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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... FANCY BAZAAR. CA A SALE of L A D IE S' WA O R K, will be heold in the A CITY hIALL, laisgowN, on Tutsiit.i) uad WEDNEtSDAY, the 28th and 29th Djecember, to raise Funds for the Erection of a PRESBYTERIAN CHUIRCH at GIBIRALTARI. A considerable Assortmnent of Spanish and Mloorish curiosities is to be sent mime for Sale, and it is hiope~d that by thle iiiduitry JL' and liberality of friends of tbc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? C TTON WORKS FOR SALE. Ui,6ln' 1'ici:, £C22,500. 'l's be~ Coli, 1'Y Public AucKtsion, within the Exchiange. Salle ? ?? at 0; lasgow, onl Thunrsday the 24Ith JuLne. next, at 2 rrlE orroN, SPINNING and WEAVING ESTAII- Tj I. S JIIM E N 'T fit St anl~eV, near Ile rthI, toget her wvithI theIC ~~ [N MILL, ~VI LLAM ,; andl MANSION hOUSE of cii I ,with LANDS tud F ISHIINiS attaiched. 1,i p (',.tton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [l 11 Is iun Oil] --A ' I' oil II gilq irto F~i tite- ?? 'il, Iit 'Ii Nillil' ICalie~ Royt l'e -I'l 11 ?? -till': ?? ItA r ltit' Fily.I c~lie 'll] hil ii TId ieticd -lithio litiI uimd I' city IVlIK TO SELL Olt Ii:T'. IC ' t I N 1 UN It EC 1) SQUARE, YARDS of 1 lit S i Milton treet, wvith ?? thiereoll. , . i-on, 10 Cionimerev Street. ?? TO~1, liw som1] , ?? LiCI,Trs 1-1ii i SLF.( i PAIN CDLO T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'RO0PERTY IN ST. ANI)RLW SQUARE FORl SALE. rylBESE TWVO TENEMENTS, No. 42 anid 44 St. Andrlew I Square, ait present lin the highest ste ofrpi, n e to reseltctableO tenanuts. Renltal, £190. IN( Fol- DutY. Ior patlrapl oM.Jnc olowic, Writer, 60 Mil- ler Street. PIPtflERTY FOR SALE. S lJEVEAL TENEDIIPNTlS or DWVELLING HOUSES ?? ooms and K itchle, situated inl anl improving locallity. TIhey ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORSAL, B PRVAT BARGAIN, r l i~~LF.CONTAINlN ) ?? No. 25 Blythswood Jf square, it' fidll described inl formiier Advertisemen~ts. AlpP1y to Aldoitgitncrrte & Fleming, Mille11r Street. - iousE rnPROPETY FOR SALE. Cl 1EVltAI 'I'ENE,1MENTIS susbtantiallY built itod occupied S,/r ?? anid 'lradlsinei's lheel ing Houses. TIhe prices ,,illt afford a returnl of from 15 to It.) icr Geitl. oin the outlay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SESSION 1854. 1XETER IALL FAMILYIIOTEL, 375 Straiml,Lond~on, R ?? l covniently situated for Gientlenmen attending Parliamentary inquiries, Rlailway Committees, Courts of - Law, &c., and in close proximity to thle Theatr-es and most of the objects of interest. Bekatl. d,2;Dnr,2.Sop, I Fish, or Confectioncry, Gd. extra. lied Itooins, 2s. ;Dralwing Rtooms, 3s. Gd., .5s. ; Attendance, 1s. ; a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRAPERY STOCK FOR SALE, BY AUCTION, : I one Lot,. Upset Price £200. To be Soid in the Auction Rooms of P. Burn & Co., 9 Ex- change Place, on Wednesday thle 12th April, at Twvelve o'clock Noon, TrHE vwhole STOCK of DRAPERY GOODS, belonging 11O tothe Sequestrated Estate of John MI Donnlell, Draper, Baillieston, amounting per Inventory to £286.. Inventories of the Stock may be seen on application ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'IlE POLL0 WVINVG AD VERl TSEMIENTS 1?EA CHIP?) US TOO LAT SFORL INSERTION iAN OU1W FIRST :I EiDITIlON:- FUJND, on the 2d instant, a sulall LIUWT BIEU W N S F TERRIIER BITCH. The (wniel' may iave it by prov- ing Property and paying Expenscs, by applying to Malcolm MA hmp, ll 3131-idgo Street. If iot Clhimned ,vitiin 8 days vili I be Sold to defray E xpenses. j4 OIIN ,1 at Clarkston Toll a JEl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARIQUI COUNTK1;SM OU DU RAM. 'ills Ivs si5l ittivertisodi for Public Stile onl thle ahl iiit., I rt hbcen MOLD by PIVIIATE BIARGAI N, £~20 REWVARD. - H1EIREA , cS u theic Nig~ht of ?? 4ho ealtyI ooI WI Morninig, the( 25thI 'olrt., sonile evil dis-! posed 1'orssii 0r I 'r0101 s didi wilftlily 011(1 lonieieiisly Sct Pi i' to tIle( mk F.'ioMtclihing of Iligglicadl, onl th~~ Vstatu ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANN, SIMPSON & BYARS, as requested, have to acknowledge receipt of 21s., as conscience money, from a party unkoown. L0ST, on Sabbath Morning, 26th March, between Spring- field Ferry and West Bath Street, a GOLD RING, with TWO GOLD SEALS and a GOLD KEY attached. Whoever returns the amine to Mr. Robert ChIystal, Grocer, 1 Charing Cross, will be Rewarded. STOLEN, from 94 Montrose Street, a few ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO N\,xTr oF KI-,, L Legal I, uoetaioe A I,, AC ( SrUEN, luhr T of IWIIEoRT (ISIlo I.-, Ala infaciturer, mid 11.)IAIY FES,o E, 11is ' Allife, boro at Glasgow Soilp. 27, 1773 The qit'l Mary hoburn was married, firstly, toJoaSword, anid, seconilly, to t 13 eneral Cambtrolloe. I'he Nce fK s1'11.'elt apply imniodiately to MIo~ Orlivnid Ilosviier, Chvv. dt lia Leio.010 d' honcur, .27 11u0 S. Croix ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . MR, NISBET, w1o got deaveory of another Party's A Gold NWatch in place of hki ownI fron C. It. Brown & ar Ure's SalelC1om,01nSatuydayth 12thaiust.,h55v not yet returned pi the same, lhe is herebs )'ail t lcqlested to do so immnediately, in order tos efrtiher trouble. Bleiigpers-onahllykniown, thoughI sa his o ddress is nob, every effort will be made to obtain restitution s of tise ?? ...