCH, j DONEGALL SQUARE EAST. AN NIVERSARY SERVICES. fN SUNDAY, the 22nd instant, SEROKNS will be preached by the / REV. J. BEECHAMv, D.D., (OF LONDON), / ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zatms b)u (ttctfon. SALE T'HIS DAY FLOUR. 1 W ILLIAM LARMOUR will Lifer for Sale A l' by AUCTION, on FRIDAY (This Day), 22d instant, at his Offices, at ONE o'clock, 1,000 Barrels of American FLOUR, R' Elizabeth Mearns, from New York. Albert Square, 22d Aug., 1851. 704 SALE TO-MORROW. CONCLUSION OF SALE. In the Matthu- of TIHE remaining STOCK in IENARY GIBB, j TRADEUL I ther Effects a Bankrupt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN EXQ)UISITE ASSORTMENT OF P A P I E R M A C II E DEVOTIA01AL CHAIRS, SCREENTS, W 0 I K T A 13 T. F ., DRESSINNG CASES, WORK ]3OXES. J)Decs, iSc. LADtir~S 'N'I:iDL1:-wol'Olil, IMOUNT'EID IN '0LE SC~tREENS. FANS, SCEN'T AND TOllt'1 O'TT GOLD WATCH S] ANTD CHAII ' S. A ?? .':A1i ?? S Cre:ia o' S (em, ?? t3,rl fS kt,, s G e ri 1 , , 5 l e s~~ l) ,ll~ z 7 , S i 1)1 e 11 R l y.i 3t . PATEN'T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH CHURCH MISSIONS. rlHE PUB-; 4MEETINGS ON BEHALF OF L this Society will be held in THE MUSIC HALL, On WEDNESDAY next, the 6th ins t at which a Deputation, consisting- of the Rev. ALEX.~X- DEr DAL.TLAs, and other Geintleimnen, will attend. The I,ORD BISHOP Will preside. 2IG1i ZcalrzQ bp glirtioln. SALE TO-MORROW. Auction of Fashionable Rosewood DB~2rtgr Room Furniture, PIANO-FORTE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P1 E, R I 0 D) .1 C A L S jV1, 3 PE BJI IICAJI1 S AND) SERILU ItSGULLARLY AND PLNC~ LLY SUP'PLIED HENRY GREER, 'il, 111G1 STIIEL . 751 D INER MOST 1ION.T1RE MARQUIS of DOWNSHIRE. ~HE TENAN~Y A~l~ILTNDS Or T11FE I Mat-pits of w) W IIIf cl en cermili his Lord shilp at Diin ncrinl the To\ \V1-.1 A lla tllitorge, onl T11JSDAY, the 51-1 day Lf/April nc-vt, at six o'clock e,. Nt. D)INI's LENAIO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H U N T I N G E Q U I P 3HI L S T. TRiE MlEAMBE1Rsi OFr THE DOWN IIUNFt CLU THE ARDS HUNT ULUB, THE KILLULTAGII HUNT CLUB, OLD ROCK AND CHICHESTER HUNT CLUB, THE MONEYGLASS HUNT, And the other Hunting Clubs, in the North of Ireland, are ?? informed, that we have received our Newv Assortment for this Season, of DOUBLE-MILLED, WATERPROOF, SCARLET CLOTH, DOWN HUNT DRAB CLOTH, WHITE ELASTIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y PP]ESENT STOCK OF DINNER -ALI SERVICES, BREAKFAST, T IE A, and TOILET WARE, is most extensive in Style lilt Variety, selected with thle greatest care, alld will bc sold at the lowest remunerative profit. J. R. WILKINSON, IOM 108, flip/h Street (opposite St. George's Churchr.) J OT-IN FINES, ElEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-IA..ND D FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMIfHFIELD, B1fast. N. B.-New and Second ...