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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - Matrriageo anV eat0. LNo aznnp lcenzessf of Maar1iauees or DadAhs Case Le iM.ertc,- ii~lese (s-U 2dlentiec fzed oI ftS ?? and adtdress of the sender. No firss of Rirdis ?? Ire paid for (6ads-g~er/iscnleetAts DILLOy.-C MARRIED. _Ote n. the 2nd irat., at Holy Trinity Church, Geralltoythe Bev H Lomas, Walter, eldest son of the late ! beth. As Lt, eqs, J.P, of LUac-en, county WestAmeath, to Eicz ...

Pfatrrages anb ~Dcat

... ip. (No arnnouncentents of Marriages or Deaths con he i,,serted, -,,ties authenticated by the noose and address of thr sender.) MARRI ED. BoRL~sr.-BavNtoN.-On the 23rd inst. at Liverpool, Captain Boriasee, eon of John Borlase, Fag. of BeiFaet, to sALhilda, youngest daughter of the late Daniel learsnon, Esq. rcf Liverpool. BRADBnUILY-STEEL..-Ofl the 2,3rd inst. at the Cathedral. by the R1ev. H2 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless ol auiheuticated by the name and address of the sender.] b ?? ?? . _ BE MARRIED, B On the 19th inst. at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, at London, by the Lord Bishop of Rochester, Captain Lloyd (grena- dier guards), of Astbn Hall, Salop, and of Chigwell, Essox, to Lady bl Frances Hay, third daughter of the Earl and Countess ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... augers -a - 'sirt(e 3 6 'cot~ awar. Elod. L'-Ot t55cstnA 5fMr,-iaesee-r Deaths ean 4ra insererd, toaleessa to r'aeesd autheticaltrodbi, the naem,-a aaddrbhess of the sender.) ch, loza. T o ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? - 4kr-~e ?? the 5th1Ut, at the Parish Church, ret 3aes9b -Eccles, by the iley. HBugh Aehworth Sftwell, M.A. ecarate of iv- Mt Laddenihemi,9tit, 1,1jah,t~hird son ?? lkn Arnmituge, Ito, or.e ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- au/a enialcl ?by the name and addressof the oe m. a rn ' ' ' i. . , l B ~IHTH, L Ontbe 31est llt.'the wife of William Stsley, Esai of Sale momr Lt Cheshire, of a daughtar.-: : d. t t MARRIED, of Onto 31st nit. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. R. Remington of ofA Mr. Johe Barnes, of this town, to Mrs. Miah Blsckburn of of Bolton-le-Moors. g, On the 30th nlt. at tho Cathedral, by the Rev. R. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'olI Noaenornuuncemnec ?? ci' Deatlis can b ~sre nes 1 ~ye 2 authentica4ed by t~te namie 'and address of tit eee. 1 A 5n 4 MARRIED, tO tel o On the 26th inet, at thle Cathedral, by the Rev. RI. Remington, '25 ma.- M A. lr. Heafry Hopper to Moary Ann 'Aomack, both of Home, Off On he 5thast attheCathedral, by the Rlev. R. Remington, 61 led. M.A. AMr. Joeeph Priestlay. of Tewkesbury, eon or the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... faardiayes anb Deatb. bi~hU z Lts eb a t c slane d addnres et th sgaer. NVotsr s, V1has,_M 0.rb tadrtl BA-D - ?? n~~ rleadoe*- tbhT| ina if bta~~yb BeRo.-H ?? th t Mary's 'Church, by the R. cy. Bad eand to Mine Mafr Hudson, both of BATHSne.-ATNRVON.-On the (th inst. at Bugely.b the Right Rev. the Bishop of Lihofeld, assisted by the Rev. JE. w son, brother of the bride, the Rev. Henry Franc. s ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0werl00-a v a ctj. very [No annolncernent of Marriages 0 Dor Detshs ihlea ?? yt ?? th 8de ethe Xotkae of Bi;thrs 7nuict be pakfo aenoe .let and ARRIED. inRe. B aRt-SUTCLIFF5,.-.Oa the let jurst, at the Weslcy,, C DoejrMr. Thbomas ltarber, booce and shoe iuaker,~ip1 ,rthe MW61m ?? i~wsi. l ry R1ev. J Insus as~inrtrd by~ flth Rev. H. 5. Ie~ -tbr'fy ihia r. son of thle late Rer frlb ,esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CNo ananotcerrenrts of Marriages or Deaets con beinsertrdl Unleos aluthenticated! by tlhe name and address of the sender.] BMARRIED, On tho 2:3rd inst. at tire Cathedral, by the Rev. Rt. flemington M.A. Mr. John Pottor to Catherine Mary Joseph, daughter of the late Mr. Johso M'Claskoy, all of Helmse. Otthi 22nd ijst, at the Cathedral, by the Rev. R. Remington, C MA,. Ml. Joseph Sherwin, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announacementsi of farriages or Deaths can be ?? az,sges authenticated by Eke namne and address of thte sender.] MARRIED. On the 15th 5nst. at St. Mark's Church, Cheethamn Hill, by the ItVe.Burlt Itihbeletone, Mr. William Bal, of Nottingham, to Lydia, e second daughter of the late Richard Peart Shiters, of this town. On the 13th inet, at the Cathedrair-by the Rev. Rt. ttemingtona MA. 4r. ...

to ENo annourcetenlt

... s of Ararriages or Deaths can be inserted unless b - aiillenticated by the vaeie arid address ofthe sender.] ry. MARRIED, On the 15th inst. at the Parish Church, Radcliffe, Mr. John Eastwood Brierley, of Cbapelfield, to Ellen, third daughter of William Walker, Esq. of Radcliffe. On the 20th inst. at Aehbourne, by the Rev, J. R. Errington, 11e vicar, Charles Joseph Bullock, Esq. MLD. only eon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements o .IMarriayjes or Deaths can be inserted unless authenticated Vy the nante and address of the sender.] MARRIED.~ On the 20th inst. ait St. Saviour's 'Church, by the R1ev. E. Birch, Mr. Robert Maxwell, of Liverpool, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Burnet, of Lythaem. On the I Rh inst at16ultn In dependent Chapel, by the Rtev. A. E. Pearce, Mr. Edward Faulknar ...