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... THE RUSSIAN FLIET IN THE B3LACK SEA. (From the Invalill ltusse.) After the occupation of the eastern shores of the Black Sea in the last wa ag ainst Turkey the Governmenl t had directed its attention to the suppression of the infimous traffic in women and children, who form the principal artilel of commnerce be- tween the mountaineers of the IJaucesus and the Turks. With this object, it had ...

Published: Friday 21 April 1854
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 649 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 

[ill] NOVEMBER 11

... GLASGOW1 . NOVEMBER 11. y f T7ahe Lord Reetorslii.- It would appear that the N liberal students in our Ulniversity are determined to c o bring forward Mr. Alfred Tennysofi, ?? Laureate, c as a candidate in opposition to Lord Eglinton, at the I 1, approaching election. We trust tnhat only a portion ) 1, of the gentlemen calling themselves Liberals are dis- i f posed to assist in an act so ...

Published: Friday 11 November 1853
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3397 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... A U S T It A L I A. ARRlilVAL O1 TlII. MARCCO P0 OO. Liverpool, Saturday. By the arrival of the celebrated clipper ship Marco Polo, ?? colmnlaodel', we have advices from Melbourlie to the 1]9th of Febrluary, nearly thiree weeks later than ol'r pre- vious adl ices. Shte has brought 90 passengars andil £100,000 in gold dust onl freight, besides a largc atlolult in thle hlanilds of passeugers. ...

Published: Friday 19 May 1854
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1715 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... S C OT 1L A N 1). Leyqal d1popInsotc.- -Mr. A. Bell, Sheriff of Ayr- shire, bas resigned, but his successor has not yet been appointed. The office of Slieriff-Couirt D~epuite. va- cated by the promotion of Mr. Donald Mackenzie, is likely to be given to Air. F. M. Heriot. Thle office of Keeper of tie Fee Fund is vacant by thc death of Mr. Patrick Irvine, AV.S. -SCotsminn. The Seeretar'yslN'p of ...

Published: Monday 06 February 1854
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1685 | Page: Page 6, 7 | Tags: News 


... MIl;CHfANIC.AL AND SCIENTIFIC NOTICES. I -l . >C -r~rrurel1lx A NEW DE)E5OI1PTION OF BtEAD). Considerable sensation has been created by the announcement of a discovery which, if real, is almost miraculous. A person in Paris pretends to have discovered a process of making bread in such a wary as to cost only 19 centimes the 4 lb. loaf, or rather less than one son per lb., whereas the average ...

Published: Monday 16 January 1854
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1749 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... EXPLOSION Al SIAWM OSS COAL PIT, AN 1) L.1 S (F LI FE. (I 'l'tiesdtly tior'sitiig last one of those, ?? acciden~ts, so frcq tent inl c all pitis, oceerred ill t a ew pit, ait IStIaw rouse, Pol- b, aNiit, ?? elhv een er ely mi-ted, anld t IIe I Ies oif two of, theit i plitti ill inliltleltt dangtter. It alppears U 11r1m fthe Ottxltlefll~t Iltizle by Juiot Kennedy, whlo was ill the pit atl tile ...

Published: Friday 05 March 1852
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1686 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... E N G ] A N D. ?? C r -S ondayi. -1 cII' Ma eyj ccl Ind 1'I'i ce A~lhert. w'ith th0 'ri0 1 W~kies and( I'rttlcue,4s Rv antI the( 1)ticelss of Kenit, thep ladies an ,~ciitl('i ieli of the Court, andl( thec doiltesttc hottsehlohl, fittentded Divitli.' serviice ve.'tertlay- 1inerililg ill tint ?? lf'tBI icktilghlati Palace. Tile B ont. andl Rev. G(I-eald Wellesley otliciated.-Tin~st; ql 'londay. ...

Published: Friday 05 March 1852
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 4259 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... m. OS 0 S - l. T 11. (Pistil the 'Times.) 7 if C 1 tlolfortulnately differed from somc re- Ic ltlonis in ollr estimate of M\. t ii i' opinions, the circumstance finds a 1. j' tlibu'f itdation in the variety of characters 9 . ottti 1 V ?? gentleman himself. Ile was ex- t lne1 tI I; Flatice itS a Revolutionist, and he sailed n c~ t1c I l, shleres with, the fraternal adiens of the cl rats of ...

Published: Friday 14 November 1851
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 4012 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IEIALTII ANI) CBIATE OF GLASGCOAV DUIRINt ( T1. ?? l I- 1 til. Ttill of M oilitvi It ?? tilic 1Smthnil lill of Mortality.) (7bib 0 Til biotha s recordedl amovint inl the Pro-testanit ?? to 01 it r-2s in the(, Cathlioc regkiters, 37 ; total, 720. 'Tie i rriagcs by tII It Oa c '22. Th1w burials ar 94 Sor 01 l'voii c tiiig '91 hli ?? the~ Quiet it iii tlis amlount to 87(I-tliO Cci ?? a umb1iG- ...

Published: Friday 14 May 1852
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1890 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... FROM Tml TE.\O()NN GAZETTE OF FRIDAY. 11-*s .. . Ace. - --r PIv o FOREIGN1(1 OFICEI~. MAIICI 25. 'TIle Queen has leull picasoo to, apprels of Mr. Jelsiall Wilitams as (IoIISil at \VaitherkdldIltii 31r. Gr or' 1;. Ilevan as V'ice Contsul at Swlanlse, for lls Mujtty the toilng of the Ileligans. ?? STI'I'''rI' MAIRII ?? The Qiterli has hvlo plevaed t 5ippoo.lit the RIev. IlHenry Ilermilmt Volt I ...

Published: Monday 29 March 1852
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 684 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... Pirates inlc h deiterranne-S'pre, April.-The pirates are beginuinig to re-appear on the waters of the Levant. They carry their audacity so far that they h1ave actually come up) closc to the port of Smvrin in search (1 lootv, which they ?? succceledd in carrying ofl safely in thie very tcctil of an .tAaStr ia Imn -of-war. 'I'hicy take good care never to come near ally vessels carrying thie ...

Published: Monday 19 April 1852
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1414 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... MECIHANICAL AND SCIENTIFIC NOTICES. 's CHIErTIHAM'S SYSTEM OF BLEACIHINO Olt COLOURING COTTON (I SLIVERS e A culrous novelty has beon IlItely patented asd introduced t iiito tile cotton mnuifaitcture, by AiM *. Clihethiamn of Chadderton, r d nelar Oldhami, for tsc purpose of avoiding insperfections in tile processes of bleaching and colonriitg yarns, as Well as some of 5, the cxpensive ...

Published: Friday 11 June 1852
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1238 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News