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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 9., DEATH OF' THE pR1V. I Lj.OXZ tod It is with ?? regrt weh, annou h- Re . EnryHaltcird Jones, .F;R.A .-ea o of- sholme Road Cemetery, extensively known and gh the esteemed in this city, died on Today morning, alter a ed. brief illness. On *onday afternoon, Mr. Jones ap the in his usual health, and about eight o'clockat nigl ?? antcneded With arenda, Profeas6r; owaPn, a co-memiert in Bociety, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to 5 tt~,.r ,AL' LEGiED -N,,QLEO, 8 I . VERDIMT OF AtTA WGl Af ST Y & t hie 41 oxn , oj- , ~t Fs~duaayowededa *ohokmiii e0 h#4ti~- the Bottohe rkhouse f r.abau bh ;§1'*2iiG liii U i ?? htto ib orl3teyj ~tanX *fcew£Utl ; ;I-Bolton UNni60S~~thetbiz-i ~za4Mpm] sei 't-H~a~er iutiiveUl; an'd uio ?? asiab 1 ' tot ?? x 5 irhousenaaao orloeewot ekeuW zoemo e rL in _4nS,:'iUdskiesired~thabzsibWiliX ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Maniagjes aiib aeatbo. ias 'Noan~nounteement of Atar-riage or' Deathis can e i, a *legg as ntqae by the ooawt andi aiddrm ?? iticqA nd BAZYK MNL.O the 13th mab,. at St Mary's Eplcaw Chapel, Dalkelth Park, by the Rev. W.B iebBA to Elizabeth, only daughter of the l16tc- Ir c L BRADErjgY - RPsSON. - On the 13th inst, at St. John' sCtbalL Sal'ford, by the Very Biev. Canon lienoit, Mr. William P ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1, I . ill I a I Ind I2 , s' s , aSW evening, kmr B. ?? 112ji Matter, count i~fOOREO eld in of- iae aerB~d, on~ thei~ bndyof~illiasn Murra U~Lrd's CourtOdll Road, Niho'cane by his'~a~ s h rvou vnn ne oe I*11' et S iinijO oircuinstanc. 6.Considerable tinterest. one f ilfl nurd~r an aricius ejagrte ad uonfounded, rumour eei iot6 wi rth edpottn, 'i.'h'facts, as ' MprOJeAsbecxr he orner w 'as ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No ?? ol Mtirrtages or Deat/is can be inserted, unless oshs ic l edby the trame aned address oft/e sender.] B IRT H. onl the let inst. at One Ash, lioehdalo, thre wife of John Blright, Esq. Ml.P of a daughter. MARRIED' On the 28th nit, at the Cathedral, bY tile Rev. H? H.lLWeetmore, M.A. NMr. Mallard Aetleg Brown,, of Cheoster, to Harriet, daughter' of Mir. Joseph 'Turner, of this city. Onl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... STG PAIEarriaysaE atg I of lfeet will aulhenticat-d by, th, fl5- nt oddres of, the seqder. *Netices 0 itped births Ruset brpaid for a, adcUeetments. BE ATT831111Y,-CART~E.-On ?? 31io1. Ult. at at. john~a Charehs'by' LZthe Rev hEI. Ssyere, A.B. iarls1, Mr. Dsnalolitatioreby, to Mfop FSSarah Careboth of Gortoa. laity BHnOa.-OI~VER.-On tile Itt Inat. at St John's Cbnrch, by th' lal 11ev. W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Be. glarratgo ant[ atadoi. BI - Ch [No asnouwnceneents of Marriages or Deatlhs ceo be inserted, halem Cli auethelticated by the nante and adde ess of the sender, I Du . . .. Fle MARRIED Ha On the 28th inst. at the Registrar's Offiee, Cheetham, Mr. Loi Edward Taylor to Mis3 Martha I artley, both of this city. . On the 25th inst, at the WesleyanO ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Lyo oneaucermevals of Marriages or Dceaths can be ?? eiOa' authestieeed bD the name and address of the sender. Naticai Of births must beysejdfor as advertisements.] MARRI ED. BORN T.-CrULTIARD.-On the 15th inst., at Cross C(/neoby Cihirrh, Cumberland,iby the 11ev. Mr. Dugdalo, Mr. J. Biurne6, of this city, to ElBza, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Rabort Coulthard, of Embleton. ElONPsTT. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ggnrys oature ~N osn~ov~ricnen of ,toarriaqrs~or Deaths 'car. ovnsrted,eatoss flected o'othenticafrd(y ihe rarrie and address of I/se sender. Notices ait as of Bi/rths mnstale-paidjoroa advirtisf menst.] malce M A R RIE D. is the Caoms'r17oae.-CATRcnLto-Oll ttie.27th. nit., rt St. John's Church, ion~ to by tilo Rev. NV. Hamoiiig:on, M.A., rector, Mr. John Crompton abate AD0 Mbiss Sarah ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... econdto _ar__as anb _ ,01 u ?? annosun.cemen;ts of Mtfarriae, or' Dalht c crl, be irtaertcf untfa Is 4 athenficated bY the a~rd address of tle tsender. *0eices of i 5 births must bepaid Jobr 48 adeerriiineonis.] ,y 6 ?? ?? ?? M A R RIED. .dthird; Aacnre,-TuiRNEi,-On the 24th tlt, Et Ligbfoliffe Church, vs. each, Yorkshire, by the Rev. W. Gurney, William ;. ,rge, ?? eon ty I1 isitam, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ar- BIRTH, St I On the 20th inst. at Crawshaw Hall, near Rawtenstall, Mrs. John noc 2 Brooks of a son. of 2 ar in MARRIED, fir On the 22nd inst. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. F. Parsons, ft. Mr. Robert Butterworth, of this town, to Miss Rangdale, of- Rusholme. I On the 22nd inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. C. Richson, M A. - 1 Mr. Charles William Collins, of Huime, to Mary Elizabeth, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless IS 8 Isueticated by the namne and address of the sender.] MARRIED, On the 19th inst. at Lloed-street Chapel, by the Rev. William M r M'Kerrow, D.D. Mr. John Edward Grant, stationer, of this town, to Miss Eliza Ann Wardle, of Wigan. On the 4th DeC. 1851, at the Cathedral, Bombay, by the Right VI Rev.the Bishop, LieutenantEdmund ...