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Belfast News-Letter


... PURSUANT to advertisement a iOce'tijiXt of Aiiiln-Ca- tholics, commnonlv called Protestants,'' was held in one of' the simall rooms of'the Reotimnti onl Fridayiven' ing f'or thIe piirpose, as st ated- in the 'l o, ice, of cc nsidtllr Ii g. onl the tyrannical, insulting,, and audaiciise g~~resioli of' the Roanaidcts onl the ,ibh ts and titles ofitd '. Ang'lo- Catholies, and to takle step.s ...

Published: Monday 13 June 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2127 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... MIISCHI]F IN AIITAI:'IOti. T'ilj il: i; a nefw Minld of i'letori'ial itilice of tlate i IiiiiC'li A'Iue l(Iln g [hii-l olAtols of' tile't itriamoill tinle Schoo1l. It is that IV li(:h is ulil:iit i'id I Ite louidest 5o0ul il n tile fihICe t tFrIIv, bV tilhe mo dlie'iltfli mlenalls and the ni'to iil lpliin.4 , lentinciu tiOllS ii ta i en in tIheir lite rl sense: lbtit vI^ iel aIw'.-Cll' illng ...

Published: Friday 17 June 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 782 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... T1'HE BELFAST PI'REj3Vli.Yj['I'I N[UN. -NE]IES 1311,L. Ix releir'ing to the report of tile proceelnes-;t the inllntille mcetli; f this P rebvhlt-l', which we \ ent oklsehlc(,. O ctlillot tiditl Itotiting the iaction taik ell by the body in respect to the Nullnerios Bill. In to- ISo,-ill g tO 11Ctil;Oui thC. bletSlitill'e in favimr Of t;,is niil p the P'lve ! - y v i.;vt d, llot onlv it' of t\ ...

Published: Wednesday 08 June 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1672 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

The Press

... cljc 3-lcc?5r,. CHURCH 01? ENGLAND RI\1kVN1r.t' 1A-tII T v t ist jitt.'iLoresz iiI. niit' it shialt lie ait iwol to C0ome to nlatuvrill' thle nitoq ltimpoltalift, of ath til', iicia- slte of' a tile prteseniit ~0-'-oil, 11v1 ol-lerci to thle Ii a tse at Cianinais ol Tii tILim1 Iaftei'iiion byI the Mxar'quis of' als.qiia' tie' I !tt) Ihur:lltl-Il alnt the LawI% churn'ot-was, neverdelv-LiL~ ...

Published: Friday 24 June 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1602 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... QUEEN VICTORI.t AN)D THlE SLAVE MISSION'ARY. Till. Rev. Sinunel Crowthier. at native of Yoroha, on the 'West coast of A ;Cia, hvvlign brevn ediAtitid as a mis- sionarv, in conilnexiol a ith thIe ChurCh k\issioiimrv So- cietv at Si erra Leot', wvas ordained ill 1S4.S ll He visited Eng land in IS;I, and hald an illterview oil that OCiasiOn iaith QLlen1 1'iotoilrhl, tile ch cLAlitltliCOS of which ...

Published: Monday 11 April 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 858 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... RAILWAY COMMUNICATION BET WEEN BELFAST AND DUBLIN. Wi: invite the reader's attention to that portion of the minutes of the last council meeting of our local Chamn- ber of Commerce, which refers to the subject of the quick daily through train to and from Dublin and Bel- fast. It wvill be recollected that, at the last hal?-yearly meeting of the Chamber, a resolution was adopted to the effect ...

Published: Wednesday 09 August 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 440 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... T 1-l E 13 W N O C K A CT 1.IRQlNIEUIOM rUt:hAbD:N MTil VAT.UN 1' ) M3AN. Yas-ronu,1Ar, at Cloven 'Clock, a11it nfui,i ticlfl Washd inl thle Boarclrcoen- at the illie crlih$o h Bel- fact sad coolty DOWa1 Re ii vSv, 112Ildi' tie preVisiolls of thle 1.and's, Ciauscr. Conisoflettctn Act. for thIe pot- P1 of tsiitifgtile value, of ceitain slob Land, to tile am aunt OF thitroe or fouruti Jloit' cd ...

Published: Wednesday 23 August 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2081 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE I{IBERNILAN IX3BLE SOCIETY. Tin annual meeting of the friends and supporters of the Belfast Auxiliary to the Hibernian Bible Society was held on MIonday last, at twelve o'clock, in the 'Victoria Hall, Victoria Strect. There was a pretty large attendance, and a deep interest was evinced in the proceedings. Amenn those present we observed- Richard Davison, Fsq:, MBIp.; Rev. T. F. Miller, ...

Published: Wednesday 27 September 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 6618 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... 5mprrfal l9arliantrnt. HOUSE OF LORDS-TxiUzSDAs, AUguST 10- (Supplenrtacry to Teiegraphl.) THE WAR WITH RUSSIA. The Marquis of CLANRICARDE rose, in pursuance of the notice which he had given, to make some obser- vations on the irnmortant events of the war in whicih the country was now unhappily engaged, and also to endeavour to obtain from the noble lord tho Secretary of State for Foreign ...

Published: Monday 14 August 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 8367 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... TH-TE NEW BRIBERY BILL. ONr of the few ach lerenents of the late session- the ne,. B3iibery Bill-has just received a thorough overhiauiing at the hands of the leading Ministerial *nlgan aOld one of its correspondents, whmin the Tnies dlesignates as ;' Toe i'ariiamci2ntarlv Oracle of the Re-. ferns Club. Our readers are already aware that this measure, though recounted among the Ministerial ...

Published: Friday 18 August 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1541 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TIR. JOHN REA SHOWING THE NVIRTE FEATEJ iER. IT will be recolected by our readlers that, on the very evening on which Mr. John Ru-a bad been ejected from the Assemnbly-room of the Commercial Bui!ldings, by the police, on the order of our present popular Mlayor -the occasion being the second adljoernod public meeting- in reference to the i3laclcstaff noisanco-the su-id 2\r. Rea served the ...

Published: Monday 24 July 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 215 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

The Army

... El b, (RTMK. PROMOTIONS AND EXCHANGES. WAR OFFIcE, JULY 14. 1st Foot Guards.--.'1o be Captains and Lieut.- Colonels, without purchase-Lietnt. anld Capt. R. Brad - ford; 1Loout, arid Capt. Mi. Bruce; Brevet-Cc]. F. Clinton, h~. 22nd Lighit Dragoons. To be ccpt and Lieut.-Coinel, without purchase- Brov. Lieut.-Col. T. S. Conway, C.B., from 22nd Foot. To be Lieutenants and Captains %without ...

Published: Wednesday 19 July 1854
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 184 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News