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Birmingham Daily Post



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Birmingham, Warwickshire, England

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Birmingham Daily Post

Birmingham police

... Namblyll'Im: YESTERDAY. Before AHr. 11. L. Sargant and Mr'. Henry Sinitl. A BiiAnea1 ?? PROr'Er;LY PuNisitD.-Alfreil Heudcsoni, ,a young scamp resident in Tlihomas Street, WsS chanrged as folloss. At one o'clock on the preceding day he was seen to expose his persoon is disgusting maniner at the window of Mr. Chaplin's shop, in Bull Street. Mr. Chaplin, on being informed of the circuss- ...


... WORCESTER COUNTY AND CITY WINTER I ASSIZES. - - . :- The Colnniesionis of oyer and terminer forthioe holding of a Vinter Assize for the county. and city of Iyorcester were opened yesterday, (Thursday,) by Mr. Baron Mfartini, one of the Judges of her Mnjesty's Court of SExchequer. This learned Baron arrived in the faithful citye in the afternoon, attended by the High Sheriff of the county, ...

Law Intelligence

... gale XItetiiylrce. CODRT OF CHANCERY, DEmmuBDR 2. (BEFORE T-P LORD CHANn MOR.) 7addlick ?? SkCidmore. This stilt was instituted for the purpose of enforcing a parol agreement entered into between the plaintiff, a soli- ceitor in Staffordshire, and the defendant, a persoi- erpe- rionced in mining transactions, for the working of a line, called the Tindall Mine, and to obtain an account of:the. ...


... ?? -(P- -- . Wllqtmt.5.?, SUSPECTED GAROTTE idMUoR111 AT TE LBOZrL1..-COn Wed: ?? evening an imnportant Inquest of the above nature was opened ret the Grand Tark Imn, Ludgate Hill,. before Dr. B. Davles and a respectable Jury. TWo crises of suspected garrotting have taken place in the Lozells. The one under notice had termeinled fatally, and the second it Is anticipated will hove a likhe sad ...

Birmingham police

... Nirmiagilaul voliM SATURDAY, Before Mr. lfanersley and Mr. F. I. Welch. A YouNG JACK SeEroPP'AD.-A youth of seventeen, named George Clulee, described as a brassfounder, residing in Sherbourne Street, was placed at the bar charged with breaking into the house of John Blood, of Icknield Port Road. Shortly after one o'clock on the preceding day, a tradeaman named Fellows, living near to Mr. Blood ...


... LADY ELLESMERE'S JEWELS.-CONFESSION | OF ONE OF THE PRISONERS. f At the Worship Street Police Court, on Friday, thi remarkable case, which has been under investigation durinj fthe last month, was brought to a conclusion before Mr. Eyn court, the sitting Magistrate. Edward Jackson, the receiver, an oilman, in Leonard Street, Shoreditch, beinj placed at the bar for final examination, and his ...

Law Intelligence

... g. a1v ?Iltdfiqma. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, FRIDAY. (BEFORE VICE-CHANOCELLOR SIR W. P. WOOD.) Wood v. the Wai-wick Buial Board. The arguements in this were resumed and con6luded. The hill was filed to restrain an alleged nfringement of the following agreement made between the plaintiff and defen- dants: * Warwick Burial Board, October 29, 1855. Mr Edwards Wood, the proprietor of a cottage on ...

District News

... ?? pis gais. ? -. - ?t?O LAI ISTAFFORDSHlIRE WINTER ASSIZES, The special Assize will cqanmenlce at Stafford on Thinaday next, on which da~y the commission wji be, opened by Mr11aarh IThe trials of pri oners will commience on Friday morning Th calender contains the names of forty-nine prisoners, tiirgedj with the following offences: Wilful murder, 2 jinmanslaughter, S ; assault 'and robbety, 1a ...


... SUSPECTED kURDER AT THE LOZELLS. THE ADJOURNED INQUEST. Last night the enquiry into this ht;'l mysterious mamoer was resumed before Dr. Birt Davies, at the Grand Turk, Ludgate HiU. The first and most material wituess called WAS the tfe of a clogger in Oheapside, named Henry Ashworth. She said that front information given to her, by a perusal of the particulars attendant upon this matter in the ...


... REVISION OF THE LIST OF THE BIR. MINWGHA GUN TRADE. The annual court for the revision of the list of those claiming to be members of the Birmingham Gun Trade, was held in the Board Room of the Proof-House, Banbury Street, yesterday, at noon, as directed by the recently passed act. The Court consisted of the Proofmaster, (Mr. Ezra ilward;) the Chairman of the last meeting of the trade, (Mr. ...

Birmingham police

... N irmillgtaul Vfflkt. YESTERDAY. Before Mr. Kynnermlej, Mr. Middisroore, and Mr. Lucy. SUs'oCsOUS CHAnACTEssRs.-WJ1u Jones, caster, Livery Street, John M'Derm ott, gan finisher, London Prentice Street, and John Doris, brass cock filer, also of London Prentice Street, all about the age of eighteen, were placed at the bar charged with attempting to pick pockets in New Street on the afternoon ...

Birmingham Bankruptcy court

... W, Manknift(g to'lut. YESTERDAY. BEsoitE MIt. COMMIoSSIONEo .} BALeUy. ReSamvtd Badce and Samuel Ternius Baser, Birmingham, jewel- ?? bankruspte came up to receive their certificates, Sup- ported by Mr. J. Powell. Mr. J. Suckling appeared on behalf of creditors to oppose, on the ground of recicess tradling, fraudnlent misrepresentation, and improperly parting with goods. The balance sheet, he ...