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Bristol Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CIRCULATION , THE BRISTOL MERCURY, As shown by.the OErecA. LItETutNSappendedtotthe Report ot the Parliamnefltary-i4ommittee oa ?? Stamps, amounted, .dAuring MRie Yearli50; to TWO'lHUNDRMD AND SIXTY.SEVEN THOUSAND, Giving a Weekly Averagh of upwvards of 6100. The following Figures, as given in the Returns, ehow the relative positions of the Me-cury and Xli-ror:- BRISTOL lERCURY ?? 267,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... So GeninTCst HUt SCOTCH OATMEAL. 14 and 15, CHRISTMAS. STREEr,. BRISTOL. 1843 F URNITURE! FURNITURE!! FParties about to dispose of their Furniture will be ljberaliy dealt with, and paid in READY CASHO (which will ^v0tem hOO trouble and expense of Sale by A~uction), by JAMES FAUJN. FURN][rUlRE.BROKERE, 8, MERPCHANiT- SPtE:ES', Bristol. N.B. A large Stock of SECOND-HAD FURNITURE of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .N FIRE INSURANCE Th Drectors of this Offce havethe satisfaction of announcing to bthe hisurerasthata areturno the Premiusn o ain Idletween moiheotinay J845 and in ?? Ilidilrs avg ielts dtOeared, suic return will payas towhen sevrl ldes0 Po ?? ef th~e respective or orays then Aeah wolcies become renewable, either at tule Headl-Office, AN i Whom parties N have Insured. Thi per eceltilg~e will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK. FIVE PER CENT. onr Sums for fixed periods, or at seyen days' notice, or Three per Cent, at CALL. GI.H. LAW, Managers Olices-0. CANXON-STREET WEST. ?? [477 - JONEY.-From £1000. to £20,000 ready to be, advanced (at from £4 to £5 per Cent., according to the naturC thereof) on security of Freehold, Leasehold, and CepYhold Lands, Reversions. Life Interests, or other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE ARTS. E ESSItS. FARGUS will Sell byAUCTION, I/L at tbe Large R000, No. 8, UNION-ST4EET, on TUESDAY Next, February 12th (to 6sae time and expense of Private Sale), The most extensive and valuable Collectlon of High-Class PROOF ENGRAVINGS, Framed In Gold, of superior finish and fashion, ever offered in Bri tol,; being ypoitively the last Consignment from Messrs. Greaves and Co., of London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BPGI ST OL A TIIHE N id ,I. B OB THURSDAY NEXT, November 19, a LC'T BE will be delivered by ALFRED BUCK, Esq.,ofStroud. Su ct, o THE CLOWNS OF SHAKSPERE. Bi Doors open at Ialf-past Seven. fre Admission, 6d.; Tribunes, Is.; Members, Half-price. NOTICE.-The CLIFTON 41 @! Scres Steamer WILL NOT in future call t DATMOUH, o her passage from z il BBISTO toLONDON.P 18th Nov., 2807. J140. EDWARDS & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alto bp auction_ TO ENGINEERS, MILL WRIGHTS, & OTHERS. /R. J A M ES GIBBS will SELL . At . by AUCTION, in ties Month of September, The SToCK.IN.TRADE, TOOLS, and other Effects of Mr. John Ccx, Engineer, Great Gardens. Particulars will appear in next week's papers. 26, Small-street, Bristol.,- TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, & OTHERS. 1111R. JAMES GIBBS will SIELL by MY.L AUCTION, In the M onth of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? wrat, on, san r a & NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS. .1 q The undersigned despatob First class Ships from e LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK, B Weekly, by the WASHINGTON and BLUE BALL a LINES OF PACKETS. To PHILADELPHIA, on the Ist of every Month, by the BLACK DIAMOND LINE OF PACKETS, TO NEW r ORLEANS, Weekly during the Season. And to ST'. JOHN, N.B., on the Sth and 20th of each Month, G( bj the ST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRISTOL AND CLIFTON. t 1ESSRS. FARGUS will SellbyAIIC TION, M1 at the COMMFRCIAL.ROOMUS, Irietol, on WEDNES DAY, the 28tl Mlay, 1805, at Two o'lock in the Afternoon precise~lY sulbect to such Conditions as will be then produced, ' Thefollowing esetenive FREEHOLD PROPERTY, KiNOWVN AS TLE BUSH STABLES; And also a VILLA, at CLIFTON. Lot 1. All those large FREEHOLD PREMISES, known as 'i 1 Bush; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ilUitfOn. /,ISS GEORGE'S SCHOLASTIC M. - ESTABLISHMENT for YOUNG LADIES will be REOPENED On MONDAY, 27th July. 19, PARK-STRE ET, Bristol, 10th July,lB57. (C LEVEDON, SOMERSETZ i.) Mrs. W. BARTRAM begs to announce that ber hemablishment for Young Gentlemen at Laurel Hank, $eedon, will REOPEN on MONDAY, the 20th July instant. iSTABLISHMENT FoR YOUNG LADIES, |1 A r, sobIUll-TERRACII. WESTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ilublitatto'n 1 R OBERT COMPTON, BOOKSELLER R and STATIONER. 16. CLARE STREET. Briltol, b as' . been appointed AGENT for the SALE of the Works Published by Mr. CORNISiH. a JAMES CORNISH respectfully announces Jn e J thei a his Publicationo are Sold b o all Booksellers in Briitol, but - in case of any difflculty in obtaining thew, a remittance by P. 0. Order or Stamps will insure their return ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LECROPLATE, REDCD El' . POTT El. WATCIIMATCE1, JEIIFELER, ,S5-, N9 M - OTt l:I-T lCIO'SIToE TclErt s~Xllac). Rewespclttl :)VtIl Se tube attetitili of tills Public tot h tilI, ttif)llO See 1RE0UCE0 Pltiicls ElocIru-'Silver i 0,27s. bit. tier flozel; rtesaiert dillo, ItS. 6d Folkos, Sls., liII pI ?? Deert dlIttO, 216. fid. Dozens. C:ruet-Fratues, Ills, sand opseords. 55C Togethter ...